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Certified Scrum Master & SAFe Scrum Master

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  • 1020 Wien
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  • 05.03.2025


Ich bin vorrangig IT Projektmanager / Scrum Master und das vor allem für Unternehmen aus dem Automotive, Telekommunikations- oder Banken-Bereich.

Mit einem BWL-Background kann ich bei Projekten auch die "Business-Sprache" sprechen.

Auszug Referenzen (4)

"Herr G. verfügt über hervorragende Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen: Projekt Management, Kommunikation und Kundenbetreuung auf PM Ebene."
Project Manager
Tobias Petz

10/2022 – 2/2023


- Budget and progress control: Successful monitoring and control of budgets and regular progress analysis to ensure projects remain on budget and on schedule.
- Creating project plans: Developing detailed and goal-oriented project plans that act as a roadmap and support the team to deliver on time.
- Stakeholder Management & Communication: Professionally communicate and proactively manage stakeholders and customers to meet their expectations and strengthen relationships.
- Organizing a skilled workforce: Strategically recruiting and organizing a highly skilled team that can efficiently and effectively achieve project goals.
- Interface between clients and development teams: Effective coordination between client needs and the technical requirements of the development team to ensure smooth communication and successful project outcomes.
- Risk and issue management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement (IT), Requirement Analyse, Stakeholder-Analyse

"C. G. hat als Project Manager ESG super performed und sehr viel umgesetzt."
ESG Project Manager (Festanstellung)
Richard Palmetzhofer

9/2021 – 8/2022


- Leading the ESG stream within the B2B department (~15 Stream members): Setting up a communication strategy, Improving the portfolio regarding ESG-related impacts
- Co-Leading the corporate-wide ESG transformation team in A1 AT
- Analysis of the CO2e footprint of products
- Clarifying the legal framework for the project: Ensuring compliance with all relevant legal requirements through thorough analysis and clarification of the legal framework to minimize risks and maintain project integrity
- Defining the scope and methods together with subject matter experts: Working with subject matter experts to precisely define the project scope and appropriate methods to achieve optimal results.
- Coordinate and define company-wide ESG KPIs: Develop and implement division-wide KPIs to support the corporate strategy.
- Reporting on progress and budget to C-level: Regular and transparent communication of project progress and budget to C-level management.
- Raising colleagues' awareness of the issue and the urgency to act: Promote awareness among colleagues of the importance and urgency of projects that are considered “work on top” to motivate proactive action.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Model, Innovationsmanagement, Projektmanagement, Scrum, Strategisches Management

"C. G. hat sich als Scrum Master und Innovation Lead bei A1 super eingebracht und viele Themen umgesetzt."
Scrum Master & Innovation Lead (Festanstellung)
Richard Palmetzhofer

9/2019 – 8/2021


- Coaching an agile team “from scratch”: Successfully developing and supporting an agile team from scratch to create a dynamic and adaptable working environment
- Introducing agile processes: Implementing agile methods to optimize workflows, increasing the team's efficiency and flexibility
- Facilitation of Scrum ceremonies: Facilitating scrum meetings to encourage team dynamics and maximize productivity during development cycles
- Creating a timeline for development and launch of innovation projects: Develop and monitor accurate timelines to ensure innovation projects are completed on time and on budget
- Identify and pursue various innovation projects using design thinking and rapid prototyping: Apply design thinking and rapid prototyping to identify and implement innovation opportunities that meet user needs
- Promotion of transparency and communication flow with suppliers through the introduction of joint task boards
- Leading several innovation projects within the finance and telco sector
- Leading the product development project for a new crypto payment service (3 suppliers, Internal core team of 4 team members)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Design Thinking, Scrum, Scrum-Master

"Super strukturiert, zuverlässig und engagiert - extrem angenehme Zusammenarbeit."
Sales Strategist / Innovation Manager (Festanstellung)
Philip Kastel

9/2016 – 10/2017


• Product owner of the development of a strategic database for tracking the regional sales strategies
• Requirement engineering
• Supporting the development of regional sales strategies based on the HQ strategy
• Organizing and hosting strategy & innovation workshops
• Creating presentations for the top management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Innovationsmanagement, Product Owner, Projektmanagement


  • Automobilhandel3 J.
  • Change Management1 J.
  • Innovationsmanagement2 J.
  • Organisationsentwicklung1 J.
  • Projektmanagement (IT)
  • Release-Management
  • Scrum4 J.
  • Strategisches Management1 J.
  • Team Building
  • Workflows1 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Scrum Master
KTM AG, Remote
3/2023 – 11/2024 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)

3/2023 – 11/2024


- ART Support: Strategic support of the Agile Release Train in rollout and project planning to maximize project results
- Organization and moderation of PI Plannings: Planning and execution of PI Plannings with over 100 participants, both on-site and remotely
- Promoting self-management: supporting team members in developing self-management skills to increase personal responsibility
- Setting up learning journeys: developing and introducing learning journeys to promote the further development of team members and reduce knowledge bottlenecks
- Further development of teams, e.g. stabilizing a team that was to be disbanded and became one of the best-performing teams in the project
- Introduction of agile processes: Successful implementation of agile methods, both within and across teams, to increase efficiency and flexibility
- Coordination of collaboration: Effective coordination of cross-team projects and management of dependencies to ensure a smooth process
- Remote leadership of international teams: Leading and motivating internationally distributed teams to achieve common goals and promote positive team dynamics

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Change Management, Organisationsentwicklung, Scrum, Scrum-Master, Workflows

Project Manager
Continental AG, Remote
10/2022 – 2/2023 (5 Monate)

10/2022 – 2/2023


- Budget and progress control: Successful monitoring and control of budgets and regular progress analysis to ensure projects remain on budget and on schedule.
- Creating project plans: Developing detailed and goal-oriented project plans that act as a roadmap and support the team to deliver on time.
- Stakeholder Management & Communication: Professionally communicate and proactively manage stakeholders and customers to meet their expectations and strengthen relationships.
- Organizing a skilled workforce: Strategically recruiting and organizing a highly skilled team that can efficiently and effectively achieve project goals.
- Interface between clients and development teams: Effective coordination between client needs and the technical requirements of the development team to ensure smooth communication and successful project outcomes.
- Risk and issue management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement (IT), Requirement Analyse, Stakeholder-Analyse

ESG Project Manager (Festanstellung)
A1 Telekom Austria AG, Wien
9/2021 – 8/2022 (1 Jahr)

9/2021 – 8/2022


- Leading the ESG stream within the B2B department (~15 Stream members): Setting up a communication strategy, Improving the portfolio regarding ESG-related impacts
- Co-Leading the corporate-wide ESG transformation team in A1 AT
- Analysis of the CO2e footprint of products
- Clarifying the legal framework for the project: Ensuring compliance with all relevant legal requirements through thorough analysis and clarification of the legal framework to minimize risks and maintain project integrity
- Defining the scope and methods together with subject matter experts: Working with subject matter experts to precisely define the project scope and appropriate methods to achieve optimal results.
- Coordinate and define company-wide ESG KPIs: Develop and implement division-wide KPIs to support the corporate strategy.
- Reporting on progress and budget to C-level: Regular and transparent communication of project progress and budget to C-level management.
- Raising colleagues' awareness of the issue and the urgency to act: Promote awareness among colleagues of the importance and urgency of projects that are considered “work on top” to motivate proactive action.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Model, Innovationsmanagement, Projektmanagement, Scrum, Strategisches Management

Scrum Master & Innovation Lead (Festanstellung)
A1 Telekom Austria AG, Wien
9/2019 – 8/2021 (2 Jahre)

9/2019 – 8/2021


- Coaching an agile team “from scratch”: Successfully developing and supporting an agile team from scratch to create a dynamic and adaptable working environment
- Introducing agile processes: Implementing agile methods to optimize workflows, increasing the team's efficiency and flexibility
- Facilitation of Scrum ceremonies: Facilitating scrum meetings to encourage team dynamics and maximize productivity during development cycles
- Creating a timeline for development and launch of innovation projects: Develop and monitor accurate timelines to ensure innovation projects are completed on time and on budget
- Identify and pursue various innovation projects using design thinking and rapid prototyping: Apply design thinking and rapid prototyping to identify and implement innovation opportunities that meet user needs
- Promotion of transparency and communication flow with suppliers through the introduction of joint task boards
- Leading several innovation projects within the finance and telco sector
- Leading the product development project for a new crypto payment service (3 suppliers, Internal core team of 4 team members)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Design Thinking, Scrum, Scrum-Master

Sales Strategist / Innovation Manager (Festanstellung)
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart
9/2016 – 10/2017 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)

9/2016 – 10/2017


• Product owner of the development of a strategic database for tracking the regional sales strategies
• Requirement engineering
• Supporting the development of regional sales strategies based on the HQ strategy
• Organizing and hosting strategy & innovation workshops
• Creating presentations for the top management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Innovationsmanagement, Product Owner, Projektmanagement

Projektmanager (Festanstellung)
ahg Autohandelsgesellschaft mbH, Horb
8/2012 – 12/2015 (3 Jahre, 5 Monate)

8/2012 – 12/2015


Project manager in the sales management department of "BMW/MINI new vehicles".
• Benchmarking and revamping the test driving process
• Organization of and support during the BMW M Drive Tour
• Rough planning of the sales targets 2016

Run through all central departments (sales, aftersales, HR, processes & organization, accounting, controlling) within the corporate group, e.g.:
• Aftersales: supporting the e-commerce department
• HR: concepting of a promotion pool

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Automobilhandel, Projektmanagement


Certified SAFe Scrum Master
Certified Scrum Master


Master of Science
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
BWL-Handel mit Vertiefung Automobilhandel
Bachelor of Arts
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim

Über mich

Hi, ich bin C.. Ich bin empathisch, prinzipientreu und helfe gerne Teams und Organisationen. Ich bin bekannt dafür, dass ich schnell zum Punkt komme, immer auf eine bodenständige Art und Weise.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Projektmanagement, Agile Master, Stakeholder-Management, Innovationsmanagement, MS Office, Powerpoint, Excel, Jira, Confluence, Azure DevOps, Deutsch und Englisch, ....

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Spanisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
12 Jahre und 7 Monate (seit 08/2012)
6 Jahre


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