freiberufler Expert in commercial strategies, change management and integration auf

Expert in commercial strategies, change management and integration

  • auf Anfrage
  • 40629 Düsseldorf
  • Weltweit
  • de  |  en  |  es  |  fr
  • 07.06.2020


Expertise  in kommerziellen Strategien (Sales, Marketing, commercial operations, Pricing, competitive strategy, Growth build,T&E, SEO, Corporate Identity und Image, Messaging und Branding) und Ausführung sowie kommerzielle Integration nach M&A,


  • Change Management
  • Corporate Identity
  • Führungstraining
  • Fusionen und Übernahmen
  • Interim Management
  • Klassisches Marketing
  • Management (allg.)
  • Marketing3 J.
  • Transformation Management
  • Vertrieb (allg.)

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

SVP International Business Development & Commercialization (Festanstellung)
Preventicus GmbH, Home Office
1/2019 – 4/2020 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)

1/2019 – 4/2020


Business Development International, Reporting, Strategic Planning
International business development in various systems implementing digital solutions in payer systems. First fully digital prevention program launch combining commercial strategy, payers and physicians to solve an unmet clinical need. Strategy planning and messaging based on the company strategy, internal & external communication of product, brand and messaging through various measures with the aim of gaining the trust of customers and increase adoption. Commercial publication strategy, market and target group-oriented strategy and action in close cooperation with various departments.
Creating market, consumer and competitive analyzes as well as health insurance (GKV & PKV) sales and business development. Strategy developments for product
expansion, product portfolio optimization, observation of trends in focus markets,
creating master materials based on the above mentioned strategies. Affiliate marketing strategies and execution, SEO and content marketing including KPI strategy as well as managing campaigns such as “Sabine Postel for PV” Responsible for content of international congresses, development of non commercial content, KPI and material (clinical, medical, T&E), commercial lead for pilot programs as well as first local mass screening projects. close cooperation and project lead with regional marketing and sales leaders, Medical and clinical department as well as Research and Development, Training and Operations. Horizon2020 program lead & strategic partnerships responsibilities. Coimmunication lead for hospital projects, digitalization in hospitals and change processes within digital transformation projects

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Brand Director (Festanstellung)
BTG PLC, Homeoffice
7/2018 – 8/2019 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)

7/2018 – 8/2019


Strategy planning and messaging based on the company strategy, internal & external communication of product, brand and messaging through various measures with the aim of gaining the trust of customers and increase adoption. Commercial publication strategy, market and target group-oriented strategy and action in close cooperation with various departments. Creating market, consumer and competitive analyzes. Strategy developments for product expansion, product portfolio optimization, observation of trends in focus markets, creating master materials based on the above mentioned strategies.
Affiliate marketing strategies and execution, SEO and content marketing including KPI strategy as well as managing campaigns. Customer communication for various stake holders, including physicians, hospital adminstrations, insurances and nurses / technicians.
Responsible for content of international congresses, development of non commercial content, KPI and material (clinical, medical, T&E) close cooperation and project lead with regional marketing and sales leaders, Medical and
clinical department as well as Research and Development, Training and Operations.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Director Global Marketing (Festanstellung)
Cardionovum, Bonn
12/2015 – 12/2017 (2 Jahre, 1 Monat)

12/2015 – 12/2017


Managing the complete product portfolio (coronary and peripheral) including phase in and
out strategies, forecast planning and strategic planning. Development of marketing plans
for classic as well as affiliate marketing, strategies for therapy adoption and
reimbursement activities as well as Guidelines. Internal & External Communications long
term product strategy development, day to day product support,
product marketing & sales support - pricing strategy and buying group activities, congress
and trade show organization, KOL management, clinical trial program and support, clinical
protocols, pipeline strategies, co travelling with distributors. development of a training and
education program for direct sales as well as distributors, distributor training in general,
market intelligence to be transformed into strat plans (up to 5 years), communication with
investors buyers & payers on both sides - insurances well as hospitals

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen



FH Aachen

Über mich

Expertise  in kommerziellen Strategien (Sales, Marketing, commercial operations, Pricing, competitive strategy, Growth build) und Ausführung sowie kommerzielle Integration nach Akquisitionen, die Sie bei der Entwicklung, Kommunikation, Überzeugung und Ausführung von diesen über alle Ebenen Ihrer Teams unterstützen, ist eine meiner Kernleistungen.
Angetrieben von spezifischen Märkten, größeren Unternehmensinteressen, Akquisitionen oder finanziellen Situationen sind neue Strategien oft schwer zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Obwohl die Kommunikation als der Schlüsselerfolgsfaktor bekannt ist, um neue Strategien zu implementieren, ist dies oft der schwächste Teil des gesamten Prozesses. Aber nicht nur strategische Themen können das Geschäft bremsen. Corporate Identity und Image, Messaging und Branding können einen größeren Einfluss als erwartet haben. Auch die Wirkung von gutem Training wird oft unterschätzt. Ebenso ist die Digitalisierung ein grosses aktuelles Thema, welches auch mich in meinen Projekten beschäftigt. Interimsmanagement und Restrukturierung begleitet mich schon lange aufgrund meiner mehr als 17 jährigen Erfahrung und den Projekten im Bereich Merges & Acquisition, in denen ich Commercial Operations und Communication lead war.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Diverse Merges von Unternehmen mit mehreren Hundert bis zu über 80tsd Mitarbeitern inklusive commercial change management, Marketing merge, commercial communication.
Product launches mit paradigm shift Charakter (von der Entwicklung über die Einführung bis hin zum Phase out first gen / Phase in next gen). Training & Education Platform Build.
Leadership skills in Kombination mit DISC und SPIN implementiert in mehreren Konzernen.
Branding und CI Entwicklung von startups wie etablierten Unternehmen, Vertriebsstrategien und commercial lead als Project work, PMI zertifizierter Projektmanager
detailliertere Information gern auf Nachfrage

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
23 Jahre und 8 Monate (seit 07/2001)
8 Jahre


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