Business Development/Wachstumsstrategien/Projekt Management für die Entwicklung u. Umsetzung neuer Geschäftsmodelle oder von...
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- 28.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2022 – 8/2023
Job description:
- Definition and Creation of added values trough public funding
- Project Management
- Teamlead
- Represent in a European wide multidimensional funding land-scape.
Focal points:
- Funding Management - main coordination center for all FM-relevant topics
- Competence Center for relevant funding topics
- Administration of processes
- Internal committee work and preparation of decision documents
- Selection and presentation of relevant funding projects
- Orchestrated grant project management and incubation
- Management and coordination of the appropriate, optimized SIXT FM external appearance
- Holistic reporting (internal & external)
- Funding Scouting & Account Management
- continuous screening for potentially funding programs
- Exploration and involvement of consortium partners
- Representation in a European wide multidimensional funding landscape
- Funding Project Management Center
- Application
- Processing
- Call for funds
Auswahl Vertretern / Kooperationspartnern, Kooperationen, Account Management, Agile Methodologie, Finanzierungskonzept, Fördermittelberatung, Forschung & Entwicklung, Projektstudie, Marktforschung / -analyse, Öffentlich geförderte Finanzierung, Projektmanagement
12/2021 – 10/2023
Job description:
- Business Development
- Project Management (internal and external)
- Partner Management
Focal point:
- Besides the TELCO-segment definition of new business fields (e.g. Funding Management see next project definition down below)
- Definition of strategy for development of customer segments
- Conception and preparation business model, business case
- Operational implementation of the strategy
- Partner
- Recruitment of Partners, Consultants (stuffing), Multipliers etc.
- Optimizing public image (LinkedIn/XING -> editorials)
- Established new services in the Synvance Group for all other managed and technology services – besides the monetary suc-cess, see example Funding management down below.
Account Management, Analyse der Markt- / Wettbewerbsposition, Auswahl Vertretern / Kooperationspartnern, Business Development, Interim Management, Kooperationen, Markteintrittsstrategien, Öffentlich geförderte Finanzierung, Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Vertrieb (allg.)
2/2021 – 6/2022
Job description:
Strategy Alliance and Business development
Project Management Transformation Sales
Focal point:
SEO/SEA strategy
Derivation of sub-targets for specific customer segments
Definition of strategy for development of customer segments
Operational implementation of the strategy
Design of processes for the introduction phase of Hubspot as a CRM tool as well as a marketing tool
Training of employees
Responsible for press and editorial contributions
Business to Business, Business Development, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Kooperationen, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Organisation des Vertriebs, Partner Relationship Management
1/2020 – 11/2020
Job description:
Sales and Business Development for RGP's strategic clients and key account clients in Europa/Germany.
Responsible for the segments: Technology, Telecommunication Pharmaceutical, Bio-Tech, Financial Services, Health Care. (z.B.: Telekom, Google, Microsoft, Toyota, Johnson&Johnson, McKes-son).
Focal points A:
EU Team Leader of one strategic client service team, consisting of the respective country-specific Client Service Directors, Advisory Project Manager, Subject Matter Experts., responsible for the EU account, reporting to the SVP Europe.
Team member ff dedicate globale strategic client service teams (US/EU/APAC) and responsible for the related account in Germa-ny, Reporting to the General Manager Germany and to the global Account Leader.
Managing client relationships,
Strategic account planning
Project Management
Account Management, Business to Business, Business Development, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Partner Relationship Management, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Salesforce.Com, Vertrieb (allg.), Zielgruppenstrategie
8/2017 – 1/2018
Creation market entrée strategy in mobile and IOT-segment in middle Europe. Contact person/negotiator towards MNOs, MVNO/E´s in Germany.Business Development, comprised of:
Development and recommendation on strategic scenario for German market entry.
Market research of competitors in the target segment of Softbank Telecom (products, processes)
Balancing of “Make or Buy” (M&A), searching for potential candidates in the target market for the BUY-version
Checking regulation issues which are related to the telecommunication act and which have influence on the operative business of Softbank Telecom.
Selection and negotiations with the relevant supplier (Mobil Network Operator, Mobil Network Enabler, Web shop provider etc.) regarding product portfolios and services.
Preparation of decision paper for selection including a personal assessment/consideration
Analyse der Markt- / Wettbewerbsposition, Business Development, Business Plan, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Kooperationen, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Lieferantenanalyse, Lieferantenbewertung, Make-or-Buy, Markteintrittsstrategien, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Mobilfunknetze, Nachrichtentechnik, Produktmanagement, Projektmanagement, Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Swot-Analyse, Strategisches Management
3/2017 – 5/2017
Creation of a white label wholesale contract for the development of addi-tional sales potentials which cannot be developed under the own brand / label in the German E-Health market. The preparation is carried out ac-cording to the guidelines of the Gesellschaft für Telekommunikationsan-wendungen der Gesundheitskarte mbH (GEMATIK) for the telematics infra-structure in Germany according to the law for secure digital communica-tion and applications in the health care (e-health law).
Focal points:
Project management (Team leader, project team consisting of 5 employees)
Definition and preparation of:
Multi-level pricing model for the sales of VPNs (virtual private networks)
Final White Label Wholesale contract for Service Provider (SPEDs)
All relevant sales and provisioning processes
Board presentation
Sales guideline and sales presentation (Board level)
Business to Business, Business Development, Projektmanagement, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Sales Management, Vertriebswege, VPN
8/2015 – 2/2017
Build-up of trading company SUISSE COMMODITY GmbH, using the financial instruments of the sister company SUISSE BANK PLC.
Renaming of the existing old company and build-up of the operative busi-ness of SUISSE COMMODITY, using the financial instruments of the sister company SUISSE BANK PLC (London / UK). Core tasks: Build-up of operative business, purchasing in Far East / South America, marketing Western Africa / Middle East. The product segments consisted of the technical segment (batteries, solar panels) as well as the food segment.
Focal points:
Evaluation of customer requirements in Western Africa, Middle East, Europe. The focus initially was on the markets in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Nigeria.
Head of Strategic Purchasing
Representative at international trade fairs in France, Belgium, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Arab Emirates
Selection of suppliers in accordance with product requirements and the existing framework conditions for financing
Chief negotiator for purchasing conditions, use of the specialised department of SUISSE BANK PLC for securing trading transactions through letters of credit
Sales Director / Key Account Management
Supervision and build-up of the existing agent network in Western Africa, Middle East, Far East and Europe
Build-up of long-term relationship with new and already existing customers
Preparation of offers / negotiations
Conclusion of delivery contracts
Project management
Akkreditiv (L/C), Auf-/Ausbau Ex- / Importorganisation, Auswahl Vertretern / Kooperationspartnern, Business to Business, Business Development, Einkauf (allg.), Einkaufsverhandlungen, Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Projektmanagement, Vertrieb (allg.), Sales Management
6/2011 – 7/2015
Woodman GmbH is a mobile service provider which acts as an „Enabler“ for virtual mobile service provider and branded reseller in the German telecommunications market on the mobile network of Telekom.
New formation and build-up of Woodman GmbH as a sister company to Gesmo Gesellschaft für Mobilfunkservices mbH and Gemodi Gesellschaft für Mobilfunkdienste mbH as an „Enabler (IaaS/SaaS)“ for mobile service provider (MSP), virtual mobile service provider (VSP) and branded reseller in the mobile network of Telekom.
Focal points:
Head of Business Development
Sales Director / Key Account Management
Head of Strategic Purchasing from Telekom Deutschland AG,
Chief negotiator for mobile service provider contract with Telekom Deutschland AG
Project management (leadership of project group 5 employees)
Investor Relations
Account Management, Requirements Management, Billing / Rating (Telekommunikation), Business to Business, Business-To-Consumer, Business Development, Geschäftsfeldstrategie, Kooperationen, Mobilfunknetze, Produktmanagement, Projektmanagement, Strategischer Einkauf, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Vertrieb (allg.), Sales Management
7/2007 – 12/2014
Gesmo is a mobile service provider which acts as an „Enabler (IaaS/SaaS)“ for mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), mobile service provider (MSP), virtual mobile service provider (VSP) and branded resellers in the German telecommunications market on the mobile network of Vodafone D2.
New formation and build-up of Gesmo as an „Enabler“ for mobile service providers (MSP) and virtual mobile service provider (VSP) in the Vodafone network.
Focal points:
Head of Business Development
Sales Director / Key Account Management
Head of Strategic Purchasing from Vodafone D2 GmbH,
Chief negotiator for mobile service provider as well as a wholesale contract with Vodafone D2 GmbH
Head of Strategic Purchasing from Vodafone D2 GmbH
Project management (leadership of project group 5 employees)
Investor Relations
Account Management, Billing / Rating (Telekommunikation), Business to Business, Business-To-Consumer, Business Development, Kooperationen, Mobilfunknetze, Produktmanagement, Programm-Management, Strategischer Einkauf, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Vertrieb (allg.), Sales Management
7/2007 – 10/2013
Gemodi is a mobile service provider which acts as an „Enabler“ for virtual mobile service provider and branded reseller in the German telecommu-nications market, based on the mobile network of Eplus.
New formation and build-up of Gemodi as a sister company to Gesmo Ge-sellschaft für Mobilfunkservices mbH as an „Enabler (IaaS/SaaS) “ for virtual mobile service provider (VSP) und branded reseller in the Eplus network. Integration of the product portfolio to supplement the product portfolio of the sister company Gesmo Gesellschaft für Mobilfunkservices mbH
Focal points:
Head of Business Development
Sales Director / Key Account Management
Project management (leadership of project group 5 employees)
Investor Relations
Account Management, Billing / Rating (Telekommunikation), Business to Business, Business-To-Consumer, Business Development, Kooperationen, Mobilfunknetze, Produktmanagement, Projektmanagement, Strategischer Einkauf, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Vertrieb (allg.), Sales Management
10/2006 – 4/2007
Evaluation and preparation of business model for „Enabling of virtual mo-bile service provider (VSP)“ in the German mobile market.
Subproject A, focal points:
Preparation of business model / concept
Analysis and definition of preconditions, provision of the business model bases
Demand creation / market survey
Support for internal Vodafone product marketing
Selection and contract negotiations with potential virtual mobile service providers (VSPs)
Subproject B, focal points
Support for the analysis, selection of potential concentrators which can provide the necessary IT and technical system interfaces for marketing partners.
The business model / concept was accepted and approved by the Executive Committee of Vodafone D2 GmbH.
Winning 3 pilot customers from different industries / channels (energy supplier, city carrier, ethno carrier)
Final selection of the concentrator and conclusion of a cooperation agreement with him.
Analyse der Markt- / Wettbewerbsposition, Business to Business, Business Development, Externe Kommunikation, Kooperationen, Markteintrittsstrategien, Projektmanagement, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Strategisches Management
8/1999 – 6/2008
Eurokabel acts as a consulting company for projects in the telecommunications environment carried out by means of own and outside interim management/consulting resources.
Acquisition and implementation of interim management and consulting projects.
Focal points:
Business Development (build-up of companies / business field areas)
Sales / Marketing
Interim management
leading negotiations (strategic and operational)
Business analysis and restructuring
Mergers & Acquisitions
Leader of project teams (number of employees: 3-15 employees)
Account Management, Analyse der Markt- / Wettbewerbsposition, Requirements Management, Business to Business, Business Development, Externe Kommunikation, Geschäftsfeldstrategie, Informationsmanagement, Interim Management, ISP (Internet Service Provider), Anforderungsspezifikationen, Lead-Management, Lichtwellenleiter (LWL) / Lichtleitkabel (LLK) / Glasfaserkabel, Management (allg.), Markteintrittsstrategien, Fusionen und Übernahmen, Mobilfunknetze, Nachrichtentechnik, Personalsuche / -auswahl, Projektmanagement, Recruiting, Satellitenkommunikation, UE (User Equipment)
1/1999 – 8/1999
Build-up of the operative subsidiary of STAR Telecommunications Holding GmbH in Austria / Vienna on site
Focal points:
Market analysis and strategic planning
Formation of the company, obtaining the license under the TKG (license under sec. 14 para. 2 German Telecommunications Act (TKG) public voice telephony service) from Telekom-Control
Contact person for the Federal Economics and Traffic Ministry as well as Telekom-Control
Chief negotiator interconnection contracts between Telekom Austria, Star Telecommunications and others (bilateral)
Personal handling of key accounts as well as adaption of the product portfolio from Germany to the market requirements in Austria
Project management / network design for PSTN, provisioning national and international
Personnel planning / recruitment for the areas of sales, customer care, administration, technology
Interface management between STAR Holding, STAR Germany and STAR Austria
Strategic planning
Preparation of product portfolio, adaption of the existing product portfolio
New acquisitions, evaluation, selection as well as handling of suppliers
Build-up of provisioning area (line capacities)
Key account management, build-up of reseller distribution area / switchless reseller including initiation of new business contacts as well as the necessary conducting of negotiations at Management Board level
Staff leadership in the subsidiary in Austria (15 employees)
Business to Business, Business Development, Indirekter Vertrieb, Kommunikation (allg.), Organisation des Vertriebs, Projektmanagement, Strategischer Einkauf, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.)
6/1998 – 1/1999
Build-up of the company in the start-up phase
Focal points:
Head of Düsseldorf branch
Chief negotiator for Deutsche Telekom to obtain the interconnection contract.
Network design for the public switching technology and the intelligent network platform
Project management for the public switching technology, build-up network operation
Build-up provisioning department
Strategic planning
Planning security domain
Personnel planning / recruiting
Leader project group 5 employees
Key account management, contact person for main cooperation partner of the Management Board area of the ERGO group (insurance companies: Victoria Versicherung, DAS, DKV, Hamburg Mannheimer)
Attending and representing the company at international congresses in Europe
Requirements Management, Business Development, Anlegerbeziehungen, Anforderungsspezifikationen, Mobilfunknetze, Projektmanagement, Strategisches Management, Vermittlungstechnik
7/1996 – 6/1998
Subproject A, focal points:
Key Account Manager for banks and insurance companies in the Greater Düsseldorf area
Solicitation of new customers for the existing product portfolio
Subproject B, focal points:
Build-up of consulting area for regional and city carriers
Definition of product portfolio
Advice and conclusion of interconnection contracts (interconnection contracts between network operators)
Solicitation of new customers
Subproject C, focal points:
Sales coordination
Preparation of sales reporting system
Participation in the project group „process design“
Quality Assurance Officer ISO – Certification for the sales area
Account Management, Business Development, Produktmanagement, Technische Konzeption, Vertrieb (allg.), Sales Management
6/1995 – 6/1996
TätigkeitsbeschreibungTrainee programme sales / marketing for systems solutions in the telecom-munications environment, area of private communication, mid-sized systems
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAccount Management, Endgerätetechnik, Festnetz / Telefonanlagen / Fax, Organisation des Vertriebs, Vertrieb (allg.)
Über mich
• Project Management für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer Geschäftsmodelle mit Synvance, Softbank, Sixt, Vodafone, CompuGroup oder innerhalb von Transformationsprojekten
• + 20 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Unternehmensberatung und in interimistischen Führungspositionen und -aufgaben
• Erfolgreicher Aufbau von drei Unternehmen, verantwortlich für die Konzeption der Gesellschaft sowie im operativen für das Business Development; darüber hinaus Aufbau von unterschiedlichen Geschäftseinheiten/Niederlassungen im Rahmen von Mandaten
• Ausgeprägte ganzheitliche Denkweise, Gestaltung von Geschäftsmodellen, u.a. mit
Wholesale-Ansatz, durch Nutzung von Kooperations-, Allianz- und Multiplikator Modellen für technologieorientierte Geschäftslösungen
• Dedizierte Erfahrung im Fördermittel Management auf europäischer Ebene als Team Lead für einen M-DAX-Konzern, Machbarkeit bis zum Inkubationsansatz; umfassendes persönliches Netzwerk zu Konsortialchampions/-partnern (z.B. Universitäten, R&I-Instituten, National Contact Points der Europäische Kommission)
• Transformationshintergrund: Digitalisierung bis Automation
• Professional Services, Mobility, Health Information & Communication Technology (Mobil Operator, MVNE/MVNO, Carriers Carrier, Fixnet-/Fiber-Operator) und Commodities
Weitere Kenntnisse
• Telecommunication / ICT
• Management/Technology Consulting - Professional Services
• Automotiv / Mobility
• E-Health, Health
• International Trade
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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