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- 11.03.2022
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
9/2017 – offen
Created a CRM based on the Symfony framework that can be used for a number of goals.
DirIT hosts CRMs for their clients. They can manage (create/delete) CRMs from a plugin on their wordpress
This includes:
• User management with different roles and capabilities
• Client management
• Calendar/Agenda
• Tasks (Kanban)
• Emails
• Reporting
• Generating pdf documents (Quotations/Invoices) using latex
• Tracking client status and log contact history.
• Project management (allows for per client/per project status and log)
• Wordpress plugin to that instantiates a new CRM through a bash script.
Used Ubuntu, PHP, Apache, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, latex, Supervisord, RabbitMQ, Symfony.
Mysql, Ubuntu, Kanban (Softwareentwicklung), Apache, Latex, Wordpress, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Representational State Transfer (REST), Symfony, CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
1/2017 – offen
01/2017 -
Created a CRM based on the Symfony framework used for telemarketing. This includes:
• User management with different roles and capabilities
• Client management
• Tracking client status and log contact history.
• Project management (allows for per client/per project status and log)
• Connect with to share client/company details.
Used Ubuntu, PHP, Apache, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Symfony.
Mysql, Ubuntu, Apache, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Symfony
8/2016 – offen
08/2016 -
Built upon an existing quotation system to automate more and more of the internal processes at Your Cargo
Contact (importer/exporter). The main focus is still the quotation system which sources cargo tariffs from
multiple sources (XML API, CSV/XLS upload). Employees can then use a frontend to easily generate quota-
tions (pdf) for their clients.
This includes:
• Adding management features to users/ports/entities/. . .
• Connecting to several API’s (Tariff API, Google maps, Openstreetmap, . . . )
• Creating a REST API
• Generating pdf documents (Quotations) using tFPDF
• Parsing goods lists (XLS) from large eCommerce businesses and scraping their websites to check if the
information in the lists is correct.
Used CentOS, PHP, Apache, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Supervisord, Queues, CakePHP, tFPDF, XML, REST.
Mysql, Apache, XML, Cakephp, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Representational State Transfer (REST)
8/2016 – offen
08/2016 -
Created a CRM/ERP based on the Symfony framework to accomodate the complete manufacturing process
of Lebaa Lighting. This includes:
• User management with different roles and capabilities
• Client management
• Supplier management
• Stock management
• Generating pdf documents (Quotations/Orders/Workorders/Invoices) using latex
• Generating pdf stickers and labels using latex
Used Ubuntu, PHP, Apache, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, latex, Supervisord, RabbitMQ, Symfony.
Mysql, Ubuntu, Apache, Latex, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Symfony
3/2015 – 1/2019
Created and maintained a search engine for transport companies, running on a custom CMS and framework.
The website used its own Openstreetmap server and included:
• User management with different roles and capabilities
• CRUD of articles, pages, companies.
• Calculation of distances between points on the map.
Used Ubuntu, PHP, Apache, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Openstreetmap, leaflet.
Mysql, Ubuntu, Apache, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, PHP
1/2010 – 2/2015
Created and maintained a formula 1 manager game running on a custom CMS built with the Anewt Framework.
I did everything from basing/slicing the design, to implementing:
• User registration/login
• Backend management of users/drivers/locations and so on.
• Frontend marketplace for buying drivers/engines and so on.
• Calculation of points won by the players
Adobe Photoshop, Mysql, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), HTML, JavaScript, PHP
Enschede (NL)
Enschede (NL)
Weitere Kenntnisse
Symphony, CakePHP
Wordpress, Joomla, jQuery, Matlab, Modelsim, Quartus, SPICE
Linux (Centos/Ubuntu) servers, bash scripting
Persönliche Daten
- Niederländisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Englisch (Gut)
- Europäische Union
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