Compliance, Legal, Banking, Finance, Digital, Consultant, HR, Corporate Government,
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- 50‐100€/Stunde
- 60438 Frankfurt am Main
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- en
- 23.03.2020
Umfangreiche Berufserfahrung habe ich in den Bereichen Finanzdienstleistung, Bankwesen, Recht, Compliance (und AML) und Corporate Governance. In den letzten 5 Jahren war ich Chief Compliance Officer in bei der südkoreanischen KEB HANA Bank.
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
Chief Compliance Officer (Festanstellung)
KEB Hana Bank RUS, Moskau
(4 Jahre)
12/2015 – 11/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungCompliance control, audit, legal issues, HR issues (complex labour issues), Corporate Governance, methodology
Eingesetzte QualifikationenBankwesen (allg.), Compliance management
MBA Diploma
Bachelor Degree in Economy Diploma
PhD Diploma
Master in Law Diploma
Master of Business Administration
Frankfurt school of Finance and Management / Frank
Frankfurt school of Finance and Management / Frank
Bachelor in Economy
Moscow University
Moscow University
PhD in Law
Russian Academy under the President of Russian Fed
Russian Academy under the President of Russian Fed
Master in Law
Irkutsk State University / Siberia, Irkutsk
Irkutsk State University / Siberia, Irkutsk
Über mich
My last job descripition had included:
➢ Management, control and sustainable development of activities of Compliance Department, Internal au-dit Department, Legal, Division of Risks, Financial monitoring (AML), HR&Administration Depart-ment, Department of Bank’s security and Financial Department.
➢ Development and implementation of bank methodology (incl. system of normative documents, P&Ps).
➢ Organizational design, management of bank activity and key role in development of banks business strategies for mid- and long-term periods.
➢ Corporate Management, Corporate work of subsidiary bank and coordination with Head Office – KEB Hana Bank (Seoul). Reporting to H.O. (CCO and Global Strategy Department), Board of Directors and General Management Board. CBR, regulatory reporting is separately.
➢ Participation with voting right in the Executive Board, Credit and Risks committees, official internal authorities and councils. Credit competence is up to 2 mln. EUR.
➢ Management and successful coordination of bank key-projects (incl. Digital Transformation, RegTech, LegalTech), establishment of new line of bank products. Consulting of Russian and Korean manage-ment.
➢ Negotiation with regulatory authorities (including, but not limited: Central bank of Russia, Tax inspec-tions, RosFinmonitoring (AML), Ministry of internal affairs, migration authorities, prosecutor office etc.), other law enforcement authorities. Successful coordination, supervision and leading in all regulato-ry investigations of the bank (by the Central bank, Tax authorities, etc.) and external audit (KPMG, EY, etc).
➢ Acting as a Chief Compliance Officer of bank, internal control, KYC, adaptation global international standards of compliance (alignment of Russian and international compliance practice as well). Reporting to the Head Office (on weekly, monthly, (half)early base, including but not limited: self-assessments, compulsory report check-list, MCR). Conducting enhanced due diligence of customers/counter-parties from high risk jurisdictions to identify potential legal, regulatory, or reputational risks.
➢ Participation in development and control of AML regulations, policies and procedures. Guidance (to-gether with AML officer) on anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance risk related matters.
➢ Negotiation with counter-parties (banks, other financial institutes, companies, etc.), coordination and leading the meetings with senior management.
➢ Personal execution of special projects for H.Q.:
- Loan agreement and Mortgage contract with LOTTE Group (full support of complex deal, coopera-tion with counter-parties and KEB Hana branches in London, Amsterdam; analysis of English law, Ko-rean law, Netherlands corporate law), successful on time state registration the mortgage contract in RosReestr.
- Management of ABS upgrade procedure regarding mandatory requirements of AML, currency ex-change and tax legislation.
➢ Management, control and sustainable development of activities of Compliance Department, Internal au-dit Department, Legal, Division of Risks, Financial monitoring (AML), HR&Administration Depart-ment, Department of Bank’s security and Financial Department.
➢ Development and implementation of bank methodology (incl. system of normative documents, P&Ps).
➢ Organizational design, management of bank activity and key role in development of banks business strategies for mid- and long-term periods.
➢ Corporate Management, Corporate work of subsidiary bank and coordination with Head Office – KEB Hana Bank (Seoul). Reporting to H.O. (CCO and Global Strategy Department), Board of Directors and General Management Board. CBR, regulatory reporting is separately.
➢ Participation with voting right in the Executive Board, Credit and Risks committees, official internal authorities and councils. Credit competence is up to 2 mln. EUR.
➢ Management and successful coordination of bank key-projects (incl. Digital Transformation, RegTech, LegalTech), establishment of new line of bank products. Consulting of Russian and Korean manage-ment.
➢ Negotiation with regulatory authorities (including, but not limited: Central bank of Russia, Tax inspec-tions, RosFinmonitoring (AML), Ministry of internal affairs, migration authorities, prosecutor office etc.), other law enforcement authorities. Successful coordination, supervision and leading in all regulato-ry investigations of the bank (by the Central bank, Tax authorities, etc.) and external audit (KPMG, EY, etc).
➢ Acting as a Chief Compliance Officer of bank, internal control, KYC, adaptation global international standards of compliance (alignment of Russian and international compliance practice as well). Reporting to the Head Office (on weekly, monthly, (half)early base, including but not limited: self-assessments, compulsory report check-list, MCR). Conducting enhanced due diligence of customers/counter-parties from high risk jurisdictions to identify potential legal, regulatory, or reputational risks.
➢ Participation in development and control of AML regulations, policies and procedures. Guidance (to-gether with AML officer) on anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance risk related matters.
➢ Negotiation with counter-parties (banks, other financial institutes, companies, etc.), coordination and leading the meetings with senior management.
➢ Personal execution of special projects for H.Q.:
- Loan agreement and Mortgage contract with LOTTE Group (full support of complex deal, coopera-tion with counter-parties and KEB Hana branches in London, Amsterdam; analysis of English law, Ko-rean law, Netherlands corporate law), successful on time state registration the mortgage contract in RosReestr.
- Management of ABS upgrade procedure regarding mandatory requirements of AML, currency ex-change and tax legislation.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Gerade habe ich ein berufsbegleitendes Studium an der Frankfurt School of Finance and Management mit dem MBA-Diplom abgeschlossen. Das Thema meiner Masterarbeit war “Digitalisierung im Bankwesen: zentrale Herausforderungen und Auswirkungen auf die Compliance“.
Da ich mit einem Deutschen verheiratet bin, habe ich meine leitende Stelle bei der KEB HANA Bank RUS in Moskau gekündigt und suche nun eine neue beruflicheHerausforderung in Frankfurt am Main.
Umfangreiche Berufserfahrung habe ich in den Bereichen Finanzdienstleistung, Bankwesen, Recht, Compliance (und AML) und Corporate Governance. In den letzten fünf Jahren war ich in leitender Funktion (Chief Compliance Officer) bei der südkoreanischen KEB HANA Bank in Moskau. Davor habe ich insgesamt acht Jahre als Leiterin der Rechtsabteilung führender russischer, skandinavischer und asiatischer Banken (VTB Bank, Svenska Handelsbanken, Eurasische Bank) in Moskau gearbeitet.
Kurz zu meiner Ausbildung. Ich habe einen Master-Abschluss und einen Doktortitel in Rechtswissenschaften sowie einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Für das MBA-Programm in Frankfurt habe ich mich entschieden, um meine Führungsqualitäten zu stärken und mein Wissen über aktuelle finanzielle, digitale und andere Instrumente zu erweitern (Block-Chain, Fintech, Techfin, Regtech, Insurtech, KI, Machine Learning, Robo-Beratung usw.).
Es würde mich sehr freuen, eine neue Herausforderung und eine interessante Position in Ihrem internationalen Unternehmen zu erhalten und meine beruflichen Qualifikationen, Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten einbringen zu können sowie auch mein eigenes Wissen zu erweitern.
I am a professional Compliance Officer, familiar with KYC, CDD procedures and all international compliance standards, an AML as well. I have an extensive experience in banking and corporate law, labour law, international and labour law. HR issues are also very interesting for me because I was a key member of a banking start-up and we recruited by ourselves a great team for the bank.
Da ich mit einem Deutschen verheiratet bin, habe ich meine leitende Stelle bei der KEB HANA Bank RUS in Moskau gekündigt und suche nun eine neue beruflicheHerausforderung in Frankfurt am Main.
Umfangreiche Berufserfahrung habe ich in den Bereichen Finanzdienstleistung, Bankwesen, Recht, Compliance (und AML) und Corporate Governance. In den letzten fünf Jahren war ich in leitender Funktion (Chief Compliance Officer) bei der südkoreanischen KEB HANA Bank in Moskau. Davor habe ich insgesamt acht Jahre als Leiterin der Rechtsabteilung führender russischer, skandinavischer und asiatischer Banken (VTB Bank, Svenska Handelsbanken, Eurasische Bank) in Moskau gearbeitet.
Kurz zu meiner Ausbildung. Ich habe einen Master-Abschluss und einen Doktortitel in Rechtswissenschaften sowie einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Für das MBA-Programm in Frankfurt habe ich mich entschieden, um meine Führungsqualitäten zu stärken und mein Wissen über aktuelle finanzielle, digitale und andere Instrumente zu erweitern (Block-Chain, Fintech, Techfin, Regtech, Insurtech, KI, Machine Learning, Robo-Beratung usw.).
Es würde mich sehr freuen, eine neue Herausforderung und eine interessante Position in Ihrem internationalen Unternehmen zu erhalten und meine beruflichen Qualifikationen, Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten einbringen zu können sowie auch mein eigenes Wissen zu erweitern.
I am a professional Compliance Officer, familiar with KYC, CDD procedures and all international compliance standards, an AML as well. I have an extensive experience in banking and corporate law, labour law, international and labour law. HR issues are also very interesting for me because I was a key member of a banking start-up and we recruited by ourselves a great team for the bank.
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
22 Jahre und 7 Monate
(seit 06/2002)
6 Jahre
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