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Online Marketing Spezialist

  • auf Anfrage
  • 70176 Stuttgart
  • Weltweit
  • de  |  en  |  es
  • 11.06.2020


Ich arbeite sowohl als Online Marketing Consultant, als auch als Online Marketer.

- Social Media Advertising
- Data-driven Marketing


  • Digital Marketing2 J.
  • Marketing- / Vertriebsanalyse
  • Marktpotenzialanalyse
  • Shopify (allg.)
  • Social Media Marketing2 J.
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Online Marketing Manager
Kundenname anonymisiert, Böblingen
7/2017 – 12/2019 (2 Jahre, 6 Monate)

7/2017 – 12/2019


In 2017 I started as a helping hand in an event-agency of a friend of mine. I soon realized that this kind of work/job is something I enjoy doing and wished to get more involved regarding responsibilites. My friend and me sat together and made plans to expand the business from Stuttgart towards Munich - the second biggest industrial city in germany. Because we were serving B2B clients, it was crucial to expand into an environment with many established businesses. Not long after the decision, we started cold calling potential business partners for cooperation. With an overly satisfying conversion-rate, networking began. After the first meetings with representatives of congress hotels and venues, contracts were signed and everything was set to start business.

Waiting for our first client for nearly a quarter of a year, we realized that something was not right. Was it the way our business partners offered our services? Was our offer less attractive in Munich? Is there a technical problem for clients to reach us?
We figured out that the industry we solely reached out to cut back budgets radically: the german automotive industry. We were offering team building events as a supplement to conferences. In times of financial shortages, there was simply no need on the market for our products. Unfortunately, this enlightenment happened very late after we invested high amounts of time and money networking in munich.

In Stuttgart, our business usually grew naturally by word-of-mouth because of our unique products. That declined also substantially. Was it still possible to reach a turnaround without external help? I sat down for myself and started thinking about ways to improve the situation. After a few days I stumbled across online marketing. I thought to hire a freelancer. But that would just mean more expenses. I didn't want to give away the responsibility for renewed success to someone else. What was the alternative? To do it myself!

I didn't really have a clue about online marketing back then, but I knew of a friend of mine who I'd met on my semester abroad in Peru, who was into it. I contacted him asking how to start and only a few moments later, he listed up all the things I should do to be able to understand everything from a-z. I bought and pushed through online course after online course, day after day until I had the feeling of basic understanding. From that point on, I started running a few marketing campaigns on Google and Facebook for our event agency with the purpose of reaching out towards new, yet foreign industries. I decided to target consulting, banking and insurance companies which I thought of being solvent enough to pay for our events. BINGO! Just a few days after setting up the first campaign, we received our first request from a consulting company. That was the day when I decided to look more into digital marketing. It felt like I had the right way of thinking to generate leads and ultimately revenue and profit. I started to offer my skills to relatives and friends who own companies in order to get some references and more practice. Soon, more and more business owners heard of me and contacted me. Unfortunately, those businesses were mainly small and not able to pay enough so I could live off that only. I decided to go international and start my career as a digital marketing freelancer. Here I am.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Google Adwords, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Google Ads Search Qualification
Google Analytics - Individuelle Qualifikation
Google Data Studio Qualification

Über mich

Meine Verpflichtung an meine Kunden:
Ich werde profitbringenden Website Traffic durch Online Marketing Kampagnen erhöhen und gleichzeitig die Conversion Rate verbessern ... für geringere Kosten als momentan (Meine Bezahlung inklusive).

Ich habe mich auf die Google Ads Account Verwaltung spezialisiert.
Der kreative Anteil beinhaltet den Komplettentwurf einer Marketingstrategie für das digitale Umfeld, das Schreiben von markanten Werbetexten und die Beratung für die Erstellung von auffälligen Grafiken/Bildern/Videos.
Der analytische Anteil hingegen bezieht sich rein auf Zahlen und Fakten. Durch sinnvollen Einsatz von Tools wie Google Analytics wird Nutzerverhalten analysiert und interpretiert. Die daraus entstehenden Erkenntnisse formen den Verlauf/die Weiterentwicklung der Marketingstrategie erheblich. Ein proaktiver Ansatz für das A/B Splittesting lässt neue Ideen entstehen und legt Wachstumspotenziale früh frei. Jeder Kunde, der für das Ads-Management zu mir kommt, stellt enorme Verbesserung des ROIs fest, da die Kampagnen durchdacht aufgebaut und analytisch optimiert werden. Ganz nach dem Motto "Optimize, grow, repeat."

Weitere Kenntnisse besitze ich im Social Media Ads Management. Der Einsatz dieser Werbemaßnahmen ist mittlerweile unumgänglich und komplettiert SEA. Durch die Kombination der beiden Bereiche entstehen Synergieeffekte, auf die kein Unternehmen heutzutage verzichten sollte.

Weitere Kenntnisse

- Google Ads
- Google Analytics
- Google Data Studio
- Facebook Business Manager
- Wordpress
- Shopify-
- Squarespace

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
5 Jahre und 10 Monate (seit 03/2019)
1 Jahr


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