![freelance.de - Frontend Lead Engineer in React & Design Systems & Frontend freiberufler Frontend Lead Engineer in React & Design Systems & Frontend auf freelance.de](/user-images/profiles/thumbnails/195457_176_5296bfe447f4.jpg?8ca8a34b3e03c6d2e349199577610f30)
Frontend Lead Engineer in React & Design Systems & Frontend
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 1 Referenz
- 85‐110€/Stunde
- 10409 Berlin
- auf Anfrage
- ru | en
- 08.03.2024
In den letzten 6 Jahren dreht sich alles um React.js.
Sprachen und Frameworks: JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, GraphQL, Express.
Bibliotheken: ReactJS, Material UI, Styled Components, React Dn
Auszug Referenzen (1)
"I met A. as a very knowledgeable and passionate frontend engineer, when I took over as engineering manager for heycar spain."
6/2020 – 11/2020
Our team launched a brand new heycar.com for the global market. It's a new version which currently available in Spain and this product will be expanded on the new markets.
Responsibilities & Achievements:
- Defined and implemented frontend architecture & tech stack
- Created complex UI components (sliders, image gallery, filters)
- Performance and accessibility improvements (2x time load speed compared to the prev version)
- Increased durability with 100% e2e test coverage
Tech Stack: TypeScript, ReactJS, Next.js, Styled Components, Contentful, Jest, React Testing Library, React Query, Cypress, Node.js, Kubernetes, AWS.
JavaScript, React (JavaScript library), Typescript
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
12/2020 – offen
Currently our team is working on a new Bosch design system used by all Bosch brands (14 brands in total).
- Designed our monorepo where we manage more than 150 npm packages
- Driving technical decisions forward, collaborating and consulting other teams
- Created numerous amount of carefully crafted components
- Created test infrastructure using Playwright and Docker for visual regression testing
Tech Stack: React.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Github Actions, Storybook, Turborepo, Playwright, Changeset.
Node.Js, React (JavaScript library), Typescript
6/2020 – 11/2020
Our team launched a brand new heycar.com for the global market. It's a new version which currently available in Spain and this product will be expanded on the new markets.
Responsibilities & Achievements:
- Defined and implemented frontend architecture & tech stack
- Created complex UI components (sliders, image gallery, filters)
- Performance and accessibility improvements (2x time load speed compared to the prev version)
- Increased durability with 100% e2e test coverage
Tech Stack: TypeScript, ReactJS, Next.js, Styled Components, Contentful, Jest, React Testing Library, React Query, Cypress, Node.js, Kubernetes, AWS.
JavaScript, React (JavaScript library), Typescript
2/2020 – 4/2020
Working on Zalando Campaign Management tool (similar to Google Ads Management).
- Implemented kpi charts comparisons (using recharts & react DnD).
- Created Campaign Detail Page with complex tables (react-table)
- Worked on custom components such as stacked bars.
Tech Stack: TypeScript, ReactJS, React Context API, Styled Components, Recharts, React DnD, React Table, Jest, React Testing Library, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Kubernetes.
The project has been postponed due to COVID-19.
React (JavaScript library)
7/2019 – 12/2019
I was working on new features for kijijiautos.ca. Canada's largest e-commerce website.
Responsibilities & Achievements
- Developing new features such as Payments (Adyen SDK), Image Uploader,
React.js components for internal UI library
- Creating NodeJS geolocation service
- Improving code-quality: increasing test coverage up to 80% (Jest + React Testing Library)
- Conducted Web API features presentation for our frontend colleagues
Tech Stack: JavaScript, ES6, ReactJS, NodeJS, Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme, Webpack, Yarn, TeamCity, Adyen API, Kubernetes.
JavaScript, React (JavaScript library)
Weitere Kenntnisse
In den letzten 5 Jahren dreht sich alles um React.js.
Sprachen und Frameworks: JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, GraphQL, Express.
Bibliotheken: ReactJS, Material-Benutzeroberfläche, gestaltete Komponenten, React DnD, React Table.
Visual: CSS, Design-Systeme, Animation.
Testen: Scherz, React Testing Library, Enzym.
Werkzeuge: Webpack, Garn, Npm, Git.
Bereitstellung: Kubernates, Netlify, AWS, Heroku.
Diagramme / Datenvisualisierung: Recharts, Nivo.rocks, d3.
3D Apps: WebGL, Shader, Lineare Algebra
Persönliche Daten
- Russisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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