Interim Talent Partner | Freelance Recruiting & HR | Systemic Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Organizational Consultant
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 2 Referenzen
- 100‐120€/Stunde
- 12047 Berlin
- Weltweit
- de | tr | en
- 12.12.2024
Meine Mission: Potenziale erkennen. Wirksamkeit schaffen. Wachstum fördern.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
7/2023 – 11/2023
TätigkeitsbeschreibungRecruiting the following positions: Sr. Product Designer, Sr. Data Analyst CRM
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruitment Beratung, Recruiting, Talentmanagement
5/2023 – 7/2023
Consulting / Sparring on Talent Attraction, Development & Retention topics
+ Operative Support
Recruitment Beratung, Talentmanagement
3/2023 – offen
Identifying organizational potential and implementing various strategies to connect the best talent with nexoya and nurture their growth.
Positions: Sr. Customer Success Manager, Customer Success Manager, Head of Performance Marketing, Business Development Manager
Recruitment Beratung, Recruiting
5/2022 – 12/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungFacilitated 3 x introductory workshops in nonviolent communication for an improvement of the feedback culture
Eingesetzte QualifikationenTraining - Gesprächsverhalten, Training - Zuhören
1/2022 – 3/2023
- Developed and implemented business development strategies as part of the senior management team
- Managed and built the People & Organisation department
- Was responsible for the company's organisational development, operations, recruiting, employer branding, people & leadership development and employee experience
- Lead the people team and a team of recruiters (8 FTEs)
Konfliktmanagement, Krisenmanagement, Organisationsentwicklung, Personalentwicklung, Personalentwicklung - Durchführungsplanung, Personalführung, Personalplanung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Strategische Unternehmensplanung
10/2021 – 12/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: VP Recruiting, TL Global Recruiting, Sr. Recruiter, Sr. People Partner, People Operations Manager
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
8/2021 – 1/2022
- Lead a team of recruiters (7 FTEs)
- Managed 360-degree recruiting consulting and end-to-end recruiting projects
- Ensured quality and knowledge transfer in recruiting consulting and design recruitment (processes, trainings and workshops)
- Developed and implemented strategies for employee retention and development as well as organisational operating models
Recruitment Beratung, Projektmanagement, Talentmanagement
8/2021 – 12/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: Workshop & Lab Moderator / Facilitator (Senior Manager and Manager)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
8/2021 – 10/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: Copywriter, UX/UI Designer
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
4/2021 – 6/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: Account Manager, Sales Manager
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
1/2021 – 4/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: Team Lead Account Management (Large Customers), TL Sales (SMB) & TL Prospecting (SMB)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
12/2020 – 1/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: Digital Concepter, UX/UI Designer, Technical Project Manager
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
7/2020 – 1/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungPositions: Scrum Master, Product Manager, Sr. UX/UI Designer, Android Developer, Sr. iOS Developer, Sr. Backend Engineer, Software Engineer
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRecruiting
3/2020 – 8/2021
- Consulted partners on Talent acquisition, Employer branding & HR
- Lead a team of recruiters (6FTEs)
- Managed 360-degree recruiting consulting and end-to-end recruiting projects
- Improved the company processes in recruiting and project management
- Facilitated workshops and trainings in interviewing, recruiting and project management
Recruitment Beratung, Personalführung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Talentmanagement
7/2018 – 3/2020
- Collaborated with department managers to compile a consistent list of requirements
- Setup recruiting (pipeline, requirement profiles, interview guidelines, revision of job advertisements)
- Researched and conducted interviews for positions in UX/UI, Product, People & Culture and Program Management
- Defined and implemented new recruiting strategies (e.g. recruiting speed-dating, collaboration with university)
Product Management
- Delivered digital products and services end-to-end
- Consulted stakeholders on digital products and services, their strategies, business models and timings
- Continuously documented projects (e.g., status reports, presentations)
- Prepared, coordinated and executed workshops and meetings
Projektmanagement, Recruiting
7/2017 – 3/2018
- Optimized workflows and processes for effective collaboration
- Planned, coordinated and implemented content- and marketing strategies
- Worked together with development, marketing and design teams for delivery on time
- Managed content and wrote copy for website and marketing campaigns
Über mich
Talent / People Partner
Head of Talent / People
Team Lead
Business Coach
Workshop Facilitator
Consultant / Sparring Partner
Im Recruiting habe ich ein besonders gutes Feingefühl & Erfahrungen bei folgenden Positionen: Consulting / Sales / HR / Recruiting sowie Positionen im Design / Product Management.
Als Head of People & Orgnansation lag mein Fokus bisher auf HR Strategie, Prozessoptimierung, Organisationsentwicklung & Bereichsaufbau, Recruiting, Aufsetzen von Frameworks (u.a. Development, Feedback), Konzeption & Durchführung von Workshops zu div. Themen (u.a. Werte, Employee Journey, Bereichsorganisationn) und Leadership / People Development (u.a. Trainings und weitere Entwicklungsformate)
3 Jahre Leadership Erfahrung wurden durch meine Coaching-Ausbildung und diverse Weiterbildungen erweitert. Bisherige max. Teamgröße 8 FTEs.
Authentizität: Vertrauen beginnt dann, wenn Handlungen mit ehrlichen Worten in Einklang gebracht werden.
Neugierde: Fragen verbunden mit einer offenen Haltung sind Treibstoff für kontinuierliches Wachstum.
Empathie: Nachhaltige Beziehungen entstehen durch aufmerksames Zuhören und genauer Wahrnehmung, von dem, was im Inneren und Äußeren vorgeht.
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Türkisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Schwedisch (Gut)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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