freiberufler PRINCIPAL DEVOPS ENGINEER: DevOps / DevSecOps / Cloud auf


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  • 09.04.2024


Responsible team player with a passion for coding and a proven ability to hit the ground running. Delivers solid designs and top-quality solutions for the most demanding business requirements working remotely or on site.


  • Agile Methodologie8 J.
  • Ansible8 J.
  • Bash Shell13 J.
  • Behavior Driven Development11 J.
  • Continuous Delivery11 J.
  • DevOps8 J.
  • Docker8 J.
  • Elasticsearch4 J.
  • Git14 J.
  • Jenkins4 J.
  • Jira14 J.
  • Mariadb4 J.
  • Microsoft Windows (allg.)10 J.
  • Mysql8 J.
  • Nginx8 J.
  • Python5 J.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)12 J.
  • Ruby17 J.
  • Scrum13 J.
  • Software Architecture17 J.
  • Software Design17 J.
  • Software engineering / -technik17 J.
  • Software Virtualisierung8 J.
  • Softwareentwicklung (allg.)13 J.
  • SQL8 J.
  • Test Automation17 J.
  • Test Management15 J.
  • Testdesign (IT)12 J.
  • Testen17 J.
  • Virtualbox4 J.
  • Virtualisierung (Allg.)9 J.
  • VMware vCenter8 J.
  • Vmware Vsphere8 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

IT Consultant / DevOps Engineer
BlackBerry, Düsseldorf
8/2020 – offen (4 Jahre, 8 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

8/2020 – offen


As a member of the Secusmart scrum teams I’m a key element in the multi-level distributed team responsible for the cloud and database high security infrastructure that underlines the SecuSUITE and SecuVOICE group of applications.

Key Accomplishments:
• Successfully designed, planned, implemented, provisioned and managed important functionalities of the high security microservices infrastructure that allows georedundant high availability services for the VoIP end-to-end AES/SNS encryption standards, including Load Balancers, Proxies, TLS, TCP/IP, UDP, Firewalls, SQL/NoSQL clusters, DBMS tools, Network tools and idempotent configurations having also contributed to the enhancement of the CI/CD pipelines, VMware dev environments, test frameworks and agile best practices as a dedicated team player going that extra mile to deliver on target.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Ansible, Bash Shell, Behavior Driven Development, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Docker, Elasticsearch, Git, Jenkins, Jira, Mariadb, Microsoft Windows (allg.), Mysql, Nginx, Python, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Ruby, Scrum, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Software Virtualisierung, SQL, Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, Virtualisierung (Allg.), Virtualbox, VMware vCenter, Vmware Vsphere

IT Consultant / SRE
Citigroup, Dublin
11/2019 – 7/2020 (9 Monate)

11/2019 – 7/2020


As a member of the FX and Local Markets division I’ve been a key element within the SCRUM team responsible for a multi-tier near real-time data application that serves with Resilience, Consistency and Fault Tolerance the Citigroup trading desks distributed around the globe with emphasis for matters associated with Scalable Cloud Architecture Solutions and DevOps Automation processes and technologies.

Key Accomplishments:
● Successfully coordinated, planned and implemented the upgrade of the Couchbase multi region database infrastructure taking full ownership of the operation from its inception to completion. The complex upgrade required a vast amount of communication, automation and synchronisation with internal and external stakeholders including direct calls with Couchbase own commercial and support teams at the highest level. The meticulous preparatory work was able to detect a bug in Couchbase Server. This was a seminal work within Citigroup and its documentation serves as a reference for other internal teams and future actions.
● Made important contributions for the quality improvement of the overall project in terms of SCRUM methodology, developers experience and architectural decisions related to the dynamic scaling, performance and productivity improvements of the application in terms of microservices, database and CI/CD infrastructures making use of cloud related technologies like OpenShift and Kubernetes.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Big Data, Agile Methodologie, Bash Shell, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Docker, Git, Jira, Kubernetes, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Windows (allg.), Mysql, Node.Js, Openshift, Python, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Scrum, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, VMware Horizon

Software Developer V (Festanstellung)
Rackspace, Leeds
6/2016 – 10/2019 (3 Jahre, 5 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2016 – 10/2019


As one of the top developers within the Multi-Cloud Engineering team I've been a key contributor to the planning, management, design and implementation of integrated software defined resources projects across multiple cloud technologies contributing with my experience and know-how to the success and overall quality of those projects.

Key Accomplishments:
● Managed, planned, designed, implemented, deployed and maintained a concurrent ruby API to provision and manage one of the VMware cloud infrastructure products acting as the Principal DevOps Engineer within the project SCRUM team.
● Founding member of the SCRUM team that using Node.js in AWS Lambda and IaC structured, designed and delivered in under a year a pivotal, greenfield and cutting-edge multi-cloud Resource Cache system that takes advantage of DevOps and AWS technologies to maximize workloads across the most demanding cloud systems in the world including AWS, Azure, GCP and VMware.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Big Data, Agile Methodologie, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Bash Shell, Behavior Driven Development, Cloud (allg.), Cloud Computing, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, DevOps (allg.), Git, Google Cloud, JavaScript, Json, Jira, Apple Mac Systems, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Windows (allg.), Node.Js, Postgresql, Windows Powershell, Projektmanagement (IT), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Representational State Transfer (REST), Ruby, Scrum, Servicenow, SOAP, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Test Automation, Testen, Test Management, VMware vCenter, Vmware Vsphere, Sicherheit von Webanwendungen

Senior Developer (Festanstellung)
Sage, Manchester
5/2013 – 6/2016 (3 Jahre, 2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

5/2013 – 6/2016


As the most experienced ruby developer in the R&D SCRUM team played a key role in the successful delivery of UK's first to market accounts production online application delivered on target and within budget acting as an architect role since November 2015.

Key Accomplishments:
● Key contributions for the definition of application's architecture and development/test/QA stack.
● Promotor of Ruby and RoR best practices through code reviews, pair-programming, workshops, presentations, basecamps and discussions at architecture level and across multiple-project teams.
● Designed and coordinated the implementation of three Ruby gems that form the core of the accounts division applications architecture and two Ruby gems to manage the automation tests using BDD technologies.
● Worked closely with Sage Online Global Team for the definition of new Sage's Continuous Integration platform using Docker as the underline technology.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Apache HTTP Server, Behavior Driven Development, Continuous Delivery, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), DevOps (allg.), Docker, Git, HTML5, Hypertext Transfer Protocols (HTTP), JavaScript, Jira, Jquery, Apple Mac Systems, Mysql, Nginx, React (JavaScript library), Representational State Transfer (REST), Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Scrum, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, XML

Full Stack Developer
Tele2, Amsterdam
7/2012 – 1/2013 (7 Monate)

7/2012 – 1/2013


Integrated a team of four elements within the Network Management Systems group analysing and developing company's new Network Equipment Management System.

Key Accomplishments:
● Actively contributed to the implementation of TDD/BDD best practices.
● Key contributions for the definition of application's architecture including NoSQL data model.
● Developed a generic cross-platform rails engine to filter query results based on model classes, predicates values and users’ permissions.
● Developed a centralized tasks scheduling system using AMQP to manage tasks automation for multiple group's applications.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, Bash Shell, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Git, HTML5, JavaScript, Json, Jira, Microsoft Windows (allg.), Mongodb, Nginx, Representational State Transfer (REST), Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Scrum, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Software Virtualisierung, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Test Automation, Testen, Virtualisierung (Allg.), XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language)

IT Consultant / Full Stack Developer
RBC Investor & Treasury Services, Esch-sur-Alzette
3/2011 – 6/2012 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)

3/2011 – 6/2012


Analyse business needs and develop applications to streamline core business functions and improve workflow. Skilfully manage client relationships. Convey complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders clearly and concisely.

Key Accomplishments
● Consistently delivered high-profile projects on time and within budget, producing 4 RoR applications that are currently in production.
● Created 4 high-quality applications over 15 months that required just 3 minor production bug fixes.
● Received recognition from client for exceptional performance.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Apache HTTP Server, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), Git, HTML5, JavaScript, Jira, Jquery, Oracle Database, PL/SQL, Projektmanagement (IT), Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Crystal Reports, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Test Automation, Testen

IT Consultant / Full Stack Developer
Mindsource, Lisbon
8/2010 – 2/2011 (7 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

8/2010 – 2/2011


Led consulting engagements within top telecommunications companies, including Portugal Telecom (#1 provider with 5m customers) and (#3 operator with 2m+ customers). Assessed requirements and developed applications.

Key Accomplishments:
● Delivered projects on time and according to client specifications, creating applications that reduced workloads via automation.
● Successfully navigated large company, working with cross-functional teams.
● Consistently provided high-quality work, made key contributions to team efforts and used ability to learn new concepts and tools quickly to continuously improve performance.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, Bash Shell, Git, Jira, Microsoft Windows (allg.), Perl, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Scrum, Software Architecture, Software engineering / -technik, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Test Automation, Testen, Virtualisierung (Allg.), Web Entwicklung, Sicherheit von Webanwendungen

Lead Developer (Festanstellung)
Media Shareware, Lisbon
2/2007 – 7/2010 (3 Jahre, 6 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

2/2007 – 7/2010


Recruited to lead a concept development initiative. Managed project, analysis and development functions, creating a patented digital signage product. Chose development stack based in Open Source technologies: Linux, Ruby-on-Rails and PostgreSQL. Selected and managed 2 staff resources to complete project.

Key Accomplishments:
● Selected to lead ground-breaking development project due to technical expertise and invited to lead negotiations on product manufacturing during 15-day trip to inspect facilities in China and Taiwan.
● Quickly adapted to top development leadership role and made key contributions during negotiations in China and Taiwan, delivering product and capabilities as specified.
● Impressed key stakeholder with dedication to success and willingness to put other activities (including PhD studies) on hold until completion.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), Bash Shell, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, Json, Jquery, Lighttpd, Postgresql, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement (IT), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Representational State Transfer (REST), Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, Software Design, Software engineering / -technik, Software Virtualisierung, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), SQL, Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, Virtualisierung (Allg.), Web Analytics, Web Entwicklung, Sicherheit von Webanwendungen, Webdesign


Condensed Matter Physics (not complete)
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Master of Science
Engineering Physics
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Über mich

Skilled DevOps, DevSecOps, Full Stack and Cloud Software Engineer with a passion for coding, a talent for accurately identifying business requirements through solid designs and a proven ability to responsibly manage workloads, teamwork and stakeholder relations, adapting quickly to new challenges. Leverage unique, diverse background, training and work in top cloud, accounting software, financial services and telecom companies as well as start-ups. Deliver projects on time and within budget. Use a variety of methodologies to develop and deliver top-quality solutions.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Project Management ● Application Development ● Business Analysis ● Consulting Initiatives ● Web Development ● Cloud ● DevOps ● DevSecOps ● RDBMS ● Big Data ● Agile

Persönliche Daten

  • Portugiesisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Gut)
  • Spanisch (Gut)
  • Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Niederländisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Italienisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
18 Jahre und 1 Monat (seit 02/2007)
7 Jahre


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