Principal Consultant and QA / QM Auditor for pharmaceutical- and Med-Tech-Industry
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- 4000 Basel
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- 24.02.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2024 – 10/2024
• Coordinate the different Annex 1 project clusters (e.g. Clean Room Qualification, Zoning Concept, Gowning, mobile Devices, Bioreactors, Autoclaves) based on an existing project
plan and Roche’s Annex 1 baseline requirements
• Support the cluster leads in case of emerging roadblocks
• Write project reports as necessary
• Develop and adjust project plans, including timelines, resource allocation, and budgeting
• Maintain frequent communication to offer encouragement, amend tasks, and provide
updates on goal progress
• Monitor project progress, identify and mitigate risks, and communicate updates to
stakeholders (local steering committee) and sponsor
• Quickly identify and communicate capacity constraints
• Seek for pragmatic approaches to ensure successful project execution
• Provide technical expertise for the technical project (Grade A operation improvements
for seed train operations and open bulk filling
Budgetierung, GXP, Pharmazie, Projekt-Dokumentation, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung
10/2023 – 3/2024
- interne Audits
- GxP Compliance und Prozessverbesserungen
- Optimierung der Arbeitsabläufe bei Routine- und Stabiltätsanalysen
- Bearbeitung von Abweichungen und Änderungen
- Erstellung von SOPs im Dokumentenmanagementsystem
- Qualifizierung von Laborgeräten inklusive CSV
Softwaredokumentation, GXP, Pharmazie
10/2021 – 9/2023
Senior QA Manager für diverse Projekte und Bereiche:
- Durchführung von internen und externen GxP Audits E2E
- Aufbau eines neuen QC Mikrobiologie-Labors (Equipmentqualifizierung, SOPs, Prozesse)
- Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme der sterilen Abfüllung unter GMP (Gap-Analysen, Prozessverbesserung, QA Überwachung von MediaFills, QA Approvals auf diversen Dokumenten (ECC, DR's, Risikoanalysen, CAPAs, Qualifizierungen)
- Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines erweiterten GMP Lagers (RT und 2-8)
Good Manufacturing Practices, Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Qualitätssicherungssysteme, Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
3/2021 – 9/2021
Head of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs:
- Aufbau des GXP- Qualitätsmanagements
- Erstellung sämtlicher Quality-Prozess-Dokumente für cGMP und GDP
- Erstellung von SOPs zu speziellen Themenbereichen wie Equipmentqualifizierung, CSV, Reinmedien, Prozessautomation, Auditing
- Aufbau der Quality Organisation
- Funktion der FvP gemäss Schweizer Recht
Qualitätsdokumentation, Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Regulatory Affairs
3/2020 – 8/2020
- Kompletter Aufbau des Qualitätsmanagementsystemes gemäss ISO13485
- Erstellung Q-Handhuch und Prozess-SOPs für Themenbereiche wie Change-Control, Training, Abweichung, CAPA, Compliants, Entwicklungsprozesse Medical Device, Auditing (intern und extern)
- Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines elektronischen DMS-Systems inklusive CSV Validierung
Qualitätsdokumentation, Qualitätshandbuch, Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Qualitätssicherungssysteme
1/2015 – 12/2020
Head of QA Technics and Service Provider Management within TR&D Basel
• Leading a team of 10 QA Subject Matter Experts in the field of small Molecules and
Biologics for Qualification & Validation activities related to Drug Substance, Drug
Product and Combination Products (ISO13485)
• Leadership for quality oversight of process/cleaning validation, Automation and
Computer validation, Quality Risk Management, Change-Control, CAPA, Discrepancy
Management and Equipment qualification activities in production and analytical areas
• Global Lead for Service Provider and Supplier Qualification in TR&D (300 Companies)
• Execution of more than 70 audits as Lead Auditor in the last 5 years
Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
1/2010 – 1/2015
• QA Managing of Combination Products (MDR) including Product Release
• QA Lead and responsibility for two new construction projects in Basel and Kaiseraugst
150 mCHF new facility for Medical Device)
• Managing and providing of QA Subject Matter Expertise for:
• Qualification of Production Equipment (sterile formulations)
including Process Automation according to GAMP5 and CSV activities
• End to End Aseptic Process Validation (Sterilization, Mediafill, CIP/SIP, VHP)
• Facilities zone concept, Critical Utilities (PW, WFI, Steam) incl. Risk-Mgmt.
• Preparation of the departments for Swissmedic GMP-Inspections
° ISO13485 Qualitymanagement from Development to Commerzial
Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
1/2008 – 1/2014
QA Manager (Main responsible QA) for
TR&D Neubau für alle galenischen Formen (Capex 400 Mio.)
Projektbeschreibung QA Verantwortung (End-to-End) für ein neues Produktionsgebäude für die technische Forschung und Entwicklung in Basel. Leitung eines Teams von 5-8 QA Managern.
Betreuung des Projektes in CD, BD, DD >> IQ,OQ,PQ >> Lieferantenmanagement >> Inspektionsvorberitung und Moderation der Behördenabnahme durch Swissmedic.
Resultate des Projektes: In-Time, In-Budget, GMP-Compliant (ohne Beanstandungen bei der behördlichen Abnahmeinspektion), Gewinner des Facility of the Year Awards in der Kategorie Projektmanagement
Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
1/2002 – 5/2006
Group Lead GMP Compliance Manager in QC Biotech
• Lead the GMP team to implement an improved quality system for QC Biotech.
Approval of all department SOPs as Author or QC Manager.
• Primary responsibility for Qualification, Calibration and Maintenance of Analytical
Equipment, Archiving GMP documentation, Preparations for authority’s inspections
1/1995 – 5/2000
Quality Assurance Manager for QC “EU Release”
• Responsible for compliance and further development of the GMP Quality System
• Review and approval of all SOPs, Deviation-/Investigation-Reports, EquipmentQualification-Plans/Reports, Method-Validation, Method-Transfers
• Execution of Self-Inspections and preparations for authority’s inspections
• Member of the QC Leadership-Team
Laboratory Head EU Release Analytics
• Laboratory Head of 7 laboratories within the EU Release Department
• Leading a team of 12 laboratory technicians in the field of Small Molecules and
Biologics QC testing activities related to: Drug Substance and Drug Product
• Plan and manage resources to provide analytical support to Roche Basel HQ
• Managing and providing of QC Subject Matter Expertise for:
• Analytical Method-Development, -Validation and -Transfer (in and out)
• Fully automated analytical systems for HPLC and dissolution testing
Laboratory Head centralized Chromatography
• Laboratory Head of 3 HPLC laboratories
• Leading a team of 5 laboratory technicians in the field of HPLC testing activities for:
Vitamins, small molecules drug products, various Roche Grenzach OTC products
• Executing HPLC Method-Development and Validation.
• Supervisory review and approval of QC results and reports
Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
Uni Albstadt-Sigmaringen
Über mich
(solids and sterile forms), Active Ingredients (API SM) as well as in the areas of
Device Development and QC Analytics (Biotech and SM), I have gained a very
broad expertise and experience. The combination of extensive experience in
many pharmaceutical areas together with my business administration and
process management skills from my MBA Program, allows me to use the
resource QUALITY exactly where it works most efficiently and effectively, without
compromising on GMP-COMPLIANCE.
Outstanding achievements can only be reached when working in a wellfunctioning team. In my role as group leader of 8-10 direct reports, I attached
great importance on an open, respectful and cooperative environment,
challenging and supporting my employees within their responsibilities and
abilities, in line with the company commitments.
I see my strengths also in supporting departments, projects, or external
companies in implementing quality risk management and improving quality
processes, especially in the field of qualification and validation.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Fertigung / Produktion, Funktionsübergreifende Teamführung, GMP, GMP-Einhaltung,
Herstellungsqualität, ISO13485:2016, ISO9001:2015, Konfliktmanagement, Kosten / Budget Entwicklung & Management, Lagerung, Materialmanagement, Mentoring Fähigkeiten, Methodenentwicklung, Operational Excellence, People Management,
Planning & Forecasting, Produkt Risk Management, Projektmanagement, Qualität,
Qualitätsmanagement, Qualitätsrisikomanagement, Qualitätssicherung / -kontrolle,
Qualitätssicherung (QA), Regulatorische Audits / Inspektionen, Regulatorische Richtlinien, Annex 1, Steril-Produktion, Solida-Produktion, GDP,
Risiko- / Sicherheitsmanagement, Schlanke Produktion, Stakeholder-Management,
Standardarbeitsanweisungen (SOP), Supplier Relationship, Entwicklung, System Design,
Systemtechnik, Teamführung, Technische Applikationen Design / Management,
Technische Vorschriften, Technologie Change Management, Testing (Validation & Verification), Validierung, Validierungspläne, Vertragsverhandlungen,
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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