freiberufler E-Commerce Expert | Performance Marketing | Growth Hacking | Community Building auf

E-Commerce Expert | Performance Marketing | Growth Hacking | Community Building

  • 70‐90€/Stunde
  • 13351 Berlin
  • Weltweit
  • de  |  en  |  es  |  fr
  • 01.08.2024


Ich helfe Unternehmen ihre Sichtbarkeit zu erhöhen. Durch SEO & SEA Maßnahmen, an Zielgruppen angepasstes Social-Media-Remarketing und Growth Hacking Ansätze erhöhe ich Ihre Web-Aufmerksamkeit auch bei kleinem Budget.


  • Business-To-Consumer5 J.
  • Content Marketing
  • Corporate Design1 J.
  • Design Thinking4 J.
  • Google Adwords1 J.
  • Google Analytics
  • Lean Prozesse
  • Lean Startup5 J.
  • Markendesign5 J.
  • Scrum5 J.
  • Social Media Marketing1 J.
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Freelancer: E-Mail Funnel
found in reference company name 1 -Hyperlink entfe, Schweiz
11/2020 – 5/2021 (7 Monate)

11/2020 – 5/2021


Aufbau E-Mail Funnel
A- / B- Testing
Customer Journey Optimization
Corporate Design

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Corporate Design, Email Marketing

Content Marketing
Prime Time Theater Berlin, Berlin
3/2020 – 10/2020 (8 Monate)
Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

3/2020 – 10/2020


E-Mail Marketing
Customer Relationshop

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Content Marketing, Email Marketing

Performance Marketing
Hürlimann Homepages, Schweiz
2/2020 – 1/2021 (1 Jahr)
IT & Entwicklung

2/2020 – 1/2021


Aufbau Google Adwords Kampagne
Social Media Marketing
Corporate Design
Viral Marketing

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Corporate Design, Google Adwords, Social Media Marketing, Virales Marketing

Patzo GmbH, Deutschland
11/2019 – offen (5 Jahre, 5 Monate)

11/2019 – offen


E-Mail Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Content Marketing
Growth Hacking
Community Building

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business-To-Consumer, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Markendesign, Scrum


FH Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Über mich

I'm an E-Commerce graduant working self-employed since 2 years as Performance Marketing Assistant and IT Consultant. my recent projects have been:
- E-Mail Automation Funnel for a Job-Plattform in Switzerland
- AdWords & Social Media Campagins for a Webdesign-Agency
- Content & Social Media Marketing for a non-profit organisation

I am currently working on an dog-sitting app together with 2 friends. The App is called [...] (-Hyperlink entfernt-). We already launched in 2 cities in Germany. For [...] i am literally doing everything (except coding). The project started also 2 years ago and is since then my side chick next to my freelancing work. It may someday reward me with a huge load of money but until then it'll remain my side chick.

Why is this important for you? I'll be available most of the times but there are 2-3 hours everyday that I want to invest in this app.
Is this good or bad? It's good!
I am learning so much through this project as we consider ourselves as a lean startup. We started the project with a design thinking process and since then it's data driven development and data driven marketing. Community Building, Customer Satisfaction, Upscaling, KPI Optimization, Referrals Programms, Ambassador Programms, Growth Hacking. I have experience in all these topics as I am applying all of this to my app. less

Why is marketing important for a SaaS business?
Next to the Software itself, Marketing is everything.
But it takes both. Software that doesn't reach its potential customers is worthless. The best marketing campaign that leads to faulty software is also useless.

So I learned that these steps lead to a successful sustainable growth campaign:
1. empathy: What are the needs, gains,... more

Why are you into marketing?
I love coming up with creative ideas on how to reach out to people. Other creatives paint pictures and make music. I am creative with the words and images I use in customer acquisition. I am creative with new methods of going viral. I am creative in giving customers incentives... more

Why should I hire you?
Because this is precisely my job description, I love working independently, data-driven, and aiming for sustainable growth.
I can offer you 20 to 25 hours a week for the next couple of weeks for sure. I am good at documentation, so whenever you need someone else to support me, I can... more

Share a marketing project that you did and you're most proud of. Why did you choose that project/task? What can you do to improve it?
I did a growth hacking experiment with my app [...] almost 2 years ago when we hadn't even launched. I went to 3 equally big cities and pre-advertised the app with 3 different approaches:
1. scarcity
2. incentivization
3. gamification

So the first approach was: "only the first 100 users will be able to download the app - pre-register now"
The second one was: "pre-register now and get one year premium."
The third one was: "the city with the most pre-registrations will be the first city for [...] to launch."
...what do you think was the most successful one?

I am proud because I used so many fake doors, and all of them worked.
I could have improved the data gathered during the process. During the last 2 years, I learned a lot more data collecting ideas that would have been helpful. it was a success anyway :)

Weitere Kenntnisse

Management digitaler Innovation - Design Thinking - open innovation - social innovation - Corporate Design - Smart Spaces - SEO/SEA - Growth Hacking - Lean Marketing/Startup

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
5 Jahre und 1 Monat (seit 02/2020)


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