Ruby on Rails Entwicklung, Social Media Schnittstellen
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 1 Referenz
- 80€/Stunde
- 64287 Darmstadt
- Umkreis (bis 200 km)
- de | en
- 22.04.2023
Auszug Referenzen (1)
"Herr K. hat durch sein „über den Tellerrand denken“ an der richtigen Stelle Impulse gegeben die ein wesentlicher Beitrag zum Projekterfolg waren."
5/2012 – 8/2019
I created various micro websites for the company intranet mostly with ruby on rails, mysql and git. Some of them I implemented in php. Additionally I did the communication with the specific departments concerning the use cases and user experience of these apps. Administration and integration into the IT and administrative environment of the bank was shared in a small team which I was part of.
I collected data from most social media channels where the commerzbank is present and made it available to the visualising software Tableau that was hosted in the intranet.
I did quality assurance and technical consultation for various software that was purchased and customised to the needs of the bank. E.g. the commerzbank blog.
Webdesign, Projektmanagement, Technische Beratung
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2021 – 5/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungWeiterentwicklung des Backends. Neuentwicklung kritischer Komponenten
Eingesetzte QualifikationenDevOps, Python, Scrum
5/2012 – 8/2019
I created various micro websites for the company intranet mostly with ruby on rails, mysql and git. Some of them I implemented in php. Additionally I did the communication with the specific departments concerning the use cases and user experience of these apps. Administration and integration into the IT and administrative environment of the bank was shared in a small team which I was part of.
I collected data from most social media channels where the commerzbank is present and made it available to the visualising software Tableau that was hosted in the intranet.
I did quality assurance and technical consultation for various software that was purchased and customised to the needs of the bank. E.g. the commerzbank blog.
Webdesign, Projektmanagement, Technische Beratung
Über mich
Ich bin eine pragmatische Person, die die Technologie und Methoden auswählt und einsetzt, die zur Lösung spezifischer Probleme geeignet ist. Besonders gerne arbeite ich mit Menschen innerhalb von Teams.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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