freiberufler Electronic Systems Engineer auf

Electronic Systems Engineer

  • 80‐90€/Stunde
  • 25746 Lohe-Rickelshof
  • auf Anfrage
  • es  |  en  |  de
  • 25.08.2023


I am a multidisciplinary electronics engineering offering my design and consultancy services as freelance together with my partner at
Currently located in the Netherlands, we are offering our remote services worldwide.


  • Altium Designer1 J.
  • Digitale Elektronik6 J.
  • Elektronik
  • Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung3 J.
  • Firmware
  • FPGA6 J.
  • Hardwarebeschreibungssprache1 J.
  • Labview3 J.
  • PADS

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

System and Electronics Engineer (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, München
2/2018 – 9/2021 (3 Jahre, 8 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

2/2018 – 9/2021


• Procurement technical responsible of electrical and optical payload instruments for European earth observation programs
• Interface between the subcontractor team and the various technical disciplines (electronics, thermal, mechanics, performance, optics).
• Preparation and management of milestone reviews, task forces and
Nonconformance Review Boards (NRBs).
• Continuous monitoring and reporting of the subcontractor development activities, ensuring that the program needs are met for all technical aspects.
• Management of the units’ incoming activities and main interface to support the first AIT phases during the instrument integration.
• Development of FPGA-based temperature and micro-vibration control algorithms for flight cryocooling systems.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Digitale Elektronik, FPGA, Raumfahrttechnik, Systems Engineering, Technisches Projektmanagement

Electronics Engineer (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Madrid
6/2016 – 1/2018 (1 Jahr, 8 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

6/2016 – 1/2018


• Development of platforms for custom ASICs validation. Tasks including
schematics and PCB development, FPGA design and LabView programming.
• Evaluation of rad-hard space components at radiation testing facilities.
• VHDL development targeting space FPGA devices for space projects.
• Project manager and designer on R&D programs related to SMA technology.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Altium Designer, FPGA, Labview, Raumfahrttechnik, Technisches Projektmanagement, Hardwarebeschreibungssprache

Electronics Engineer
Kundenname anonymisiert, Madrid
3/2015 – 6/2018 (3 Jahre, 4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

3/2015 – 6/2018


• Development of digital control for power converters based on Xilinx' Zynq SoC.
• Design of the schematics, layout and control of custom power converters.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Digitale Elektronik, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, FPGA, Labview, Leistungsverhältnisse Benachbarter Kanäle (Leistungselektronik), Systems Engineering


Electronic Systems Engineering (MISEA program)

Weitere Kenntnisse

Schematics and PCB design

Wide experience in schematic capture and layout design, from small highly integrated boards to large units including high-pin-count programmable devices, digital buses/interfaces, and simple power elements. Knowledge on signal integrity and EMC topics associated to PCB design.
Proficient in the use of several CAD tools: Orcad Capture/PSpice/Allegro, Altium designer, Eagle and Hyperlynx for signal integrity analysis.

FPGA devices

Several years working with different FPGA devices from Xilinx (Spartan, Virtex 4/5/6) and Microsemi (ProASIC). VHDL as programming language for such devices and more than two years of experience working with Xilinx’ High Level Synthesis tool (HLS) to implement FPGA designs from C code. Highly experienced with Xilinx ISE and Vivado design suite (includingSDK), ModelSim to execute test-benches, Synplify for FPGA synthesis and further tools associated to Microsemi Libero suite.

System on Chip

Development of fully customized System on Chip architectures based on the Leon processor and the AMBA bus targeting Virtex and ProASIC FPGAs, using GRMON as software development environment. Embedded designs based on Xilinx Microblaze soft processor core. Designs based on state-of-the-art Xilinx Zynq SoC devices, including processing logic development and ARM Cortex A9 processors programming.

COTS Microcontrollers

More than five years of experience developing algorithms for commercial microcontrollers, from classic 8051 based devices to the newest ARM processors (Cortex M). C and C++ as programming languages. Several different integrated development environments used, as ARM Keil, Atmel Studio or Texas Code Composer studio.

Computer GUIs

LabView based applications to control different electronic systems or to be used as graphic user interface for the final user. Simpler solutions based on Python applications.

Persönliche Daten

  • Spanisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
14 Jahre (seit 01/2011)


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