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SAP solution architect / Developer

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  • 01.01.2025


Ich verfüge über rund 17 Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Beratung im Bereich SAP-Technologien. Spezialist für SAP CRM,CPI,FSM,MDG,ERP und die Integration dieser Systeme untereinander


  • Idoc8 J.
  • SAP ALE8 J.
  • SAP BSP4 J.
  • SAP CRM13 J.
  • SAP Data Migration
  • SAP Datenmigration11 J.
  • SAP ECC9 J.
  • SAP Entwicklung12 J.
  • SAP integration
  • SAP MDG8 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Solution architect
Gebhardt fördertechnik, Radolfzell
5/2019 – offen (5 Jahre, 10 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

5/2019 – offen


Gebhardt fördertechnik May, 2019 – Until now
Gebhardt Fördertechnik GmbH offers worldwide comprehensive solution
packages of products and services for transport and assembly syst ems as
well as storage , sorting and distribution technology to - directly and with

Implementation Module: FSM integration with ERP CS module
Technologies: SAP ERP and FSM(Field service management)

FSM implementation:
The project is integration the existing CS module into a cloud solution. The cloud solution used is SAP FSM(field service management). Involves complex process of integrating Service order, notification and confirmation to FSM’s processes. I was the senior solution consultant designing the solution and guiding the customer with implementing and rolling out the solution.
Klett verlag is a leading publisher in Germany. The project is implementing CRM, which involves migrating huge data (BP master data, transactions, relationships and product) from legacy system to new CRM system. Also, extending the IDOC for data transfer to external systems and C4C tenants. Creation of custom fields and dataset using AET and RAT tools. Dynamic interface for PDF output.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP Entwicklung

Solution architect
Ammann Schweiz SG, Radolfzell
5/2018 – 10/2018 (6 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

5/2018 – 10/2018


Ammann Schwiez SG is a manufacturing company and has multiple e-shops
to make B2B or B2C sales.

Implementation Module: hybris ecommerce, s4Hana
Technologies: IDOCs, ODATA, APIs, S4Hana

E-shop upgrade to hybris :
The current e-shop is an outdated e-commerce and the project is about
updating the solution to hybris. My role is to design the interface connecting
the hybris and ERP(via IDOCs) and developing custom reports to send data
to Hybris and for data migration. We implement the interface between
Hybris and SAP ERP using REST API thorough OData services.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA, SAP Datenmigration, SAP Entwicklung, Idoc

SAP CRM developer
KHS GmbH, Radolfzell
1/2018 – 12/2018 (1 Jahr)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

1/2018 – 12/2018


KHS GmbH Jan, 2018 – Dec, 2018
KHS is a leading manufacturer in the field of packing and filling. The
company has subsidiaries throughout the world and uses SAP’s CRM module

Implementation Module: CRM sales
Technologies: webUI

SAP CRM support and upgrade
The project involves adapting the SAP CRM system with new requirements, involving changes to webUI, reports and printouts. I play the role of designing the solution and guiding younger team members.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Solution architect
Wirtgen Group, radolfzell
6/2016 – offen (8 Jahre, 9 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

6/2016 – offen


Wirten Group: Jun, 2016 – until now
Wirtgen group is a manufacturer of road paving machines.
Includes five main sub companies: Wirtgen, Hamm, Vögele, Kleemann and

Implementation Module: CRM, ERP,
Technologies: OOPs ABAP, webUI, IDOCs, Webservices, webdynpro ABAP

Mobile SALES:
The group involves a lot of sales and presales activities. For the efficient
sales processes, the company wanted an offline-online application, which
the sales executives will use extensively to create/modify prospects,
contacts, quotation, opportunities and machines. The current available
solution from SAP would be C4C; but due to data privacy the Wirtgen groups
decided to develop an own product. My role was to design and implement
all the solution in SAP world; which involves connecting CRM to MDG to ERP.

CRM and ERP:
I have been the lead developer for CRM on premise integrated with ERP. Involdes changes to WEB UI, Process, BDOC, IDOCs, custom reports and other ABAP related develpments staring June2016 until now

MDG(Master Data Governance):

Implementation Module: MDG
Technologies: MDG, webdynpro ABAP, FPM

Wirtgen group has subsidiaries across all over the world. To maintain
customer data, it was decided to implement master data management for
central management. I acted the role of developer consultant. Customers,
contact person and vendors are centrally maintained and used across all the
subsidiaries of Wirtgen. Data is sales org dependent and fields are also sales
org dependent. Approvals of change requests are automated and when data
is not complete or error prevail, then the automated approvals fail and
corresponding sales org data expert will be indicated for an pending change
request. Data model included a lot of custom entities and data were
migrated from legacy system using migration workbench and Mass load.
Data was replicated to SAP CRM via Webservices, custom fields were enhanced into the standard Webservices and to SAP ERP IDOCs were used.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP ECC, SAP ALE, SAP Datenmigration, SAP Entwicklung, Idoc, SAP MDG

Senior developer
Ernst Klett verlag, radolfzell
11/2014 – 3/2016 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)
Metall-, Holz- und Papierindustrie

11/2014 – 3/2016


Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH Nov, 2014 – Mar,2016
Klett verlag is a leading publisher in Germany. A publisher like Klett has
millions of customers and the customer relation is a priorate for the

Implementation Module: CRM Sales
Technologies: LSMW, Dataloader, IDOC, webUI, AET, RAT, C4C sales and PDF

CRM Implementation:
The project is implementing CRM, which involves migrating huge data (BP
master data, transactions, relationships and product) from legacy system to
new CRM system. Also, extending the IDOC for data transfer to external
systems and C4C tenants. Creation of custom fields and dataset using AET
and RAT tools. Dynamic interface for PDF output.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP Cloud Platform, SAP Datenmigration, SAP Entwicklung

Senior developer
Raiffeisen Waren-Zentrale Rhein-Main eG, Radolfzell
8/2014 – 11/2014 (4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

8/2014 – 11/2014


Implementation Module: CRM Sales
Technologies: webUI, PPF, LORD

CRM support
Enhancing the standard business functionality using BADI. Using PPF to
trigger event on change of status change in sales transaction. Enhancing the
LORD framework, to display relevant ERP quotations in BP OVP and
displaying NOTES on ERP Quotation OVP.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Senior developer
MAG, Radolfzell
6/2014 – 11/2014 (6 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2014 – 11/2014


MAG Jun, 2014 – Nov, 2014
Implementation Module: CRM Service
Technologies: LSMW, webUI, IC, IBASE

CRM Implementation
Migration of BP, relation and products. Enhancing products with new settypes. Enhancing service request transaction with new fields. ITS for ERP MD04 Pricing customizing. Enhance IC search and identification of accounts. New custom adapter object to download BoM, as the ERP system was 4.0 and dint have the standard function. Product mask handling in sales and service part.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP Datenmigration, SAP Entwicklung

Solution architect
Jenoptik AG, Radolfzell
11/2013 – 8/2014 (10 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

11/2013 – 8/2014


Jenoptik AG Nov, 2013 – Aug, 2014
Implementation Module: CRM Sales and Service
Technologies: webUI, AET, BOL, PDF, LORD, IBASE, IC

CRM implementation:

The project is implementing SAP CRM solution for Jenoptik. It involves
multiple sales organizations. My tasks involve implementing and enhancing
CRM solution extensively. Also, enhancing the LORD framework with custom
fields and enhancing the search of the LORD framework. Master and
transaction customizing. Enhancing the service and sales transaction with
custom fields. Enhancing the standard process using BADIs. Enhancing the
IC’s alert, account identification and service ticket creation.
Custom report to fetch all the open service transaction. A custom solution for migration/replication of equipment to ERP and then to CRM using a report, which also involves complex IBASE scenarios.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP ECC, SAP Datenmigration, SAP DMS

Senior developer
SAP AG, Bangalore
7/2012 – 11/2013 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

7/2012 – 11/2013


SAP AG, Bangalore Jul, 2012 – Oct, 2013

Module: Account management and oneorder management
Technologies: CRM ABAP, middleware

SAP AG IT support - Ascential shutdown

It is a process of creating a single/multiple partners/oneOrder data from an application outside CRM, by using RFCs. The User will upload the data in an excel into DB2 (IBM), from which the CRM will retrieve data using Native SQL. After retrieving the raw data of partners they are mapped to the BAPIs BUPA_INBOUND_MAIN_CENTRAL and CRM_BUPA_BDOC_MAP_MAIN; which would create BDOC for data replication on ECC side. In a similar way the data for the activities and leads are booked using order_maintain.

SAP AG IT support - Account Deduplication
Module: Account management
Technologies: CRM ABAP, webUI

As the name suggests it is a data cleansing process. When there are two or more accounts for the same customer, then the duplicate has to be excluded. Those accounts that would be excluded are termed as victims and the final account is termed as a survivor.
The entire process is to be made automatic, where the user will mass upload a list of BPs into DMH and after all the approvals the data is passed to CRM and a series of process is carried in CRM.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP Entwicklung

SAP CRM developer
SAP LABs, Bangalore
6/2011 – 7/2012 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2011 – 7/2012


Presales support
Module: Sales and service
Technologies: webUI, BSP, JQuery

RFP Form: Request For Proposal Form, as the name suggests it is used by the presales to create request which contains the questionnaires to propose the solutions to the customer.
DBR FORM: Demo Build Request; after the proposal is successful, the presales have to provide demo to the customer. DBR form is used by presales to create a request that will provide information about the Demo scenarios, which will be worked by technical consultants.
LMT Form: License Management Tool; Presales team individually use multiple 3rd party tools related to their work. LMT form is used as a centralized tool to manage the licenses used for the 3rd party tools.
Presales Service Request Form : PSR tool is basically used as an internal tool to support presales services remotely inside the team, which is directly connected to the CRM system.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP BSP, Web Dynpro, Jquery

SAP Developer
Mindtree consulting, Bangalore
2/2010 – 5/2011 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

2/2010 – 5/2011


Mindtree Consulting, Bangalore Feb, 2010 – May, 2011

ArcelorMittal Support and roll out
Module: Service
Technologies: CRM abap, smartforms and BDC

Provided option for the administrative users to close a contract prematurely. When adding a new contract, new concepts like ‘Take or Pay Contract’, ‘Origin of Contract’, ‘Automatic Renewal’, ‘Dead line for Termination’, ‘Deadline time for Extension’, ‘Pricing Process’(annual, monthly and yearly) were introduced into the application. Internationalization of the Application. Translating the application (using OTRs) into foreign languages 1. Spanish, 2.Portuguese, 3. Russian and 4. France. Adding all the new fields to already existing Smart Forms.

Unilever, PoC:
Technologies: Webdypro ABAP

Application to create transactions (i.e., creating Sales orders, Customers and sales representatives) with all necessary data (similar to that in sap GUI). The main concept is that the User will not log-on to SAP GUI, instead he will run this application to create the transaction online.

WASL Property & Real Estate, Dubai cFolders Imlementation
Module: PLM – cFolders
Technologies: BSP and PDF

Implementing new business process and enhancing the standard cFolders application using BSP Providing the users to download collated data using PDF forms

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP BSP, SAP cProjects, SAP Smart Forms, Web Dynpro

SAP Developer
Iteanz Technologies, Bangalore
8/2008 – 2/2010 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

8/2008 – 2/2010


ABB Travel management and CRM support
Module: FI and service
Technologies: Webdynpro ABAP

Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory CRM implementation and support
Technologies: CRM ABAP, BSP and smartforms

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP BSP, SAP Smart Forms, Web Dynpro


SAP FSM consultant and Administrator(integrator)
SAP MDG Training- Attended MDG100_15
SAP CRM Certified Application Associate(C_TCRM20_72)


Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and communication
Chennai, India

Über mich

• Ich verfüge über rund 17 Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Beratung mit SAP-Technologien für internationale Kunden wie SAP AG, SAP LABS, arcelor mittel, Klett verlag, Jenoptik AG, Wirtgen GmbH und WASL dubai.

• Ich arbeite gerne in komplexen Projekten, die neuere Technologien beinhalten, und meistere diese Herausforderungen mit Bravour. Ich bin eine unkomplizierte und flexible Person, die das Team gerne bei allen Herausforderungen unterstützt.

• Als hochorganisierte und fleißige Person werde ich oft von hoch angesehenen Unternehmen für meine Fähigkeiten und mein Engagement anerkannt.

• Häufige Anerkennung von Kollegen und Teamkollegen für meine Arbeitsmoral, meine analytischen Fähigkeiten und die Erledigung von Aufgaben aus eigener Initiative unterstreicht meine Professionalität.

• Ich habe erfolgreich Projekte mit vernetzten Systemen entworfen, implementiert und geliefert. Ich war an Projekten mit mehreren Modulen wie CRM, ERP, MDG, C4C, FSM, Cloud V2 usw. beteiligt.

Weitere Kenntnisse

• Designing API for inter/3rd system connectivity
• IDOCs + webservices + (SOA)
• CRM web UI + BOL programing

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Muttersprache)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
Umkreis (bis 200 km)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
16 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 08/2008)
4 Jahre


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