mathematische IT-Beratung
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- 04229 Leipzig
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- 11.11.2023
"So einfach wie möglich, aber nicht einfacher."
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
9/2021 – offen
• Bots for operational decision making (Trip Planning Parameters, Online Shop,
Postcode Shifting - develop and maintain)
• Tools to support vehicle routing problem (Fake Order Generation, VRP input
simplification, Cost Components API - develop and maintain)
• Formulate Postcode Shifting as optimization problem (MILP)
• Systemic analyses to find economic potentials (Postcode reassignment, Request
Simplifier evaluation)
• Legacy code work: modularize / increase test coverage / reduce release time
• Questioning fundamental assumptions and KPIs
• Creating internal python package for common tasks
• Statistical significance testing for Order Generator
• Contributing to full-day simulation
Datenanalyse, Datenmodelierung, DevOps (allg.), Docker, Einzelhandel, Funktionale Programmierung, Gradient Boosting, Lineare Regression, Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung, Pandas, Python, Scikit-learn, SQL, Transportlogistik
12/2018 – 7/2019
- time series forecasting
- including the forcast in the clients daily processes
3/2017 – 6/2021
Developing and maintaining dispatch models to plan and operate the asset portfolio
Modeling the future power plant portfolio for investments > 200 Mio Euro
Automating and scaling inhouse processes
Statistical preparation of power plant data using machine learning
Assessing business cases through systemic synergies
Developing and maintaining an inhouse python package
Analyses and communication of previously unknown system behavior
Spreading and teaching Software development as a Python enthusiast
Energiemarkt, Energietechnik, Öl und Gas, Fernwärme, Fossile Energie, Python
8/2011 – 5/2016
- Electric vehicles: machine learning for electricity demand prediction; modelling
within in the power market and as prosumer business case (BMVI)
• Statistical analysis of control power markets (industry)
• Modeling business opportunities for a virtual power plant (EU project)
• Energy System Modeling/Economics: OR, Python, investment/finance
• Supervision of final theses, e.g.: Forecasting of control power demand (GEE Price)
1/2011 – 7/2011
TätigkeitsbeschreibungAnalysen für Fertigungsoutsourcing
Eingesetzte QualifikationenMicrosoft Office 365
Universität Leipzig
Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH)
Über mich
I am especially interested in applying my quantitative knowledge in different sectors, current sector expertise:
- utilities / energy / power system
- logistics (vehicle routing and operations)
Weitere Kenntnisse
- mathematical optimization/operations research
- machine learning, analytics
- technically skilled
- Python
- version control
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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