freiberufler Requirements Engineer Consultant with focus on Automotive systems( ASPICE, AUTOSAR, ISO26262) auf

Requirements Engineer Consultant with focus on Automotive systems( ASPICE, AUTOSAR, ISO26262)

  • auf Anfrage
  • 80809 München
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  • 09.09.2024


Highly experienced in Requirements Engineering with a specialization in ensuring functional safety within automotive systems. Adept at integrating precise requirements management with safety-critical standards.

Auszug Referenzen (1)

"I worked together with Mr. P. in 2 two projects. He is highly skilled in Embedded development, Autosar stack, functional Safety ISO26262 and ASpice."
Embedded Software Developer (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert

2/2013 – 6/2020


Main tasks:
· Software developer Interior Body and Security department
· Responsible for the integration of Vector AUTOSAR stack for multiple OEMs (BMW Bac, Daimler SLP, VW)
· Development / configuration of AUTOSAR basic software modules, diagnostics and communication (UDS, DTC's, secured diagnostic communication), BSWM, OS, NVM
· Develop software components following V model/Agile development.
· Assist software quality assurance in verifying requirements, design, implementation and testing.
· Regularly report to Project Responsible the status of the development by participating to regular project meetings and using the reporting method defined within the project.
· Code reviewer
· Involved in coaching activities, for new employees
· Defect Manager - direct interface with the customer for the defects reported in the project

Software/tools/processes used:
- IBM Doors (requirements lifecycle)
- Jira (task management and bug fixing tickets)
- Confluence (project collaboration)
- Hardware debugger Lauterbach with T32 GUI;
- Vector Davinci Configurator, Davinci Developer, Autosar Builder
- Vector CANoe
- GIT (version control);
- IMS Integrity (version control)
- Polyspace (code analysis)
- ISO26262

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Automotive Open System Architecture, Embedded Software, Enterprise Architect (EA)


  • Automotive functional safety expert (AFSE)3 J.
  • Automotive Open System Architecture11 J.
  • Change-Request-Management
  • Embedded Software11 J.
  • iso26262

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Kundenname anonymisiert, München
8/2020 – 9/2024 (4 Jahre, 2 Monate)

8/2020 – 9/2024


Main tasks:
- Creating and tracking system and software requirements.
- Liaising with the customer interface for the customer requirements elicitation process.
- Scheduling and moderating regular clarification and open points tracking sessions.
- Baselining and moderating baseline reviews.
- Establish and manage the requirements exchange and review processes (requirements received in PDF format and managed internally in PTC Integrity and Doors).
- Synchronize platform requirements with existing project requirements
- Automatize sanity checks (PTC Dashboards and Doors) of the requirements database (SYS.1 to SW.1) and manage the correction of deviations
- Writing the Requirements Management plan
- Maintaining the document landscape
Software used:
• Doors NG
• Jira
• Confluence
• Git/Github
• Enterprise Architect

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Automotive functional safety professional (AFSP), Automotive Open System Architecture, Embedded Software, Requirement Analyse

Fricosa Automotive, Barcelona
2/2017 – 7/2020 (3 Jahre, 6 Monate)

2/2017 – 7/2020


Main tasks:
- System analysis and evaluation of Safety Concept
- Supporting the development of the System Architecture
- Complete Safety Analysis of the System using Fault Tree Analysis
- Supporting the efforts to develop best practice guidelines to complete Safety Analysis.
In this current project, I am asked to analyze and assess the safety of a steering system to ASIL D. The project includes:
- Requirements Analysis
- System analysis and evaluation of Safety Concept
- Supporting the development of the System Architecture
- Complete Safety Analysis of the System using Fault Tree Analysis
- Supporting the efforts to develop best practice guidelines to complete Safety Analysis.

Software/tools/processes used:
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA),
FMEDA, Hazard analysis & Risk Assessment (HARA) ,
Fault Tree Analysis(FTA),
Hazard Identification
Hazard Analysis, Safety case, Reliability analysis
Rational DOORS, Minitab. APIS IQ-RM PRO, Aralia
Configuration Management/Tools: Git, Jira, Confluence Vector Davinci Configurator, Davinci Developer, Autosar Builder

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Automotive functional safety expert (AFSE), ISO/IEC 15504, Automotive Open System Architecture, Requirement Analyse

Embedded Software Developer (Festanstellung)
Continental Automotive, Sibiu
2/2013 – 6/2020 (7 Jahre, 5 Monate)

2/2013 – 6/2020


Main tasks:
· Software developer Interior Body and Security department
· Responsible for the integration of Vector AUTOSAR stack for multiple OEMs (BMW Bac, Daimler SLP, VW)
· Development / configuration of AUTOSAR basic software modules, diagnostics and communication (UDS, DTC's, secured diagnostic communication), BSWM, OS, NVM
· Develop software components following V model/Agile development.
· Assist software quality assurance in verifying requirements, design, implementation and testing.
· Regularly report to Project Responsible the status of the development by participating to regular project meetings and using the reporting method defined within the project.
· Code reviewer
· Involved in coaching activities, for new employees
· Defect Manager - direct interface with the customer for the defects reported in the project

Software/tools/processes used:
- IBM Doors (requirements lifecycle)
- Jira (task management and bug fixing tickets)
- Confluence (project collaboration)
- Hardware debugger Lauterbach with T32 GUI;
- Vector Davinci Configurator, Davinci Developer, Autosar Builder
- Vector CANoe
- GIT (version control);
- IMS Integrity (version control)
- Polyspace (code analysis)
- ISO26262

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Automotive Open System Architecture, Embedded Software, Enterprise Architect (EA)


Faculty of Computer Science, Software Engineering
Iasi, Romania

Weitere Kenntnisse

Automotive Software engineering, AUTOSAR, Embedded programming, Diagnostics UDS, DOIP, ComStack(CAN, LIN, Ethernet), Defect Management, Vector Tools, C

Persönliche Daten

  • Rumänisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
10 Jahre und 7 Monate (seit 08/2014)


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