Quality Manager/Engineer, Project Manager,Supplier Quality Engineer, QS, QA, Verträter, Resident, Auditor
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- 5 Referenzen
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- 80339 München
- Europa
- cs | en | sk
- 01.01.2025
Auszug Referenzen (5)
"Great and professional help in our QA team."
3/2019 – 12/2019
Japan Europe GmbH is the European sales representative of Japan Display Inc. (JDI), the leading global manufacturer of small-and medium sized display panels for automotive and mobile devices.
My role was to reach quality complaints closing by automotive customers BOSCH, Marelli and Visteon. I was communicating with customers and JDI production in Japan regarding claims, reviewing 8D reports and optimizing the structure of 8D reports fromJapan, uploading them to customer portals in customer templates, presenting 8D reports and related activities during conferences with customers, leading internal conferences regarding complaints. During my mission, over 100 8D reports were accepted and complaints closed by customers. I supported significantly to leave SQPI E1 level by BOSCH and SQB level by Marelli. During my mission I quickly learned by self studing important technical facts about display production and JDI production processes and I became an adequate partner for technical discussions with customer quality experts in SQE positions. In the end of my mission I trained the new employee as an cussessor.
8D Report, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF), Ppap
"Gut vorbereitet, hilfreiche. Er hat großes Wissen. Gutter Kollege. Ich empfehle jedem."
12/2018 – 1/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungIATF Documentation harmonisieren und optimieren (Zeichnung, Prozessablaufdiagramm, P-FMEA, Arbeitsanweisungen, Produktionslenkungplan). Eigene Methodik bilden, vorschlagen und implementieren. FMEA Meetings, Risikensuche, kritische Merkmale aktualisieren, Massnahmenplan. Auf Audi und BMW implementieren. Webasto Qualitaetsplaenner und ME Abteilung fuer die Methodik schulen.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenMotivation Projektteams, Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse (FMEA), IATF 16949
"Mit Herrn [...] ist die Kommunikation und die Teamarbeit einfach und effektiv."
10/2018 – 11/2018
Kunde: Tier 1 Lieferant Kabrio Dachsysteme, Slowakei
Endkunden: Daimler, BMW, Audi, Aston Martin, Bentley, Chrysler, Opel, Lamborgini, Ferrari, Maserati, Land Rover, VW, Rolls-Royce
Grund fuer Projektentstehung: Abweichungen in IATF Audit, Dokumentation nicht genug anknüpfend
Zweck: Projektdokumentation - Produktlenkungplan, Arbeitsanwesungen, FMEA, Prozessablaufdiagramm überprüfen, aktualisieren, einordnen, optimieren
Projektausfuehrungmethode wurde von Kunden nicht erstellt und wurde von mir vorgeschlagen.
Dokumentation fPilotkunde herausbilden (Daimler Smart)
- Analysis
- Empfehlung naechste Schritte
- Draft Dokumente bearbeiten
- Presentation fuer Leitung und Projektteam
- FMEA Meeting Moderation, FMEA aktualisieren, Massnahmenplan bilden und Massnahmen einleiten
- Signifikantcharakteristik auf der Basis FMEA bearbeiten
- Dokumentation mit neuen SC aktualisieren
Weiter Dokumentation bearbeitet für:
- BMW F23
- andere Kunden kommen...
Tier 1 Lieferant Kabrio Dachsysteme fuer Smart, BMW,
Compliance management, Interim Management, Prozessmanagement, Motivation Projektteams, Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse (FMEA), Qualitätsdokumentation, Qualitätsplanung, Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ), IATF 16949
"D. is person with a lot of experience, an optimistic approach to solving the problem. He does not hesitate to advise everyone. Great colleague"
4/2018 – 8/2018
Company LEAR Hranice is Producer of automotive Seat Frames. Key processes - rivetting, welding, assembly.
Job description:
Member of Quality Department.
Member of 8D team, Root cause Analysing.
Training and couching Quality inspectors, Quality Engineers, team leaders, operators.
Red Zone management.
Build and apply the system of incoming inspection regarding automotive standards.
Inspection gauges refurbishment.
Communication with suppliers.
8D Reports to suppliers.
Change management with suppliers. PPAP with suppliers.
Lieferantenentwicklung, Lieferantenmanagement (allg.), 8D Report, APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), IATF 16949, Ppap, VDA 6.x
"Herewith I do confirm the admitted job as QEHS Manager at HOERBIGER Zandov"
3/2013 – 11/2017
Quality goals set and fulfill
Leader of Quality team (4 people)
Continuous improvement
8D to customers and suppliers
Application of HOERBIGER and legal standards
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 recertification
Change management
Quality Management System
8D Report, APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Sap Qm, Qualitätsdokumentation
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
3/2022 – 6/2023
TätigkeitsbeschreibungBranch Manager "Resident" für NVH in Hannover. Erste Kontaktpersone für VW bereits SOP, Launch, Logistik, Qualität, Herstellung und Change Management in Hannover - Dachhimmel ID BUZZ (Wareneingang, Montage, Sequenzierung, Endkontrolle).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenFilmen, Wareneingangorganisation, Lagerverwaltung, Logistik (Allg.), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Change Management, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung
3/2022 – 6/2023
The main task of NVH branch in Hannover was to assure deliveries to VW line in JIS mode including product finalization (manual assembly, automatical gluing of components) and end inspection.
Job description:
- On site person in NVH branch in Hannover, located in DB Schenker, close to VW plant
- Instant support for NVH plant in Czech republic on site, close to VW plant
- assure and supervise deliveries, production, quality, maintenance through external provider DB Schenker
- Proactive communication with VW, observation of VW production line, frequent attendance on VW line in case of quality problems and attendance on cubing meetings
- Create and maintain communication rules for regular reporting, creating and maintaining system of regular reporting
- shiftly Reporting to NVH Czech to arrange on line informations about inbound, production, scrap and deliveries to VW
- Managing sub-suppliers on place, e.g. assembly of pick-to-light system, loading ramps
- Reporting 8D, arranging sorting and immediate containment activities
- Arranging activities supporting operative change management
- manage preserial parts - stock take, implementation of changes etc.
- weekly quality review with VW, weekly review of NOK parts from the customer in VW
- daily quality meetings with customer during escalation
- daily review of NOK parts from the line
- Managing sub-suppliers on place, e.g. assembly of pick-to-light system, loading ramps
Logistik (Allg.), Reporting, Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Just-in-Sequence-Produktion (JIS)
10/2020 – 2/2022
Job description:
- analysis of Lastenheft, drawings and customer specifications (ONNO)
- review of critical characteristics and their implementation into FMEA and documentation (AVIX)
- Participation on FMEA meetings, for interim time also FMEA owner
- Creation of Control Plan and documents for for process/end inspection
- communication with Development dept in Korea, Project manager
(Germany/CZ), Process Engineer (Germany), Engineering dept (CZ), customer representative (Germany)
- manage checking fixtures for products including design acceptation, supplier, selection and realization of checking fixtures
- meetings with customer representative (Germany) - PPA planning, Quality LOP, cubing meeting, preserial complaints
- review of dimensional results and support to Project Manager to optimize NOK
- Bemusterung to Customer (BEON)
- internal communication with Laboratory incl. schedule for testing and product measurement
- internal communication to Quality inspectors, pre-production workshop including trainings
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Advanced product quality planning (APQP), Ppap
6/2020 – 9/2020
Supplier Quality Assurance - EMPB with sub-suppliers based on VDA2 (fabric, plastic parts, chemicals, metallic components)
Supporting sub-supplier nomination for new projects, production trials with sub-suppliers and production supervision at sub-suppliers (e.g. plastic parts)
Supporting and training personnel for 8D and lean production
5 Supplier audits based on VDA6.3
Support during IATF16949 certification (laboratory processes, HR processes, production,...)
Resident Engineer for VW and Audi, regular customer visits
Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse (FMEA), 8D Report, Auditor, IATF 16949, VDA 6.x
3/2019 – 12/2019
Japan Europe GmbH is the European sales representative of Japan Display Inc. (JDI), the leading global manufacturer of small-and medium sized display panels for automotive and mobile devices.
My role was to reach quality complaints closing by automotive customers BOSCH, Marelli and Visteon. I was communicating with customers and JDI production in Japan regarding claims, reviewing 8D reports and optimizing the structure of 8D reports fromJapan, uploading them to customer portals in customer templates, presenting 8D reports and related activities during conferences with customers, leading internal conferences regarding complaints. During my mission, over 100 8D reports were accepted and complaints closed by customers. I supported significantly to leave SQPI E1 level by BOSCH and SQB level by Marelli. During my mission I quickly learned by self studing important technical facts about display production and JDI production processes and I became an adequate partner for technical discussions with customer quality experts in SQE positions. In the end of my mission I trained the new employee as an cussessor.
8D Report, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF), Ppap
12/2018 – 1/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungIATF Documentation harmonisieren und optimieren (Zeichnung, Prozessablaufdiagramm, P-FMEA, Arbeitsanweisungen, Produktionslenkungplan). Eigene Methodik bilden, vorschlagen und implementieren. FMEA Meetings, Risikensuche, kritische Merkmale aktualisieren, Massnahmenplan. Auf Audi und BMW implementieren. Webasto Qualitaetsplaenner und ME Abteilung fuer die Methodik schulen.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenMotivation Projektteams, Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse (FMEA), IATF 16949
10/2018 – 11/2018
Kunde: Tier 1 Lieferant Kabrio Dachsysteme, Slowakei
Endkunden: Daimler, BMW, Audi, Aston Martin, Bentley, Chrysler, Opel, Lamborgini, Ferrari, Maserati, Land Rover, VW, Rolls-Royce
Grund fuer Projektentstehung: Abweichungen in IATF Audit, Dokumentation nicht genug anknüpfend
Zweck: Projektdokumentation - Produktlenkungplan, Arbeitsanwesungen, FMEA, Prozessablaufdiagramm überprüfen, aktualisieren, einordnen, optimieren
Projektausfuehrungmethode wurde von Kunden nicht erstellt und wurde von mir vorgeschlagen.
Dokumentation fPilotkunde herausbilden (Daimler Smart)
- Analysis
- Empfehlung naechste Schritte
- Draft Dokumente bearbeiten
- Presentation fuer Leitung und Projektteam
- FMEA Meeting Moderation, FMEA aktualisieren, Massnahmenplan bilden und Massnahmen einleiten
- Signifikantcharakteristik auf der Basis FMEA bearbeiten
- Dokumentation mit neuen SC aktualisieren
Weiter Dokumentation bearbeitet für:
- BMW F23
- andere Kunden kommen...
Tier 1 Lieferant Kabrio Dachsysteme fuer Smart, BMW,
Compliance management, Interim Management, Prozessmanagement, Motivation Projektteams, Fehlermöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse (FMEA), Qualitätsdokumentation, Qualitätsplanung, Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ), IATF 16949
4/2018 – 8/2018
Company LEAR Hranice is Producer of automotive Seat Frames. Key processes - rivetting, welding, assembly.
Job description:
Member of Quality Department.
Member of 8D team, Root cause Analysing.
Training and couching Quality inspectors, Quality Engineers, team leaders, operators.
Red Zone management.
Build and apply the system of incoming inspection regarding automotive standards.
Inspection gauges refurbishment.
Communication with suppliers.
8D Reports to suppliers.
Change management with suppliers. PPAP with suppliers.
Lieferantenentwicklung, Lieferantenmanagement (allg.), 8D Report, APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), IATF 16949, Ppap, VDA 6.x
3/2013 – 11/2017
Quality goals set and fulfill
Leader of Quality team (4 people)
Continuous improvement
8D to customers and suppliers
Application of HOERBIGER and legal standards
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 recertification
Change management
Quality Management System
8D Report, APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA (IT), Sap Qm, Qualitätsdokumentation
Praha, Tschechische Republik
Praha, Tschechische Republik
Jablonec nad Nisou, Tschechien
Über mich
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Tschechisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Slowakisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Russisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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