Software Architect AUTOSAR Embedded Software
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- 10.01.2025
II) Skills:
II.1) Programming Languages
C und C++ nebst STL und TMP, TR1 (Boost); C++ 11&14
Java (weniger JEE)
II.2) AUTOSAR-Toolchain, CAN, Lin, MOST, Ethernet.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
9/2024 – 12/2024
Buildprozess-Optimierung. Softwaredesignprozess-Optimierung.
Architektur & Design.
Automatisierung & Tooling.
Programmierer C, C++, Confluence, Enterprise Architect (EA), Git
4/2024 – 8/2024
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDrone Ground Control (Bodenkontrollstation für Drohnen).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC++, Python, Qt (Software)
1/2024 – 4/2024
Electronic Access Control Car Door.
Arm Cortex M0 4100S Max (Infineon).
Cypress Hardware Abstraction (Infineon).
Programming close to the hardware. Interrupt Management. Low
Power and Sleep Management
Debugging with Lauterbach T32 and Segger Ozone
Oscilloscope (R&S)
Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung, Software Quality, ARM-Architektur, Software Design, Python, Microsoft Visual Studio
3/2021 – 9/2023
Radar-Sensor project with well established radar cyle: RfCom, FFT, rawdata
processing, image detection and -processing, environment model, fusion to
data base for autonomous mobility.
AUTOSAR Classic + Adaptive
DevOps with Conan Artifactory, Docker, Kubernetes, Github and
Package Slicing and Versioning with Package Management Framework
called “Bricks” (in Python and CMake.)
Efficient build partitioning
Runtime and Memory Optimization (Efficient Looping, “Restrict”…)
Static Code Analysis with QAC
Google Unit-Testing (GTest) in C++
MDD from an EMF-Tool to ARxml to RTE contract phase
Cooperation acc. To SAFe
HEP with IBM Jazz (DOORS NG + Rhapsody + Streams.)
A-Spice Level 2
Iso 26262, Automotive Open System Architecture, Docker, Git, Kubernetes, Python, Virtualisierung (Allg.), Microsoft Visual Studio
1/2021 – 3/2024
HCP4 Project (OEM: Audi) with central vehicle computer and rapid bus network
based on Ethernet as opposed to decentralized ECU-network. Security
& Authentication mechanisms.
Requirements Engineering
Module Configuration and Generation in EB Tresos
Software Architecture in EA 13
Backlog-Conferencing (Scrum)
Security Issues.
Enterprise Architect (EA), Softwareanforderungsanalyse, Software Architecture, C++, Git, Java (allg.), Jira, Softwareentwicklung (allg.)
6/2016 – 1/2021
AUTOSAR 3.2.3 Body Control Module SW-Architect
Design Architecture. Provide Tracking and Traceability acc. to SPICE
• Software Architecture Rhapsody (and Sparx EA)
• Software Requirements DOORS
• Software Requirements Coverage and Traceability Rhapsody Gateway
• Support Integration Team
• Support Test Team
• Support FSM (ASIL-B)
• Automatic import from ARXML into Rhapsody Architecture Model
• Python Tools for Inter AUTOSAR-Layer Access Violation Analysis as well as Call
Tree Analysis across SWC borders related to FSM. Both based on
• PLAST Testframework: Automated Testsuites via Python-API of iSystem
Debugger (WinIDEA). Coaching Developer-Team in Iasi (Romania).
• Analysis-Tools in DXL (DOORS Extension Language).
• Tooling in Python for extracting and analyzing data from Jira. Jira Module and
ISO 26262 – ASIL D, E2E, AUTOSAR, Rh850, C, MISRA-C, LINT, CANape,
CANoe, Rational Rhapsody + Gateway, Rhapsody Java-API, DOORS+DXL,
Eclipse/IDEAS, Renesas RH850, CESSAR-CT, RTE, COM-Stack, Python (Excel,
XML, Json, ReST), Vector DaVinci Developer, Matlab, Enterprise Architect 13,
Arxml2XMI-Generator (Eigenentwicklg.), Python 3.7, Openpyxl, Sci-Tools UnderstandC,
iSystems WinIDEA, ReST-API, DXL.
Iso 26262, Automotive Open System Architecture, C++, Python, Requirement Analyse, Software Quality
9/2013 – 5/2016
AUTOSAR 4 Short Range Radar(SRR) Driver Assistance System
Entwicklung ECU Software (OS, BSW, Complex Device Drivers, NvM, RTE, RTE-SWCs nach AUTOSAR 4 mit CESSAR CT, Modelling mit Rhapsyody
• Software Entwurf und Design
• Code Generierung mit Toolchain (CESSAR CT, Rhapsody)
• Taskverwaltung (OSEK) auf Multicore ECU
• Diagnose DEM
• Testing via MTS (+ MO-Development)
ADAS, AUTOSAR, C, MISRA-C, QAC, Polyspace, Cantata, CANape, CANoe, Flexray, Lauterbach T32 mit Scripting, Rational Rhapsody, DOORS, Eclipse/TD4, MPC5775N 4 Core (Z7, Z4), Java (EMF) mit JSP, MTS, CESSAR-CT, RTE, COM-Stack, Python, EB Tresos Guide
Iso 26262, Automotive Open System Architecture, C++, CAN-Bus (controller area network), Canoe Software, Eclipse, Eclipse Modeling Framework, Python
elop Kempten
Uni Freiburg
Über mich
C/C++; C++ 11,14; STL, TMP, Boost. OOP. MISRA-C. Lint, QAC.
Java 8. EJB, JEE (2002). OOP.
Python. OOP.
Perl, Lua, Shell-Script, awk, sed.
IMS, Git, SVN, CVS, VSS, Clearcase.
Eclipse, Visual Studio, IntelliJ, PyCharm, Sublime.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Fließend)
- Italienisch (Gut)
- Portugiesisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Russisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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