freiberufler JAVA Developer with 10 years of total IT experience auf

JAVA Developer with 10 years of total IT experience

  • auf Anfrage
  • 80331 München
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  • 21.11.2023


Software Professional with 10+ years of IT experience with good understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Object Oriented Programming (OOPs). Familiar with design patterns and vast array of programming languages.

Auszug Referenzen (1)

"I'm glad that we have opportunity to work together on project of fleet management area. I recommend her as a really good engineer and work partner."
Java Backend Developer
Krzysztof Dziadziak

11/2017 – 11/2018


End to end IoT Solutions for clients of Telemetric Products by Telic AG
My Role in the Project:
Within Scrum software development processes worked on the following modules:
• Forwarder: Defined REST API using Swagger.
• Developed a Feign based REST client that utilizes Rabbit MQ Message Broker to listen to queues for data and consumes REST API from the backend in order to forward it to backend.
Provided Spring retry facility and warps the call to REST API with CircuitBreaker for failover mechanism.
• Used hazelCast IMDG in order to share some data in distributed environment.
• Extended an XML based parser in order to parse some raw Telemetric data in flexible key value manner which was later sent to REST server using forwarder.
• Refactored and extracted a logbook module from an existing Project in order to provide a clean implementation using Springboot, that works as an independent REST server to read and write data on REST calls to Cassandra backend.
• Performed code reviews
• Also participated in a Scrum workshop

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie


  • Agile Methodologie12 J.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Apache Kafka
  • JAVA
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Kotlin
  • Mongodb
  • Mysql
  • Rabbit MQ
  • Spring Framework

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Java Developer (Festanstellung)
GBI Genios German economic database Gmbh, Johannes, Munich
4/2019 – offen (5 Jahre, 10 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

4/2019 – offen


Genios provides a search engine based on ElasticSearch for German regional and economic databases
My role in the Project:
As a backend developer my daily work includes
• Extensive Data Processing from XML to Json using DOM/SAX parsers
• Thorough interaction with NoSql Mongo db to leverage upon the simplified json representation of data
• Data Modelling
• Daily Upload of Publisher’s Data, after processing, to Elastic Search
• Working on the development of Job Execution Framework for backend using technologies like Java 11.0 OpenJdk, Springboot framework and FreeMarker Template in MVC architecture for the associated inhouse frontend.
• Working on upgradation and maintenance for backend and frontend of GBI Genios’s web portal that was built using Groovy on Grails framework and uses GSP for frontend web pages.
• Working with REST APIs and HTTP Client for partial data Processing

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie

Java Backend Developer
Telic AG, Oberhaching, Oberhaching
11/2017 – 11/2018 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

11/2017 – 11/2018


End to end IoT Solutions for clients of Telemetric Products by Telic AG
My Role in the Project:
Within Scrum software development processes worked on the following modules:
• Forwarder: Defined REST API using Swagger.
• Developed a Feign based REST client that utilizes Rabbit MQ Message Broker to listen to queues for data and consumes REST API from the backend in order to forward it to backend.
Provided Spring retry facility and warps the call to REST API with CircuitBreaker for failover mechanism.
• Used hazelCast IMDG in order to share some data in distributed environment.
• Extended an XML based parser in order to parse some raw Telemetric data in flexible key value manner which was later sent to REST server using forwarder.
• Refactored and extracted a logbook module from an existing Project in order to provide a clean implementation using Springboot, that works as an independent REST server to read and write data on REST calls to Cassandra backend.
• Performed code reviews
• Also participated in a Scrum workshop

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie

Research Associate (Festanstellung)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron(DESY), Zeuthen, Brandenburg
6/2014 – 5/2016 (2 Jahre)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2014 – 5/2016


CTA-ACTL: Array Control - Cherenkov Telescope Array
Project Description: CTA’s Array Control is a SCADA system that aims to provide Controlling, Monitoring and Data Acquisition for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
My Role in the Project:
• TMCDB Port to MySQL which earlier supported only Oracle HSQLDB, TMCDB uses XML DB as Configuration Data Base (CDB), which provides the schema for the corresponding tables in Relational Database Oracle and MySQL.
• Alarm Client and Logging Client: Alarm and Logging clients persist alarms and logs respectively to NoSQL Database. Clients also use the capping feature of Mongo DB to keep from preserving the data that has lost its relevance.
• Performed code reviews
• Gave presentation on OPCUA in OPCUA bootcamp in Milan, Italy.
• Gave presentation on TMCDB in European Southern Observatory Garching bei München

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie

Member Technical Staff, (Festanstellung)
NEC HCL System Technologies Limited, NOIDA India, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
6/2010 – 6/2012 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2010 – 6/2012


NEC AFIS : Automated Fingerprint Identification System
Project Description: AFIS is an Advanced Fingerprint Identification system, which follows a 3 tier architecture. Tier1 is matching server and feature database. Tier2 is middleware handling and channelling requests of multiple Tier3 clients. Tier3 is the client system providing the AFIS GUI to the operators.
My Role in project: Worked on Tier2 and Tier3. Performed Maintenance for dozens of sites and developed new features on demand.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie

Project Engineer (Applied Artificial Intelligence group) (Festanstellung)
Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC, Pune, Maharashtra
9/2008 – 6/2010 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

9/2008 – 6/2010


Shrutlekhan is a Hindi speech recognition system, capable of recognizing varied dialects of Hindi language. It takes sound as input and converts to Devnagari text output.
My role in project: Developed a tool that can direct the recognized text stream to any UI edit control in the operating system. Task involved hooking to Windows and capture relevant system messages. Also performed maintenance of the project.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie


Advanced Computing
Post Graduate Diploma
Pune Maharashtra India
Electronics and Telecommunication
NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh India

Über mich

I have a Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing and a Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering. I believe that my educational background gives me a better understanding of the technical aspects of a project. My 8.9 years of professional experience as a Software Developer has given me opportunity to work on projects from diverse fields (including Biometrics, Speech Technologies, and Image Processing, Connected Cars, Search Engine) and solve problems innovatively. My experience includes processes such as designing, conceptualization, development of modules, code reviews, and creation of test requirements, product integration, configuration management, release management, maintenance, and documentation.

I can be available from 01.10.2021

Weitere Kenntnisse

My skill set includes:

Programming Languages: JAVA, SQL, XML, HTML, C, C++, VC++, MFC, WIN32, Python(Script Editing), BASH (Script Editing),Angular,JavaScript, Groovy

Technologies: SpringBoot, Grails, RabbitMQ ,REST API, Feign REST client,Circuit Breaker, Hazelcast, InfluxDB, Hibernate ORM, XML(DOM and SAX parser),JDWP for remote debugging, Jenkins, Swagger

Testing: Junit, TestNG

Software Engineering: Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA, OOD), Design Patterns, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, SDLC

Tools: Intellij ,Eclipse, Swagger, VMWare, Virtual Box, Vagrant, Altova XML Spy, ObjectAid, Visio

Version Control System: SVN, GIT, SourceTree

Database: Cassandra, MySQL, Mongo DB

Operating Systems: Windows (Extensively), Linux platforms (As per requirement), MAC

Persönliche Daten

  • Hindi (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
16 Jahre und 4 Monate (seit 09/2008)


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