freiberufler QA Engineer - Test Architect - Cloud Architect - DevOps, CI/CD auf

QA Engineer - Test Architect - Cloud Architect - DevOps, CI/CD

  • auf Anfrage
  • 10318 Berlin
  • Weltweit
  • de  |  en  |  fr
  • 17.01.2020


Branchenerfahrung: Banking/Finance, Versicherung, Logistik, Handel, Medien, Fertigung
Tätigkeitsfelder: Testarchitektur, Requirements Engineering, Qualitätsmanagement, Testmanagement, Test Engineering, Software Architektur, Programmierung


  • Agiles Testengineering
  • IT Governance in Continuous Integration
  • Prozessberatung2 J.
  • Software Architektur, Modellierung, Coding
  • System Architektur
  • Test Automation1 J.
  • Testarchitektur, CI/CD: QS Pipeline nach Maß
  • Testdesign, programmatisch oder agil
  • Testmanagement und Test, agil oder traditionell
  • Testmethoden des 21. Jhdts, neue akad. Forschung

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Kundenname anonymisiert, Unbenannt
3/2019 – 6/2019 (4 Monate)

3/2019 – 6/2019


Quality Management Advisor | Test Architect CI/CD Continuous Deployment

Insurance Firm

Definition of the quality assurance process in on a series of continuous
deployment pipelines for around 50 online insurance products with mixed
project management methods

Value Delivered:
Defiintion of
quality measurements
process variants of continuous integration and development
testing methods
test environments
test tools
IT governeance methods

Handover of the deliverables to customer's management and staff

Definition of multiple alternative test architectures and schemata
for the build processes
identification and selection of test methods and tools as components of the
pipelines with overall highest possible degree of automation
development of KPIs and gouvernance methods
development of decision making schemata and tools on issues of buy/make,
technology stacks and more
putting into operation, evaluation and trial of software tools and suites

Key Skills:
quality management, quality assurance, agile software development,
continuous integration, continuous delivery, model based testing and test
generation, model based development, SQALE-Method and evaluation thereof,
ConQAT, programmatic testing, BDD, TDD, MBT, MBD, water fall model,
Design, investigation, evaluation and integration of semantics related and
unrelated programmatic and partly to fully automatic methods and tools for
quality assurance, quality reporting, quality evaluation and control; IT
governance; Research;

Word, Excel, Firefox, Enterprise Architect, Junit, HP ALM, Tricentis, Perforce,
Inflectra, Katalon, Parasoft, CA, QASymphony, Polarion, Zephyr, Xray,
rbtfrmwrk, Jira, Confluence u.a., Java, AngularJS, maven, Jenkins, Docker,
Terraform, Git, Nexus, Sonartype, Sonarqube, gradle, Spinaker, u.v.a.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Grundlagenforschung, SQL, Continuous Delivery, DevOps (allg.), Agile Methodologie, Confluence, It-Governance, Scrum, Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, Software Architecture, Docker, Git, Java (allg.), Linux Entwicklung, Modellgetriebene Entwicklung, Cloud Computing, JavaScript, IT-Strategieberatung, Proof of Concept (POC)

Quality Management Advisor | Test Architect Scrum
Kundenname anonymisiert, Unbenannt
3/2018 – 11/2018 (9 Monate)

3/2018 – 11/2018


Quality Enhancement in the Software development Process

Value Delivered:
Quality Enhancements in Development, defined and implemented:
- Ehancement of the development process:
Shortening of the development turnaround time by enhancement of the
testability of the system in development and the delivery process (delivery

- Reduction of communication expenses in the clarification,
classification and processing of requirements and defects
- Reduction of expenses in test automation by introducing a new
test framework architecture
- Reduction of expenses and enhancement of the quality of automated
testing by automation of the production of test data and test procedures
definition and documentation of non-functional requirements
- Definition and documentation of system and software architecture guide lines
- Introduction of the measurement of unit test coverage and sustainable
enhancement by change of procedures
- Introduction of an enhanced delivery pipeline featuring integrated test
management, segmentation of tests, test environments-on-demand,
real time analysis of the product quality
- selection of a test management system, POC, integration into the delivery

Quality enhancement in software development process
Process analysis, -plnning, -change from User Story to release
(by customers explicit request):
Development of quality enhancing methods
Introduction of
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Testing
in a Scrum environment with multiple teams.

- Definition of Done for PoCs
- Enahncement of the test coverage the unit tests
- Architectural guidelines
- Modelling und architecture of new continuous integration pipelines
- Test environments on demand
- Modelling of the processes to achieve continuous testing
- Benchmarking und Selection of tools to automate test management, test
production, modellbasied testing, test automation, test data generation, test
result assessment
(Continuous Testing Feedback Loops)

Cucumber, Gherkin, Selenium, Junit, Tricentis (Tosca), Perforce, Inflectra,
Katalon, Parasoft, CA, QASymphony, Polarion, Zephyr, Xray, Jira, Confluence,
Java, AngularJS, maven, Jenkins, Docker, Terraform Git,
Nexus Sonartype, Sonarqube, AWS S3, Lambda, Fargate,

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Agile Methodologie, Confluence, Scrum, Test Automation, Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, Jira, Selenium, Prozessberatung

Quality Management Advisor | Test Architect Hands-On
Kundenname anonymisiert, Ungenannt
5/2017 – 10/2019 (2 Jahre, 6 Monate)

5/2017 – 10/2019


Quality Management Advisor | Test Architect Hands-On

Introduction of agile style Test Management Processes
Introduction of Web Test Automation
Key Skills:
Quality Management
Quality Assurance
Test Management
Test Architecture
Test Automation
Test Automation Scripting
System Architecture
Software Architecture
Software Design
Software Development
Design and implementation of a facility for the execution of automated web GUI tests
Design and implementation of a programming framework for the production of automated test procedures (Java)
programming of basic automated test procedures covering the sales and payment user processes (Java)
execution of automated tests
putting the the test facility into operation
integration of test management and test automation with the software development process
training the customer's employees in test management and testing processes, the operation of the automated testing facility and the production of automated testing procedures using the test automation programming framework
Value Delivered:
All goals achieved.
Requirements Management, Business Analysis
Quality Management, Quality Assurance
Introduction of Test Management
Architecture, Implementation and Operation of the Automated Testing Facility
Process Consulting in agile style Testing
Cloud Architecture and Operation
Business and Technical:
Business Analysis
Requirements Management
QM & QA in agile settings
Requirements Management, Business Analysis
Design and Implementation of the Testing Proceses
Tool Consulting
E2E, UAT, Intergration Test
Load Test
Testing multiple Devices
Process Consulting regarding agil/SCRUM/DevOps methods
Integration of the Development Process

Implementation of structured functional and performance test, test automation
Architecture, Design, Implementation and Operation of the facilities and Software stack for automated integration and system test
Network Architecture and Administration
Requirements Management
Test Management
Development of automated tests

Webshop Processes, Web Analytics
User Interfaces Web, Smartphone, iOS
Cloud Operations
Linux Setup, System Administration, Operation
Web Server, Selenium, Jenkins, Agile/SCRUM, Smartphone/Android/iPhone, Virtual Computing, XEN, VMWare, vSphere, vApp, Cloud, Java 8, JEE, Spring/Boot, XML, Netzwerkadministration, PKI, SSL/TLS, Authentifizierung, Linux, Windows, DevOps, Testarchitektur, agiles Testmanagement, Test Automation, NodeJS, Javascript, BDD, TDD, Cucumber/Gherkin, TestNG

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Continuous Delivery, Embedded Linux, Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Testdesign (IT), Testen, Test Management, Software Architecture, Eclipse, Java (allg.), Junit, Cloud Computing, Vcloud, Virtualisierung (Allg.), Selenium, Prozessberatung



Weitere Kenntnisse


Qualitäts- un d Testmanagement ISO 12207/SPICE
ISTQB Foundation Level Tester
ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
35 Jahre und 4 Monate (seit 09/1989)
3 Jahre


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