JEE/Java-Software-Architekt, -Entwickler, -Berater, Agiler Coach
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Beratung und Coaching von Teams bei der Anwendung agiler Softwareentwicklungspraktiken (Scrum Master)
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
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8/2007 – offen
Project: Data Management Application
Development of a GUI-framework based on Eclipse Rich Client Platform
Object Oriented Analysis of customer domain
Consultation on adopting an agile development process
eclipse rcp, osgi, swt, design, analysis, architecture, consulting
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12/2006 – 9/2007
Concept: Process of Software Maintenance
Evaluation and development of a concept for a process for maintenance of business applications covering the following aspects:
Categorization of productive applications
Technical migration of applications
Reuse of software components
Release management
consulting, conception
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10/2006 – 9/2007
Consulting: Software Architecture
Coaching of Application Developer
Consultation regarding concerns of Software Architecture
coaching, consulting
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8/2005 – 9/2007
Project: Concept for a lightweight Java Architecture
Concept for a lightweigt Java application architecture with the aim of high performance application development:
Conception of architecture components and structure, use of (open source) frameworks
Definition of a lightweight development approach/process
Creation of a reference implementation incl. documentation
Coaching of application developers by implementing a prototype application based on the defined architecture and process
concept, architecture, coaching, java, jee
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10/2004 – 9/2007
Project: Internet Portal Framework
Concept, design, development and refactoring of framework components (admin access via JMX, cluster synchronization, etc.)
Optimizing and supporting the application development process based on the framework
Conception of accessibility (barrier-free), framework architecture and Unit-Testing
concept, design, development, java, jee
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7/2004 – 9/2004
Project: Intranet application Integrated Health Care
Design of application architecture
Review of software artifacts (QA)
Coaching of application developers
Development of build and deployment process
design, review, coaching, build process, java, jee
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8/2003 – 4/2004
Project: Intranet application Medical Devices, second stage
Design of application architecture
Review of software artifacts (QA)
Coaching of application developers
software design, software architecture, review, coaching, java, j22
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1/2001 – 9/2003
Project: Intranet application Medical Devices, first stage
Coaching of project management concerning iterative incremental software development
Consultation on the following topics
Software framework components (persistence, locking, security, etc)
Further development of a model driven approach
Design of cluster server infrastructure
Coaching of application developers
Development of build and deployment process
consulting, coaching, analysis, software architecture, software development, java, jee
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9/2000 – 1/2001
Project: Prototype JEE
Consultation on a prototype project based on JEE technologies
Coaching of application developers
consulting, coaching, java, jee
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12/1999 – 10/2000
Project: E-Business-Architecture
Conception, Design and Implementation of a software framework based on J2EE
Coordination of overall framework development
Evaluation and selection of application server (J2EE container)
Conception of connectivity to a CORBA system
Review of application architecure (model driven approach)
architecture development. conception, java, jee
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8/1999 – 5/2001
Responsible for System Development Department (15 employees) in a medium-sized consulting company (50 employees)
Personnel management
Development of qualification strategies for consultants
Developoment, implementation and monitoring of business plans
Creation of offers incl. conception and calculation
Customer discussions and workshops during project acquisition
Senior software architect with emphasis on J2EE
management, software architecture
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9/1998 – 6/1999
Project: Contract Processing Application
Development of business application components in Smalltalk
Concept and implementation of base architecture components
development, architecture
Über mich
Beratung und Coaching von Teams bei der Anwendung agiler Softwareentwicklungspraktiken (Zertifizierter Scrum Master).
Seit mehr als 10 Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Bereichen der Softwareentwicklung in Projekten mit unterschiedlicher Größenordnung om mistakes and putting people first are the most critical factors for success of any organization.
Weitere Kenntnisse
- Softwarearchitektur
- Technische Projektleitung
- Coaching/Beratung
- Agile Vorgehensweisen/Scrum
- Java/JEE
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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