Full-Stack Developer
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- pt | en | de | es
- 22.04.2023
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
2/2016 – 4/2016
- Kundentermine gemeinsam mit dem Vertrieb wahrnehmen
Nachbereitung von Auftragsterminen und Ubergabe an die Technik
Aufbau und Pflege von Wordpress Webseiten
Wordpress Templates installieren
Wordpress Plug-Ins auswählen, konfigurieren und integrieren
CSS, MySQL & PHP Änderungen durchführen inkl. Responsive Design
Seitenerstellung & Inhaltspflege
Bild- & Grafibearbeitung
Web Entwicklung
4/2006 – offen
I have been working in the team responsible for creating web and mobile applications. In the last years, I developed the frontend and backend of some solutions like:
- Android app to send important info to the users about various topics, according to the interest of the person. The users can subscribe to different categories of events and will be updated accordingly. I developed also the backend with Ruby on Rails (management interface) to allow teams to send relevant news to the users.
=> Tech stack: React-Native (Android app) + Ruby on Rails (admin interface) + Postgresql + Docker containers
- Web application to coordinate the recruitment process of the judges applying to work in our court. The candidates can follow the updates on the status of their application and the status of the recruitment process, like new documents being uploaded or when the final decision about the candidates is made.
=> Tech stack: React - frontend + Strapi (NodeJS) with customizations as backend
Web application to create reports with statistics about the voters
=> Tech stack: Angular - frontend + NodeJS (express + typeorm) as backend
- Web application to create statistics about the logs of the voting machines regarding the speed of the voting process and possible failures in the voting day.
=> Tech stack: Angular - frontend + NodeJS (express)*
- Awarded "Vote of Honor” for implementing the System SIEL (Electoral information system) for the Brazilian authorities to have access to the data of the voters, with the previous consent of the responsible for the information, regarding the observation of electoral sanctions applied to criminal offenders in Brazil
=> Tech stack: Ruby on Rails
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Gut)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Portugiesisch (Muttersprache)
- Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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