Embedded Softwareentwickler, C/C++, ARM, AVR, MSP
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- 26.02.2025
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"SEHR gute Arbeit! Das Projekt wurde wiederholt verlängert, war wirklich super."
4/2020 – 10/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungImplementierung von Firmware für eine vernetzte Kamera auf basis LightOS
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC, C++, Eclipse, Git, Make (Software)
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
10/2022 – 11/2024
TätigkeitsbeschreibungImplementierung von UDS (14229-1) / ISO-TP (ISO 15765-2) Protokol Satcks und darauf basierenden Softwartewerkzeuge.
Eingesetzte Qualifikationen.Net, C#, CAN-Bus (controller area network)
10/2021 – 12/2022
Erweitert bestehenden ROS-Modul für Sensordaten Auswertung
Mitgemacht bei Implementierung von Steuerungsmodul einen Prototypen der Landwirtschaft Maschine.
C++, C (Programmiersprache), Sensorik
4/2020 – 10/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungImplementierung von Firmware für eine vernetzte Kamera auf basis LightOS
Eingesetzte QualifikationenC, C++, Eclipse, Git, Make (Software)
11/2019 – 2/2020
For a customer in the USA I have implemented an SPI-based
communication channel software for a motor controller board and
NVIDIA Jetson Nano development board. I have also adapted that
software to an existing API library of said motor controller, preserving
the existing API interface.
Embedded Linux, C++, Python, Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
1/2019 – 7/2019
For a customer in München I (as a part of a team) was tasked to
implement a Software Framework API for a new model of ECU, based
on an existing specialized Embedded RTOS.
C/C++, CAN/CANOpen, Eclipse, TriCore MCU, UDE Debugger, SVN,
Doxygen, JIRA.
Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
10/2018 – 12/2018
For a customer in München I (as a part of a team) was tasked to
integrate an FSoE Safety protocol layer on top of an existing EtherCAT
protocol into an existing prototype of safety-relevant application (a
human-machine interaction system).
C/C++, Linux, FSoE Stack Library
(two different suppliers), CPPUnit, JIRA.
Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
3/2018 – 6/2018
For a customer in region Frankfurt am Main: A Battery Management
System product firmware extension and bug fixing. I was tasked to
figure out a lost/legacy procedure of bootloader and firmware update of
a battery management system, fix issues with overcurrent of the battery
load and model a charg/discharge process to verify a correct functioning
of introduced changes for a legacy firmware that has already been
longer time deployed to the end customer.
C/C++, AtmelStudio (not an ASF-based project), 1-Wire serial interface,
Python (to model charge/discharge current dynamics of the BMS)
Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
11/2017 – 2/2018
Platform and communication channel-independet abstraction software layer library design and
implementation. The abstraction layer was meant to hide the connection
and transmission-related details from the application layer software. The
layer covered GPRS and WiFi as a network interfaces and acted as
unified software facade.
C/C++, MQTT/MQTTS. Various ARM-based MCUs on multiple
development boards.
Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
9/2017 – 11/2017
For a customer in USA: Floating/submercing meteorology-buoy controll
software and communication interface design. Proof of concept
C++, I2C, KiCad (for connection schematics layout).
The challange on the project was to suggest a compete solution to the
customer, and consider maintenance procedure (the system is difficult to
access once deployed). Requirements analysis was also a non-trivial task
– the customer had very deep understanding and practical experience in
the field but no systematic approach to formulate the acceptance criteria
and requirements in general. I had to suggest an electronics design
as well as software solution (both application and system level). Another
challenge was that the system can be deployed only during particular
weather conditions – making period from November to March not
suitable for testing and effective development. Partial system simulation
has been used to save testing efforts.
Embedded Software
5/2017 – 6/2017
For a customer in Ireland: Feasibility study for qr-code recognition
library.C, Make/Cmake, Linux.
Suggested and set up a stress test for most popular qr-code recognition
libraries. Based on processing involving provided sets of images
suggested the library that would cover the requirements. The challenge
on the project was to provide a unified set of metrics to compare
libraries and to prove to the customer that the suggested library meets
the expectations.
Embedded Entwicklung / hardwarenahe Entwicklung
Liviv, Ukraine
Über mich
Mein starkes Interesse an Software- und Hardware Architektur findet ständig Einsatz in Kundenprojekten.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Hardwarearchitekturen: ARM/Cortex, AVR, MSP, 8051, x86
Darunter: STM32, ATSAMDx, MSP430
Softwaretechnisch: Triber, BSP-Anpassung, Middleware/Runtimes, Tooling
Für Hardware: Schaltplan und Layoutentwicklung mit KiCAD
Zielplatformen: Embedded Linux, bare-metal, HYDAC MATCH
Programmiersprachen: C, C++(11/14/17), Python, C#
Deployment und Projektverwaltung: Docker, CI/CD, Jenkins, GitLab, Jura, Confluence
Unit-tests: CMocka, CppTest, GTest
Kommunikationsschnittstellen: CAN, CANOpen, ISOBUS, UDS, Ethercat, I2C, SPI, RS-232/485, USB
Entwicklüngsumgehbung: VisualStudio/-Code, Eclipse
Persönliche Daten
- Ukrainisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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