freiberufler Agiles Projektmanagement / PMO / Product Owner / Scrum Master / Agile Coach auf

Agiles Projektmanagement / PMO / Product Owner / Scrum Master / Agile Coach

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  • Frankfurt am Main
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  • 05.02.2025


Über 10 Jahre Erfahrungen in IT Projekten, div. Ausbildungen und Zertifizierungen.
Sehr gute Kenntnisse über betriebliche & regulatorische Anforderungen. Spektrum von Entwicklung, über Businessanalyse bis zur Leitung großer & komplexer Projekte


  • Agile Coach
  • Agile Methodologie12 J.
  • Confluence12 J.
  • Jira12 J.
  • Kanban (Softwareentwicklung)11 J.
  • Mehrprojektmanagement10 J.
  • Motivation Projektteams10 J.
  • Product Owner3 J.
  • Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung3 J.
  • Projekt-Qualitätssicherung5 J.
  • Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop12 J.
  • Projektleitung / Teamleitung2 J.
  • Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT)17 J.
  • Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement3 J.
  • Projektmanagement - Audits2 J.
  • Projektmanagement - Kommunikation4 J.
  • Projektmanagement - Konzeption / Vorgehensmodell2 J.
  • Projektmanagement (IT)17 J.
  • Scrum15 J.
  • Scrum Master

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Agile Delivery Lead/Scrum Master/Agile Coach/Proxy Product Owner/Project Manager
Hicron Software House, Breslau
6/2021 – 5/2023 (2 Jahre)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2021 – 5/2023


● Product Owner/Business Analyst:
- Supporting development team as a PO/BA
- User Story definition and testing/approval
- Initial KPIs definition for the product
- Close cooperation with Product Management team
- Product Backlog updates and refinement facilitation
- User Story mappings creation for project initiatives
● Scrum Master:
- Guide how to use Scrum principles and artifacts
- Promote best practices and Agile mindset
- Support planning, refinements, demo & retrospective sessions
- Remove all the impediments
- Responsible for constantly improving processes to optimize
performance and value
- Close cooperation with the PO to achieve customer’s satisfaction
- Assistance with internal and external communication, improvement
of transparency
- Review and monitor product progress and outcomes throughout the
product lifecycle
- Build a trusting and safe environment
● Team Leader:
- People management of the project team
- Participation in the pre-sales process and offering preparation
- Participation in the recruitment processes
- Voice of the customer in front of the development team as well as
the voice of the team in front of the customer
- Create and maintain the stakeholders map
● Project/Delivery Manager and other:
- Responsibility for the delivery of two projects for DACH customer
- Budget 90000 Euro/month, 16 developer, two SCRUM teams
- Working with reference to the software development process
- Management of budget, risk, and communication within the project
- Coordinate and manage on a daily routine all the topics for a
particular team/customer
- Acts as a single point of contact

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Jira, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Mehrprojektmanagement, Motivation Projektteams, Product Owner, Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Projektmanagement - Audits, Projektmanagement - Kommunikation, Projektmanagement - Konzeption / Vorgehensmodell, Projektmanagement (IT), Scrum

Scrum Master/Agile Coach/Proxy Product Owner/Project Manager (Festanstellung)
DEKRA Certification, Breslau
10/2019 – 5/2021 (1 Jahr, 8 Monate)

10/2019 – 5/2021


● Responsible PM/PO for the Dekra GLASS Certification platform
● Budget 1,100k/anno, 18 Developer, three SCRUM teams
● Determining the directions of development of systems, applications and
seeking effective solutions
● Supervise the process of creating and developing business and system
● Risk management of current projects and solving emerging problems
● Cooperate with the Board and all teams in the company
● Manage project budget, schedule and scope
● Monitoring and reporting projects health, risks and progress
● Working closely with managers to improve current processes
● Collect/Translate business needs and product specification into concepts and
implementable solutions
● Set priorities and grooming the product backlog
● Stakeholder and communication management
● Manage dependencies and coordinating between teams
● Share knowledge with colleagues to make a useful contribution to company
knowledge base
● Guide how to use Scrum principles and artifacts
● Promote best practices and Agile mindset
● Support planning, refinements, demo & retrospective sessions
● Responsible for constantly improving processes to optimize
performance and value
● Close cooperation with the PO to achieve customer’s satisfaction
● Assistance with internal and external communication, improvement
of transparency; Remove all the impediments
● Review and monitor product progress and outcomes throughout the
product lifecycle; build a trusting and safe environment

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Jira, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Mehrprojektmanagement, Microsoft Azure, Motivation Projektteams, Product Owner, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Projektkalkulation, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement - Kommunikation, Konfliktlösung, Projektmanagement - Personalmanagement, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektorganisation

Scrum Master/Agile Coach/Proxy Product Owner/Project Manager
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt am Main
1/2018 – 9/2019 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2018 – 9/2019


Full life cycle project delivery for multiple small/medium/large projects;
PMO; Service process-development; Project-documentation
● Responsible for a two teams with 9 developer/budgets 400k Euro/Anno each
● Ownership for delivering project objectives and deliverables
● Ensuring project compliance to project management standard, company
quality requirements and functional quality standards
● Conducting stakeholder analysis, business impact analysis, and plan
engagement, communications, and training activities to ensure effective
communication and adoption throughout the project lifecycle
● Engaging project team and stakeholder community to resolve issues
● Guiding and coaching the Teams on their use of agile practices and values
● Organizing and facilitating Scrum-related meetings with international teams
● Boosting culture of agile, collaboration and self-organization
● Guide how to use Scrum principles and artifacts
● Promote best practices and Agile mindset
● Support planning, refinements, demo & retrospective sessions
● Responsible for constantly improving processes to optimize
performance and value; Remove all impediments
● Close cooperation with the PO to achieve customer’s satisfaction
● Assistance with internal and external communication, improvement
of transparency and build a trusting and safe environment
● Review and monitor product progress and outcomes throughout the
product lifecycle

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Jira, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), PRINCE2, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Projektdurchführung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Projektmanagement (IT)

Scrum Master/Agile Coach/Proxy Product Owner/Project Manager (Festanstellung)
gff Finanz- & Personalwirtschaftssysteme GmbH, Andernach
1/2017 – 12/2017 (1 Jahr)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2017 – 12/2017


Agile Project management for Perfacto software
● Responsible for a 8 developer SCRUM team/budget 500000 Euro/Anno
● Project goal definition and fulfillment
● Define work instructions, procedure methods, network plans and tools
● Service process-development
● Business relationship management with stakeholders
● Project-documentation and support
● Guide how to use Scrum principles and artifacts
● Promote best practices and Agile mindset
● Support planning, refinements, demo & retrospective sessions
● Responsible for constantly improving processes to optimize
performance and value and build a trusting and safe environment
● Close cooperation with the PO to achieve customer’s satisfaction

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Jira, Mehrprojektmanagement, Motivation Projektteams, Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Projektdurchführung, Projektkalkulation, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement - Kommunikation, Projektmanagement - Krisenmanagement, Projektmanagement - Personalentwicklung, Projektmanagement - Projektentwicklung, Knowledge Management, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektorganisation, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Scrum

Project Manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner (Festanstellung)
View´n´Vision GmbH, Koenigstein
1/2011 – 12/2016 (6 Jahre)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2011 – 12/2016


Agile Project management for Vmotion software
● Responsible for a 6 developer SCRUM team with/budget 500k Euro/Anno
● Business relationship management with stakeholders
● Hard- & Software-installation, configuration and testing
● Conduct training courses for the customers
● Production of e-learning tutorials and clips
● Guide how to use Scrum principles and artifacts
● Promote best practices and Agile mindset
● Support planning, refinements, demo & retrospective sessions
● Responsible for constantly improving processes to optimize
performance and value
● Close cooperation with the PO to achieve customer’s satisfaction
● Assistance with internal and external communication, improvement
of transparency and build a trusting and safe environment
● Review and monitor product progress and outcomes throughout the
product lifecycle; Remove all impediments

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Portfolio-Optimierung, Jira, Kanban, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Mehrprojektmanagement, Microsoft Azure, Motivation Projektteams, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Projektdurchführung, Projektkalkulation, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement - Office, Knowledge Management, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektmanagementberatung, Projektorganisation, Projektplanung / -vorbereitung, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Projektteambildung / -entwicklung, Scrum

Product Owner/ IT Project Manager
Deutsche Telekom AG, Koblenz
1/2006 – 12/2010 (5 Jahre)

1/2006 – 12/2010


Project management for telecommunication services
● Responsible for a team with 6 technician/budget 300000 Euro/Anno
● Business relationship management with stakeholders
● Hard- & Software-installation, configuration and testing
● Provide documentation
● Conduct Workshops for the customers
● Remove all impediments
● Waterfall and Agile

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

PRINCE2, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement (IT), Scrum


ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
Agile Scrum Product Owner
PRINCE2® Foundation Certificate in Project Management
ITIL® Expert Certificate in IT Service Management
Agile Scrum Master
ITIL® Certificate in Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC)
ITIL® Continual Service Improvement Certificate
ITIL® Service Operation Certificate
ITIL® Service Transition Certificate
ITIL® Service Design Certificate
ITIL® Service Strategy Certificate


Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Media Management
Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden
Informations- und Telekommunikationssystem Elektroniker
Staatlich geprüfter kaufmännischer Assistent für Betriebswirtschaft

Über mich

Leidenschaftlicher Agilist, PM, SM, PO.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Polnisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
17 Jahre und 8 Monate (seit 07/2007)
5 Jahre


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