freiberufler Senior Process Engineer auf

Senior Process Engineer

  • 40‐80€/Stunde
  • 22605 Hamburg
  • auf Anfrage
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  • 14.07.2022


Fourteen years of experience as a mechanical/process engineer for EPCM projects in the Oil and Gas downstream, power plants, petrochemical plants and pharmaceutical plants.


  • Biotechnologie
  • Energiemaschinenbau
  • Energieverfahrenstechnik
  • Maschinenbau
  • Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik6 J.
  • Thermische Verfahrenstechnik7 J.
  • Thermodynamik7 J.
  • Verfahrenstechniker

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Process Engineer (Festanstellung)
Phedco, Tehran
3/2019 – 12/2021 (2 Jahre, 10 Monate)

3/2019 – 12/2021


o Provided comprehensive solution for multiphase separation in Biotech, Pharmaceutical, and chemical plants
based on the client's inquiry.
o Involved in the design, development, manufacturing, and testing of Multiphase Separators (disk stack separator,
decanter centrifuge, and tubular centrifuge) for blood fractionation, medicinal plants extraction, mammalian cell
culture harvest, sludge dewatering, etc.
o Performed CFD simulation of three-phase flow in decanter centrifuges and disc stack separators.
o Performed designed and thermodynamics modeling subzero cooling system of biotech separators.
o Prepared technical offers by preparing process design of the whole cycle including design basis, equipment sizing,
PFD and P&IDs, system description, operating manuals, and datasheets of relevant equipment.
o Assisted in the preparation of commercial proposal by providing MTO and RFP for sub-vendors and
reviewed/evaluated sub-vendor documents and provided low-cost solutions.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Verfahrenstechnik (allg.)

Senior Process Engineer (Festanstellung)
Otepco, Tehran
3/2015 – 3/2019 (4 Jahre, 1 Monat)

3/2015 – 3/2019


• Projects
➢ 3000m3/Day Sea Water RO Desalination Plant, Karagan, Iran.
➢ 2x25 MW Gas Engine-Based Power Plant, Shokouhieh and Garmsar, Iran.
➢ ORC Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (WHRPP) in Cement Plant, Firozabad, Iran.
• Duty
o Developed conceptual design, Layout, and GA Drawing, thermodynamic simulation, hydraulic calculations
o Prepared preliminary heat and mass balance diagram, PFD, P&ID, process equipment, and instrument datasheets,
process specifications for the procurement of equipment and other technical parts of tender documents.
o Involved in the CAPEX and OPEX estimation and feasibility study of Plants.
o Attained clarification meeting with Bidders and prepared technical BID evaluation report.
o Reviewed, checked and commented on vendor/subcontractor drawings, datasheet, specifications, etc.
o Site visit & study of existing layout feasibility for the new plant layout and ducting and piping requirements.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Energietechnik, Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik, Verfahrenstechnik (allg.)

Process Engineer (Festanstellung)
Monenco Iran Consulting Engineers, Tehran
2/2008 – 3/2015 (7 Jahre, 2 Monate)

2/2008 – 3/2015


• Projects:
➢ Isfahan Refinery Upgrading Project, (Increasing Capacity, Improving Quality of Main Products, Decreasing
Production of Heavy Oil Products), Iran
➢ Shahid Rasouli Petrochemical Complex (Production of Formalin, Acetaldehyde and Pentaerythritol)
➢ 5000 MW Combined Cycle Power Plants, 2000 MW Thermal Power Plant and 20000 M3/Day Desalination
Plant (Yazd, Chadormalou, Sirjan, Kahnoj, Damavand, Tabas, Qheshm and …), Iran.
• Duty
o Worked on P&ID for utility (low/medium pressure steam, cooling/chilled water, instrument/utility air,
nitrogen, gas/liquid fuel), gas and steam turbine generator and drainage (oily/clean water, chemical etc.)
o Prepared hydraulic calculations, line and valve sizing, process data sheets of pumps, heat exchangers,
process instrumentation, process vessels and storage tanks.
o Prepared/checked CVS, PSV and RV sizing Calculation, heat tracing calculation and Steam trap sizing.
o Performed thermal design and rating of shell & tube, plate and frame and air cooler heat exchanger,
tubular reboiler, condensers, column evaporators per TEMA, API 660, and ASME Code.
o Designed main/axillary natural/force cooling system (specified the optimal type and design points, sizing
tube bundle, selecting fin type, sizing fan, module arrangement, cooling water hydraulic and…)
o Prepared thermodynamic modeling of the whole power plant and issued heat and mass balance diagram.
o Prepared heat loss calculation for fuel tank and tank heating system designing
o Contributed to design of loading/unloading of feed and product.
o Made piping material selection, design and test condition and insulation/protection specification.
o Checked and commented on vendor documents and documents issued by other disciplines.
o Closed out design review, 3D model review and HAZOP action items.
o Developed software for sizing and optimizing natural and forced draft dry cooling tower.
o Member of know-how and technology transfer for Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) (by Inospin Switzerland)
o Performed CFD analysis of ACC, ACC steam duct, natural draft cooling tower, HRSG duct burner, etc.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Strömungsmechanik, Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Thermodynamik, Verfahrenstechnik (allg.)


Mechanical Emgineering
Master of Science
Mechanical Emgineering
Bachelor of Science

Über mich

Fourteen years of experience as a mechanical/process engineer for EPCM projects in the Oil and Gas downstream, power plants, petrochemical plants and pharmaceutical plants. Proven success within various areas of project execution, from feasibility studies to detail-design and construction phase activities. Extensive background in design of heat exchangers and cooling systems. Responsibilities include producing all process Project deliverables.

Weitere Kenntnisse

o MSc. in Mechanical Engineering -Energy Conversion
o Proficient user of MS Office Package, Windows OS and AutoCAD
o Proficient user of Thermo flow, Aspen Hydraulic, Aspen EDR, HTRI, PIPNET, Sizemaster, PIPEPHASE
o Good knowledge user of CFD tools such as ANSYS FLUENT, ANSYS CFX, Gambit, Tecplot, MATLAB coding

Persönliche Daten

  • Persisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
17 Jahre und 1 Monat (seit 02/2008)
3 Jahre


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