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Bauingenieurin Bau/Umwelt/Energie

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  • 74722 Buchen
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  • 01.01.2024


During my last engagements I worked as a project engineer and manager for international projects in the field of environment and construction. I gained broad knowledge in the fields of project controlling, environmental and construction engineering.


  • Bauingenieurwesen1 J.
  • Controlling
  • Projektmanagement
  • Umweltgutachten
  • Umweltmanagement3 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Kundenname anonymisiert, Berlin
4/2022 – 12/2023 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)

4/2022 – 12/2023


Teil-Projektleitung Rückbau Industriebau und Konversion/Umbauplanung, Energiebranche

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Projektingenieur / Projektmanagerin (Festanstellung)
CDM Smith Consult GmbH, Frankfurt
10/2017 – 8/2021 (3 Jahre, 11 Monate)

10/2017 – 8/2021


• Data centres: Environmental investigation for risk assessment, site clearance, remediation of contaminated sites, preparation of applications for water extraction
• Permit management, environmental and geotechnical supervision of the remediation works and groundworks
• Preparation of official remediation plans: Investigation and evaluation of a sealing wall system for a former industrial site with major groundwater and soil contamination, preparation of a remediation plan and a strategy for the reuse of the site;
• Former US properties: Environmental investigation for a risk-assessment
• Various construction projects: Project management and project controlling in terms of costs, schedule, qualities and adherence to permits, environmental regulations and public law; Execution of the environmental and waste exploration, risk assessment and evaluation of groundwater chemistry, management of the interface environment/groundwork/construction work;

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Bauleitung / Baustellenleitung, Genehmigungsverfahren-Beratung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Umweltmanagement

Projektingenieur (Festanstellung)
HOCHTIEF Engineering IKS GmbH, Frankfurt
10/2015 – 6/2017 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)
Bauwirtschaft, Anlagen- und Schiffbau

10/2015 – 6/2017


• Restructuring of the approval process with regards to a structural evaluation of deconstruction, conversion, reuse, and decontamination measures of a Nuclear power plant (NPP Obrigheim); Development of a strategy implementation for the permitting process with the authories;
• Technical feasibility study, economic feasibility study and structural evaluation for the reuse of the machine unit of NPP Biblis;
• Structural analysis and evaluation of dowel fastening for the installation of facilities in various NPP

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Bauingenieurwesen, Bautechnik, Logistikplanung, Strahlenschutz

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Festanstellung)
TU Dresden Institut für Energietechnik, Dresden
4/2015 – 9/2015 (6 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

4/2015 – 9/2015


Research Assistant in the at the Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy Technology in the research group "Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities“

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen





TU Dresden

Über mich

I am a curious and courageous person; therefore, I love to throw myself into new tasks and interesting topics. My educational background as an engineer as well as my ability to approach problems analytically and strategically qualifies me to get a broad understanding of new subject areas and take on tasks quickly. As an engineer I learnt how to take over responsibilities and make decisions if needed or push a decision-making process forward. During my last engagement I realized that I am a good coordinator, explaining the work-packages to my team colleagues, taking the subcontractors by the hand or to monitor the progresses and do the reporting on a regular basis to the authorities and the clients. My colleagues have enjoyed working with me since I am a passionate team player who focused not only on the project's objective but also on how we can support each
other during challenging project phases. Furthermore, I was a reliable and accountable contact person for the authorities and the clients during our projects, when it came to decision making or problem solving.

Weitere Kenntnisse

During my last engagements I worked as a project manager for complex and international projects in the field of environment and construction. Those projects were not only distinguished by limitations in time and budget but also by the need of a close coordination with the authorities and the legal framework, since the projects touched also public and environmental interests. Those experiences taught me how to develop strategies and convert them into practicable solutions under consideration of various concerns.

How I support you with your PROJECT MANAGEMENT:
• Controlling of construction and environmental projects regarding project schedule and budget as well as project documentation for the client.
• Project management: consultation and support of the client throughout the planning and/or execution phase, coordination with the authorities with regard to the permitting processes, documentation of work, checking and approval of invoices, participation in meetings and preparation of minutes, change management, coordination between contractors, monitoring of approval processes
• Preparation of tender documents and award recommendations
• Subcontractor coordination

Any intervention with soil and groundwater poses challenges for clients and planners. The integrity of the ecosystem is to be protected, therefore everyone who interferes with groundwater and soil is confronted with additional requirements and legal stipulations. Furthermore, the implementation of a groundwater- or soil-management becomes necessary, as soon as the disposal of soil material or a groundwater retention is planned. If there is a suspicion of a harmful soil change for the property, a soil analysis is required, and the analysis results are to be evaluated. If the suspicion of a contaminated site is confirmed, the application of additional approvals and the execution of a remediation might be necessary.

How I support you during your PLANNING Phase:
• Consulting and management for a smooth process between the interfaces of construction- geotechnics - environment during your construction project.
• Approval management for all environmental issues and coordination with the local authorities
• Advice on the tendering and awarding of environmental services
• Support in the preparation of environmentally relevant approval documents, e.g. water permits, remediation plan etc.
• Historical investigation for risk assessment of properties regarding potential contaminations
• Conceptual design of the investigation of contaminated sites and coordination with the responsible authorities
• Preparation of investigation and monitoring concepts to accompany construction measures in the case of soil / groundwater contamination and taking care of all relevant coordination with the responsible authorities
• Technical support of the implementation planning for soil replacement / remediation of contaminated sites
• Planning of soil and material flow management during contaminated site remediation
• Documentation of the execution and preparation of documentation documents

The client or contractor does not always have the time, the resources or the knowledge to carry out the construction supervision of its project. Whether during site clearance, earth works or the construction project itself - an external construction supervisor ensures that the planning is implemented in the agreed quality and that the work complies with the rules of technology and the permit’s requirements.

How I support you during your EXECUTION Phase:
• Regular on-site appointments to check and document the construction process
• Preparation of construction site reports and the construction site documentation to keep the client or contractor updated throughout the whole construction process
• Coordination of the contractors on site
• Participation in acceptance inspections and documentation
• Participation in construction meetings
• Invoice verification and change management

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
9 Jahre und 9 Monate (seit 04/2015)
2 Jahre


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