Embedded Software Engineering / C++ Developer
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- 0 Referenzen
- 65‐70€/Stunde
- 67574 Osthofen, Rheinhessen
- Weltweit
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- 24.05.2023
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2022 – 4/2023
TätigkeitsbeschreibungThe client wanted to develop an IoT faucet system. My responsibility was to develop the firmware on an ESP32 that can be controlled with an app using Bluetooth Low Energy and via WiFi with the cloud backend while also communication with the hardware's main controller over an on-board bus.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC++, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
12/2021 – 10/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungThe company wanted to improve their communication between the device (a pump) and the end user's app that used Bluetooth Low Energy. I refactored the BLE communication and generally worked on the devices implementing features such as Over-the-Air updates and fixing bugs.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC++, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Microsoft Visual Studio
10/2021 – 12/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungThe client wanted to refactor and validate an existing battery control software that was previously generated from a model and should from now on be maintained by hand.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC++, Prozessvalidierung
3/2020 – 7/2021
In the project we were developing an indoor air quality sensor that ran on an ESP32 which was controlled by an app via BLE and communicated with the cloud over MQTT.
My responsibility in the project were twofold:
1. Embedded Development on an ESP32
2. App Development in Flutter
I was the sole developer for both.
C++, Cloud (allg.), Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Flutter
10/2019 – 3/2020
TätigkeitsbeschreibungWe developed an improved contrast enhancement implementation for 3D grayscale image tensors. The images were coming from a CT machine and had to be processed faster than the existing implementation allowed for.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenBildverarbeitung, C++, CUDA
7/2019 – 9/2019
My responsibility was to evaluate how to port the soft matter simulation software used by the MP institute from CPU to GPU by implementing one example force simulation in CUDA.
Later a doctoral candidate would then take over the project.
C++, CUDA, Python, Systems Simulation
1/2019 – 4/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungThe project focussed on porting an existing implementation of a specialised decision tree algorithm that is trained with back propagation from a C++ CPU version to a CUDA one running on a GPU.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC++, CUDA, Maschinelles Lernen
ThePower Business School
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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