freiberufler Frontend Team/Tech lead, Senior Frontend Developer auf

Frontend Team/Tech lead, Senior Frontend Developer

  • auf Anfrage
  • 85716 Unterschleißheim
  • Europa
  • uk  |  en
  • 29.06.2022


Over 15 years of experience in full stack development with wide range of skills.
Experience in front-end development with almost every popular JS framework or library, from a small script to a large SPA, with monolith and microservice architecture.


  • Front End5 J.
  • Full-Stack2 J.
  • JavaScript7 J.
  • React (JavaScript library)5 J.
  • Vue.Js

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Frontend Chapter Lead, Team\Tech lead (for 2 teams), Senior Frontend Developer, acting as Product Owner
Russian Bank, Moscow
7/2020 – 2/2022 (1 Jahr, 8 Monate)

7/2020 – 2/2022


Description: An application based on microservice architecture designed to combine all functionality that is necessary for bank employees.

- Planning of sprints & super sprints;
- Analysis, Estimation and task formulation for teams;
- Review of created tasks;
- Analysis of technologies and tasks formulation for stream (10 teams);
- Discussing with stream and corporate architect of tasks and ways to implement things;
- Contacting customer and discussing tasks, functionality, plans;
- Architecture and front-end\back-end design (partly as there was approved stack by corporate architect and information security department);
- Decision making;
- Development team works coordination;
- Frontend code review (as well for stream);
- Backend code review (only for teams);
- Help with problems that developers meet (in teams and stream);
- Implementing most critical parts;
- Frontend development;
- Performance optimization;
- Test coverage improvement;
- Help with administrative questions (accesses, rds, change log...);
- Setting up webpack and docker configuration;
- CI\CD setup

Used Technologies:

Frontend: React, Redux, Redux thunk, Reselect, RxJS, Lodash, Websoket + StompJS, Typescript, TSLint\SonarLint, Styled-components, Material UI, Module federation, Jest, Enzyme, React testing library

Backend: Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, Redis, Postgres

CI\CD and Managing: Webpack, Docker, Openshift, Nexus, Bitbuckt, Teamcity, Sonarqube, Jira, Wiki

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Docker, Java (allg.), Jira, Apache Kafka, Postgresql, Spring Framework

Senior Front-end Developer
MGM technology partners GmbH, Munich
9/2018 – 10/2018 (2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

9/2018 – 10/2018


Referral system for online shop.

- Front-end development;
- Communication with the customer;
- Implementing back-end fixes;
- Consultation.

Technologies: React, Ruby on Rails, Haml, SCSS, Coffeescript, Docker, Heroku.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Docker, React (JavaScript library), Ruby on Rails

Senior Front-end Developer
AS Tallink Grupp, Tallinn
8/2017 – 9/2017 (2 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

8/2017 – 9/2017


Desktop SPA for cruises booking.

- Front-end development;
- Bug fixing.

Technologies: JavaScript, SCSS, RxJS, Underscore.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Tech Lead (frontend infrastructure & decision making), Senior Frontend developer
Nymbus Inc., Jacksonville
8/2015 – 12/2015 (5 Monate)

8/2015 – 12/2015


Complex feature-rich SPA B2B platform for banks & finance organizations with a concise and user-friendly UI based on professional banking software API.
- Architecture design;
- Decision making;
- Development team works coordination;
- Implementing most critical parts;
- Performance optimization;
- Planning, reporting;
- Contacting the customer;
- Discussing back-end design;
- CI\CR setup.

Technologies: Angular, ES6, SCSS, Webpack, Jasmine, Protractor, Jenkins.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Angular, Front End

Senior Front-end Developer (Festanstellung)
AS Tallink Grupp, Tallinn
3/2015 – 6/2020 (5 Jahre, 4 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

3/2015 – 6/2020


Mobile SPA for cruises booking. Independent app that used as base for iOS & Android hybrid mobile apps.

- Front-end development;
- Discussing and implementation of new features;
- Bug fixing;
- Code reviewing & refactoring;
- Discussing and implementation of architecture improvements;
- Implementation of unit & E2E tests;
- CI implementation;
- Mentoring of junior developers;
- Communication with the customer;
- Performance optimization.


Since June 2016: Elm, Javascript (ECMA-262\ES6+), SCSS, Elm-test, Cypress, Express, Webpack, Bamboo

Before: Angular, React.js, Redux, Kefir.js, Lazy.js, Immutable, Pug\Jade, Javascript (ECMA-262\ES6+), TypeScript, CoffeeScript, SCSS, Karma, Jest, Protractor, Express, Webpack, Gulp, Bamboo

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Angular, Front End, React (JavaScript library), Typescript

Tech Lead (frontend infrastructure & decision making), Senior Front-end developer
Beyond Inc., Wayzata
2/2015 – 8/2015 (7 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

2/2015 – 8/2015


SPA business management system with travel booking abilities and points rewards.
- Architecture and front-end\back-end design;
- Decision making;
- Development team works coordination;
- Implementing most critical parts;
- Front-end development;
- Performance optimization;
- Planning, reporting;
- Contacting the customer;
- Integration with flights GDS;
- CI\CR setup.

Technologies: Javascript, HTML5, SCSS, Require.js, Underscore, Gulp, Karma, Selenium, Jenkins.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Front End, HTML, JavaScript, Selenium

Web Developer, Consultant
GP Solutions GmbH, project GP TravelCase, Munich
4/2014 – 2/2015 (11 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

4/2014 – 2/2015


Business trip planning tool.
Development of online business travel planner integrated with booking facilities.

- Front-end development;
- Implementing back-end features;
- Consultation.

Technologies: Ruby-on-rails, SCSS, HAML, Coffeescript.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Ruby on Rails

Full-stack Developer
Automated Mail Systems Canada Inc. (eSnail), Vancouver
3/2013 – 4/2014 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

3/2013 – 4/2014


Virtual mailbox service. Service that provides the mail address which users can use to receive mails\parcels. Service informs users about correspondence and deliver its scanned versions.

- Architecture & DB design;
- Front-end development;
- Back-end development;
- API creating;
- Implementation of new features;
- Bug fixing.
- Performance optimization.

Technologies: PHP, Kohana, HTML, MySQL, CSS, Javscript, Ajax.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Ajax, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, Mysql, PHP

Full stack Developer, Lead Developer
Information Sharing Systems LLC, Hong Kong
1/2012 – 2/2014 (2 Jahre, 2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2012 – 2/2014


System that provides users ability to place pins with information on schedule base (little social network) and api for mobile app.

- Architecture & DB design;
- Front-end development;
- Back-end development;
- API creating;
- Implementation of new features;
- Bug fixing;
- Performance optimization.

Technologies: PHP, Kohana, LESS, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, google-api, fb-api, twitter-api, Bootstrap, JSON.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Ajax, JavaScript, Json, Less, PHP

Full-stack Developer, Lead Developer
GrouplyDeals Pty, Sydney
5/2011 – 2/2014 (2 Jahre, 10 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

5/2011 – 2/2014


Group deals aggregator. The aggregator of group deals with an universal parsing system where admins could easily manage sites that should be parsed.

- Architecture & DB design;
- Front-end development;
- Back-end development;
- Implementation of new features;
- Bug fixing;
- Performance optimization.

Technologies: PHP, WordPress, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, google-api, fb-api, twitter-api, XPath, regex.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), JavaScript, PHP, WordPress

Full stack developer
PinAve, Montre Australia PTY LTD, Sydney
5/2009 – 5/2011 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

5/2009 – 5/2011


Description: Global goods and services catalogue based on location.

- Front-end development;
- Back-end development;
- Implementation of new features;
- Bug fixing;
- Performance optimization.

Used Technologies:
Java, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, CSS, Javscript

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Full-Stack, Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), JavaScript, Javaserver Pages, Mysql, Spring Framework

Full-stack Developer
i-Scope BV, Amsterdam
5/2007 – 5/2009 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

5/2007 – 5/2009


Multi-project development.

- Front-end development;
- Back-end development;
- Implementation of new features;
- Creation of own Content Management System;
- Bug fixing.

Technologies: Php, Flash, Actionscript, Asp, JAVA, JSP, Perl, MySQL, MS SQL, MS Access, Wordpress, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Actionscript, Java (allg.), JavaScript, Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL), Mysql, PHP


Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Dipl. Ing. (Uni)

Über mich

Over 15 years of experience in full stack development with wide range of skills.
Experience in front-end development with almost every popular JS framework or library, from a small script to a large SPA, with monolith and microservice architecture, setting up CI/CD.
Hands-on experience in all stages of software development using open source and commercial tools and frameworks. Participation in all phases of Project Life Cycle. Proven track record of designing and implementing flexible solutions, which support frequent UI and functionality changes.
I participated in development of travelling, business, social and other types of software.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Elm, React, Angular, Redux, RxJS, Kefir.js, Javascript (ECMA-262\ES6+), TypeScript.
Languages: Elm, Javascript (ECMA-262\ES6+), TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, PHP, Python, Java, ASP;
Frameworks: React, Angular, Ruby on Rails, Express, Kohana, Zend, Django, Spring;
Libs: Redux, Reselect, Redux thunk, RxJS, Kefir.js, Lazy.js, Immutable.js, Lodash, Underscore, Lodash, jQuery, Material-UI, Bootstrap, Urijs, Moment.js, StompJS...;
Preprocessors\Styles: SCSS\SASS, Stylus, Less, Styled-Components;
Template engines: Pug\Jade, JSP, JSX, Mustache, EJS, Haml;
DB: SQL, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Access;
CMS\SMS: Wordpress, BuddyPress, Joomla, osCommerce, Magento;
Tests: Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Chai, Protractor, Cypress, Elm-test, Enzyme, React testing library;
Module bundler: Grunt, Gulp, Webpack;
CI: Jenkins, Bamboo, AWS, Heroku, Teamcity;
VCS: SVN, Git, HG, Bitbucket.

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Ukrainisch (Muttersprache)
  • Europäische Union
17 Jahre und 8 Monate (seit 05/2007)


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