Fullstack Softwareentwickler & Devops
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- 18.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2024 – 10/2024
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBackend Development with Java, Groovy, MongoDB, Azure (Business Intelligence, Service Bus, Blob Data Storage, Azure Functions with Event Triggers), Tilt & ArgoCD
Eingesetzte QualifikationenJava-Entwickler
6/2022 – 10/2023
Development of the transparency register (Transparenzregister) in Germany. The mission of this register ist to combat terrorismus and money laudering by forcing companies report specific data
– most important the beneficial owners (natural persons) for the purpose of exposing their structure, ownership, oversight and cash flows. The
technology stack used is Apache Wicket/AngularJS, Spring Boot and PostgreSQL, with a REST microservice architecture.
- Analysis, system & object design
- Backend and Frontend development
- Code reviews and feedback
- Unit and integration testing
Technologies and standards:
- PostgreSQL
- Java
- Spring Boot (REST, OpenApi, Data,
Transaction, Batch, Security, etc.)
- Flyway
- Mockito, Junit, RestAssured, Hoverfly
- Git, Maven, Docker, Docker-compose,
Bitbucket, Jenkins, Ansible
- Microservices Architecture
- Apache Wicket
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
1/2020 – 5/2022
- Analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Identifying and delegation of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Backend development (MySQL, Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, Liquibase, Git, Maven)
- Unit and integration testing (Mockito, Junit)
- Clean/Hexagonal architecture
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
7/2019 – 6/2020
- Analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Identifying and delegation of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Backend development (Oracle, Java, Spring Boot, Liquibase, Git, Maven, Elasticsearch)
- Unit and integration testing (Mockito, JUnit)
- Somain-Driven-Design
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
5/2018 – 7/2020
- Analysis, system & object design
- Identifying and delegation of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Backend development and dev-ops (MySQL, Java, Spring Boot, Liquibase, Docker, Docker-compose, Gitlab CD/CI, Maven)
- Unit and integration testing (Mockito, Junit)
- Clean/Hexagonal architecture
- Kanban
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
3/2017 – 10/2018
- Analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Identifying and delegation of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Backend development (MySQL, Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Liquibase, Ehcache, JWT, Swagger, AngularJS)
- Unit and integration testing (Mockito, Junit)
- Devops (Docker, Docker-compose)
- Maven, Git, Jenkins
- Clean/Hexagonal architecture
- Kanban
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
3/2017 – 6/2018
Analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Identifying and delegation of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Backend development and dev-ops (Oracle, Java, Google Guice, Gradle, Docker, Docker-compose, Jenkins, JSP and AngularJS)
- Unit and integration testing (PowerMock, Junit)
- Domain driven design
- Scrum
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
6/2016 – 6/2019
- Analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Identifying and delegation of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Backend and frontend development (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Java, Spring Boot, Liquibase, Flyway, Redis, RabbitMQ, Kafka, JWT, Swagger HTML5, JQuery, AngularJS)
- Unit, integration & automated testing (Mockito, Junit, Selenium)
- Maven, Git, Jenkins
- Domain-driven-design
- Kanban
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
6/2013 – 3/2017
- Analysis, system & object design (UML, Domain Driven Design)
- Backend development (C++, Jam, Java, Hadoop, Swing, Netbeans platform, Ivy, Maven)
- Unit and integration testing (Mockito, PowerMock, Junit)
- Code reviews and feedback
- Maven, Git, Jenkins
- Scrum
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
1/2013 – 6/2013
- Analysis, system & object design (UML, Domain Driven Design)
- Backend development (Spring Framework, Hibernate, Ehcache, Liquibase, Swagger, Microsoft SQL Server )
- Unit and integration testing (Mockito, JUnit)
- Code reviews and feedback
- Maven, Git, Jenkins
- Kanban
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
7/2011 – 11/2012
- Backend development (Java, Spring Framework, CouchDB, Memcached, Redis, Restful services, Integration with external systems (CyberSource, PayPal, AddressDoctor, GoodData, Zookeeper etc)
- Unit and integration testing (JUnit, Mockito)
- Code reviews and feedback
- Maven, Git, Gitlab, Jenkins
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
9/2007 – 7/2011
- Requirement specification, analysis, system & object design (UML, Domain Driven Design)
- Backend and FE development (Java/JEE, ADF, Spring framework, C, Oracle database, Liquibase)
- Unit & Intrgration testing (Junit, Mockito)
- Identification and delegating of technical tasks
- Code reviews and feedback
- Maven, CVS, SVN
- Kanban
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
10/2006 – 4/2007
- Gather representative metadata which contains different semantic, structural, and syntactic aspects of the information that is presented on every web page (JavaScript)
- Represent the metadata in the form of hierarchical graphs and (OWL, Protege OWL Database)
- Fetch and display the information using AJAX and web services (Java, JAX-WS, JavaScript)
- Match the appropriate context of the metadata in the web page with XPointer
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
10/2004 – 4/2005
- Developed according to the MEWADIS approach
- Modell services as action scenarios and use cases (UML)
- Model and enhance use cases with the graphical modelling tool “Autofocus”
Generate source code for parts of the modelled entertainment system with the code generator of Autofocus
- Adjust the code and integrate into an existing graphical framework of the BMW-AG (Java, Swing)
-Extreme Programming
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
7/2004 – 6/2007
- Requirement specification, analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Backend and FE development (PHP, Postgres, HTML, CVS)
- Testing
- Deployment
- Kanban
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
2/2004 – 7/2004
- Analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Implementation (C#, Microsoft SQL Server, CVS)
- Testing
- Extreme Programming
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
9/2003 – 2/2004
- Requirement specification, analysis, system & object design (UML)
- Implementation (C#, Microsoft SQL Server, CVS)
- Testing-
- Deployment
- Extreme Programming
Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Bulgarisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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