Senior Fullstack and Data developer
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- 24.02.2024
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
8/2023 – 3/2024
Technologies: R, R-Shiny, Docker, ShinyProxy, R-tidyverse, ReactJS, GitlabCI
FunctionHR is a company that specializes in the development of a self-service HR platform. The
platform is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for HR processes and utilizes
technologies such as R-Shiny, React, HTML, Javascript and ReactJS. Within this framework, a
comprehensive HR dashboard was implemented that presents key HR performance indicators.
As a full-stack developer, I provide support in all areas of platform development. The self-service
tool allows the creation of surveys. The HR dashboard contains key metrics to assess
organizational health and performance, including:
Employee satisfaction: measuring employee satisfaction through surveys and feedback
Turnover rate: Monitoring the rate of employee turnover within the organization.
Recruitment efficiency: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the recruitment process
R (Programmiersprache), Continuous Delivery, Docker, Git, React (JavaScript library)
6/2020 – 5/2023
Keepoala is the first app that tries to avoid returns in two ways. Customers who avoid returns
are rewarded via a loyalty program. A returns portal is used to ask customers why they have
returned items. These insights are merged with various data connections of the online stores
in one system. On a dashboard, the store can then see why returns occur and can use a wide
range of adjustments to avoid this.
Technically, Keepoala consists of 16 pieces of software, including an iOS and an Android
app, several WebApps in ReactJS that run in AWS ECS and AWS EC2 systems, R-Shiny apps
for data analysis and NodeJS backends for connecting various logistics companies.
B2B customers include happybrush, VRESH, steinehelden.de and others.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Google Cloud, Node.Js, React (JavaScript library), React Native
6/2020 – 8/2020
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBeratung zum Aufbau einer Reporting Plattform für klinische Studien und Pharmakologische Forschung
Eingesetzte QualifikationenR (Programmiersprache), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Architekturinformatik
1/2020 – 2/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungEntwicklung einer R Shiny Applikation und diverser R Pakete zur Visualisierung von Messdaten aus einer Mongo DB
Eingesetzte QualifikationenR (Programmiersprache), Mongodb, Continuous Delivery, Docker
4/2019 – 2/2020
TätigkeitsbeschreibungEntwicklung einer R Shiny Plattform zur validierten, getesteten Visualisierung von Ergebnissen klinischer Studien zur Einreichung bei FDA
Eingesetzte QualifikationenR (Programmiersprache), Docker, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), JavaScript
Über mich
- more than 20 years of web development experience
- React / React native / HTML /CSS /LESS Frontend expert
- Node / Docker / Google cloud functions / AWS ECS ECR backend expert
- languages R / Python / TS / JS / SHELL / SQL
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Gut)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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