Senior Software Engineer ( C++ | Qt | SQL | Linux | Java )
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- 78€/Stunde
- 42549 Velbert
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- 18.02.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
7/2022 – offen
Within the scope of this commission, several individual projects were implemented, each of which had the task of improving the central order management system. This software forms the central hub in a distributed system architecture with a focus on data aggregation, -validation and -transformation. External services as well as mobile end devices are connected in this architecture.
The work was carried out mostly independent.
C++, Code-Review, Schreiben von Dokumentation, Objektorientierte Analyse und Design (OOAD), Oracle Database, Solaris, SQL, Testen
10/2017 – 9/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungIn cooperation with several departments in Germany and Austria, the product feature "mapp View", a web-based process visualisation, was integrated into the existing process control system "APROL". This is a complete product solution, starting with a web-based WYSIWYG engineering editor integrated in QT, a cross-compiler chain and a distribution platform for classic and mobile end devices.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement (IT), Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Software Quality, Test Automation, Test Management
7/2014 – 5/2016
The proprietary NoSQL database for historical data (based on the Berkeley DB) was made available via a standardised SQL interface. One application goal was interoperability with the 3rd party reporting tool "Jasper Reports".
An ODBC driver was developed based on the ODBC driver SDK 'Simba' from insightsoftware. This database driver is designed to be platform-independent and has been made available for Linux as well as for Windows.
C++, Open Database Connectivity, Software Architecture, Software engineering / -technik, SQL, Test Management
3/2010 – 7/2014
Research and development of a database abstraction layer as an in-house software module to minimise database accesses (Berkeley DB) and thus improve overall performance (reduced latencies).
The goal was to replace the low-level C-API with an object-oriented approach (C++). An architecture that reduced the excessive use of the database, thanks to effective caching.
The functional scope included a central and event-oriented data source with an extensible and lightweight data model. A cooperative synchronisation API enabled concurrent engineering across application boundaries.
An interactive database explorer/navigator was then developed as a product feature, which considered the multi-user capability of the system environment.
C++, Datenbankentwicklung, Forschung & Entwicklung, Konfliktlösung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Software Architecture, Software engineering / -technik
1/2010 – offen
Within the engagement of my entrepreneurial activity, a single-page web application was developed, that is based on the framework 'Google Web Toolkit'. This project is a competitive multiplayer computer game that is played in real time.
The scope includes server- and client-side design and implementation.
Target platforms are classic browsers, as well as mobile devices and finally an integration as an Android app in the Google Play Store (internal test access).
Ajax, Android Entwicklung, Apache Tomcat, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Administration von Datenbanken, Datenmodelierung, HTML5, Java SE, Java (allg.), Java Database Connectivity, Java Native Interface, Digital Marketing, Representational State Transfer (REST), Responsive Webdesign, RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
8/2006 – 5/2022
General and task-oriented programming activities regarding front- & back-end development for the distributed process control system "APROL".
In addition to the project-related activities, necessary adjustments as well as error and performance analyses were carried out in the sense of "Application Lifecycle Management".
Backend, C++, Front End, Prozessleittechnik, Qt (Software), Software engineering / -technik, User Interface (UI)
Über mich
Do you need an experienced software engineer to realise your project? Someone who has many years of experience in programming with C++ or Java, is quality-conscious and also has an intrinsic motivation for his work? Who has expanded his personal scope to include project management and therefore has an overall view of the IT process? Who lives and breathes service, does not hide behind technical jargon and always takes the sensitivity of your data into account?
Someone who delivers professionalism, even when the situation becomes difficult - a reliable helper!
Hello! Your helper's name is…
… D. and I belong to the so-called "Generation-C64".
I have been actively following the development of home computers since the 90s and thus gained my first experience in programming.
Building on this, I completed an apprenticeship as a communications electronics technician and a degree in computer science. I started my career in the automation industry, where I experienced and contributed to various levels of software development.
Today I am a proven software developer who lives the service concept. Effective acting and communication characterise me just as much as an analytical way of thinking.
Let's make a difference together,
Weitere Kenntnisse
- Library: standard library, boost
- Framework: QT, Chromium Embedded Framework, Simba ODBC Connect Framework (insightsoftware)
- Module test: google test, boost test
- Library: J2SE / openJDK, Servlets
- Framework: Google Web Toolkit
- Module test: JUnit
Web technologies
Command line interpreter / shell
- Bash
- Relational databases: MySQL, Oracle SQL
- Non-relational databases: Berkeley DB
- Connectivity: ODBC, JDBC
Operating systems
- Linux: SuSe SLES, Ubuntu
- Unix: Solaris
- Windows
- Development environment: Eclipse, QT Creator, QT Designer, Visual Studio, Android Studio
- UML design: Visual Paradigm
- Version management: Git, CVS, SVN
- API documentation: Doxygen
- Profiling & Debugging: valgrind, callgrind, gdb, pstack, ldd, nm, strace/truss, netstat, etc.
- Make system: GNU make, imake
- Management: Jira & Confluence (Atlassian), Lotus Notes, ALM (Micro Focus)
Professional knowledge
- Software development: Front- and backend development, Web development, Database development, Test-driven development
- Development methods: Agile development methods (Kanban, Scrum), Classical software development according to the V-model
- IT - Project Management
Industry knowledge
- Distributed process control systems: RBAC, CFC, SFC, (web) visualisation, code generation, redundancy, audit trail, OPCUA, PLC, etc.
Soft skills
- Moderation technique (in-house seminar conducted by Jung+Partner Management GmbH)
- Languages: German(native), English (good)
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Gut)
- Europäische Union
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