freiberufler iOS Developer since 2009 | Freelance | SwiftUI, Swift, ObjC, UX, UI Design auf

iOS Developer since 2009 | Freelance | SwiftUI, Swift, ObjC, UX, UI Design

  • 75€/Stunde
  • 40231 Düsseldorf
  • auf Anfrage
  • de  |  en
  • 20.02.2024


iOS/OSX developer & ui/ux designer since June 2009. I developed more than 30 app projects for several companies, standalone and with teams from concept to production.

Auszug Referenzen (1)

"E. war in meinem Team als Senior iOS Dev tätig. Er ist ein gute Team-player und ein talentierte iOS Dev."
Sen. iOS developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
Sanket Shinde

11/2019 – 10/2021


- Creating project UX and UI concept
- Creating iOS / Swift projects build on mvp and mvvm pattern
- Creating API connectivity to use OBD/ CarData of BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar & Land Rover - Creating smart data evaluations to predict car maintenance and customer services

- Creating Web Interface for administration of car and customer data

- Creating semi automatic trading software using MQL5 for MetaTrader & financial products
 - Creating smart push services for active and passive app & backend communications

- Implementing BlueTooth communication services

- Creating Javascript based dashboard with visual data presentation using ZingChart

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)


  • Code-Review
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Git2 J.
  • iOS
  • iOS Entwicklung12 J.
  • Jira2 J.
  • Scrum2 J.
  • Swift (Programmiersprache)
  • User Experience (UX)10 J.
  • User Interface (UI)10 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

iOS Senior Developer
CARIAD, Bertrandt, diconium, Volkswagen, Düsseldorf
11/2021 – 11/2023 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)

11/2021 – 11/2023


iOS Development of modules for Volkswagen App

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Git, iOS Entwicklung, Jira, Scrum, Team Building, Test Automation

Sen. iOS developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
PeopleFactor GmbH,
 become true GmbH, PwC, Cedar S, Düsseldorf
11/2019 – 10/2021 (2 Jahre)
Dienstleistungsbranchen (Service)

11/2019 – 10/2021


- Creating project UX and UI concept
- Creating iOS / Swift projects build on mvp and mvvm pattern
- Creating API connectivity to use OBD/ CarData of BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar & Land Rover - Creating smart data evaluations to predict car maintenance and customer services

- Creating Web Interface for administration of car and customer data

- Creating semi automatic trading software using MQL5 for MetaTrader & financial products
 - Creating smart push services for active and passive app & backend communications

- Implementing BlueTooth communication services

- Creating Javascript based dashboard with visual data presentation using ZingChart

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

Sen. iOS Developer, UX & Conceptional Consultant
UZE Mobility GmbH, Zeittrinken App, mVISE AG, Util, Düsseldorf
7/2018 – 9/2019 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
Dienstleistungsbranchen (Service)

7/2018 – 9/2019


- Creating iOS / Swift projects build on model view presenter pattern

- UX optimization of user registration and identification module

- Implementation of OCR for documents identification (identity card, drivers license)

- Selfi-Video recording for verification purpose using iOS AudioVideoFoundation

- Multiplayer functionality using iOS GameCenter and Multipeer Connectivity

- In app purchase using StoreKit and local database using SQLite and Object Box

- Implementation of new CSS/JS/Thymeleaf website into running Java Spring Application

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

Project lead developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
TWW Talents world wide GmbH (vormals AESH GbR) | t, Düsseldorf
1/2018 – 6/2018 (6 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2018 – 6/2018


- Creating project UX and UI concept 

- Consultant of strategic business and app & web features planing

- Test driven iOS development and backend development using PHP/MySQL/WordPress
 - Implementation of amazon web services and social media sharing functionalities

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

lead developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
Fredfox, Kandinsky Deutschland GmbH,
 tyre1 GmbH &, Düsseldorf
9/2017 – 3/2018 (7 Monate)
Dienstleistungsbranchen (Service)

9/2017 – 3/2018


- Prototyping and UI/UX design for an internal iPad sales application using InVision, Sketch
 - Design and implementation of realtime data synchronization service using REST for online and offline usage, notification changes

- Design and implementation of fabrics organizing system (file and database design) for local persistence and online synchronization services

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

Project lead developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
townKULT UG (haftungsbeschränkt) | townKULT App,
, Düsseldorf
11/2015 – 8/2017 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

11/2015 – 8/2017


- Creating project UX and UI concept

- Consultant of strategic business and features planing

- Test driven iOS development and backend development using PHP/MySQL/WordPress
 - REST-API-Engine development using custom made WordPress-Plugins and JSON

- Implementation of local database using SQLite for offline usage

- Jenkins continuous integration, automated testing

- Implementation of audio recordings using iOS AudioVideoFoundation

- Designer of C.I. and print media

- Scrum, Kanban

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web Entwicklung

Apps lead developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
CITYGUIDE AG, Düsseldorf
9/2012 – 8/2015 (3 Jahre)
Dienstleistungsbranchen (Service)

9/2012 – 8/2015


- Creating project UX, UI concept and features planing for iOS and Android

- iOS Prototyping

- Development of app organization system to handle > 350 city apps

- Development of sales enterprise application for iPad and backend connectivity
 - App distribution on the App Store

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

iOS lead developer, conceptual consulting, UX and UI designer
Fredfox, Kandinsky Deutschland GmbH ( ca. 15 Apps), Düsseldorf
8/2011 – 7/2015 (4 Jahre)
Dienstleistungsbranchen (Service)

8/2011 – 7/2015


- Creating project UX, UI concept and features planing for iOS
 - App distribution on the App Store

- Porting Android apps to iOS

- File and data encryption

- Implementation of audio editing, photography and music functions

- Development of white label fair fit games (2D with physics engine) and sales devision apps for Audi, VW Bank, Business Talk of Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Athlon, AutoOnline, Skoda and more

- Development of a surveillance monitor for VHF transmitters and displaying all radio stations on large smart TVs with data and status updates

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

iOS Entwicklung, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)

Über mich

"Ich bin ein erfahrener iOS-App-Entwickler mit über 14 Jahren iOS & macOS Entwicklung, UX und UI Design. Von Ideen bis hin zu Großprojekten für Agenturen und Konzerne war ich in über 40 Apps als Freelancer unterwegs. Meine vielseitigen Fähigkeiten und freundliche Persönlichkeit bereichern Teams & Business. Als Fullstack-Entwickler bringe ich umfassendes Know-how und Synergie in jedes Projekt."

"I am an experienced iOS app developer with over 14 years of iOS & macOS development, UX, and UI design. From ideas to large projects for agencies and corporations, I have worked on over 40 apps as a freelancer. My versatile skills and friendly personality enrich teams & businesses. As a full-stack developer, I bring comprehensive expertise and synergy to every project."

Weitere Kenntnisse

SwiftUI, Tuist, Dependency Injection, SPM (Swift Package Manager)
UseCase architecture, @Injected, UnitTest, Apple Combine, JIRA

Swift, Objective C, MVVM, MVP, MVC, MVVM, CocoaPods, GitLab, Google Firebase, Confluence, Amazon AWS, SQLite, SQLCipher, Object Box, REST, iOS AudioVideoFoundation, BlinkID, APN, Swiftify, PaintCode, Sketch, Bootstrap, AngularJS, WordPress Theme + Plugins Development, InVision, Azure, IntelliJ, Affinity & Adobe, Jenkins, Scrum, Docker, Swagger, GitHub Actions, CloudKit, SwiftGen, SwiftLint

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
15 Jahre und 8 Monate (seit 06/2009)
5 Jahre


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