Senior LIMS Engineer - Technical Lead
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- 03.09.2024
User requirement gathering and user requirement specification documentation.
Instrument integrfacing and validation
Master data validation
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
7/2019 – 6/2020
Technical Lead & Project Manager.
Design of the LIMS Architecture and configuration.
Requirement gathering and functional design of the system. Configuration of the laboratory instrument interfacing to LIMS.
Master data validation, migration and configuration of the laboratory methods.
Analytische Chemie, Biochemie, Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) - System, GXP, Oracle Database, Qualitätssicherungssysteme, Textilchemie
1/2018 – 7/2020
Project manager - Technical lead
Configuration of the LIMS system for laboratory workflows and quality control process.
Instrument integration to the LIMS database and report design.
Requierement gathering and functional user documentation.
Master data ETL.
Analytische Chemie, GXP, SAP S/4HANA, SESAM/SQL Server, Microsoft Visual Studio
6/2013 – 6/2018
Technical Lead for the LIMS deployment in 5 company sites.
Requirement gatherinf and analysis.
Design of LIMS architecture and business process documentation.
Laboratory workflow configuration.
Laboratory Instrumentrument interfacing.
LIMS Integration to PI historian and truck weigthing system for metal accounting.
Report configuration.
LIMS validation test plan execution and documentation.
System upgrades and database migration.
Analytische Chemie, Internet / Intranet- Integration (eBusiness), Internet of Things (IoT), Metallbearbeitung, Oracle-Anwendungen
Über mich
More than 15 years of experience as technical PM for LIMS deployment in Chemical industry, Mining, Oil & Gas, manufacturing and Life Science Laboratories. Technical knowledge in Implementing/Integrating Information systems/databases for related laboratory and business process including quality control workflows, calculations and reporting. Proven track records for system validation, integration, upgrades, and
migration. Key skills include design and execution of LIMS project and sprint management, KPI development & reporting and master data migration. Strengths include DevExpress, Sybase Infomaker, Python & R Data Science.
Recognized for tech lead/PM for >40 Laboratory Information Management System
deployment/upgrade/integration projects.
Continuous improvement for LIMS software & Lab workflows optimization using Six Sigma DMAIC framework. Black belt certification.
Weitere Kenntnisse
LIMS Reporting and data visualization
Instrument interfacing: AAS, ICP, EDFRX, SEM, TGA, Titrators, HPLC, GC.
Database integration/migration. - PI Historian, arcGIS, SAP, MES.
Advanced admin for MS sql Server, Oracle 19c
Python scripting for LIMS DB data analysis, export and complex calculation-analysis.
IQ-OQ-PQ script execution for LIMS system validation and operation.
Persönliche Daten
- Spanisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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