Principal SAP IT Consultant / SAP Process Integration PI & Orchestration PO / SAP Cloud Integration CPI / SAP AIF
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Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
7/2017 – 2/2018
Rollout SAP S/4HANA, SAP Hybris, SAP Ariba, SAP Concur, SAP SuccessFactors, SAP PO, SAP CPI, SAP HCP:
Requirements analysis / blue print
Architecture design for hybrid Integration (onPrem-2-onPrem,Cloud-2-Cloud, Cloud-2-onPrem)
Consulting and Integration (based on Best Practices / SAP HEC)
Design/QA of Interface specification
Implementation and Support
eam leading and technical project management
Salesforce.Com, SAP S/4HANA, SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, SAP HANA, Idoc, SAP PI, SAP Cloud Platform, Enterprise Architect (EA), J2EE, Java (allg.), Enterprise Javabeans, Cloud Computing, Serviceorientierte Architektur, SOAP, WSDL (Web Services Description Language), Json, JavaScript, BizX Suite (SuccessFactors)
3/2016 – 9/2017
Rollout SAP ECC, sFin, SAP S/4HANA and Integration based on SAP PO:
Analysis of (existing) nonSAP systems and Interfaces for/to SAP ECC, S/4HANA Finance, SAP MII and SCM-APO Integration
Preparation of Integration options between SAP PO und MII
Installation and configuration SAP NWDI
Training related to JEE and NWDI area
Architecture consulting
Design, Implementation of Interface and BPM scenarios via SAP PO
SAP AIF (Analysis / PoC)
Interface migration and adjustment for SAP S/4HANA 1709
SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA, SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, SAP APO, SAP FI, Idoc, SAP NetWeaver, SAP PI, SAP NetWeaver Application Server, SAP MII, J2EE, Java (allg.), Enterprise Javabeans, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Serviceorientierte Architektur, SOAP
3/2014 – 2/2015
Integration of SAP- and nonSAP-Systems with SAP PI:
Architecture consulting und coaching during setup connectivity between SAP- und nonSAP-systems based on SAP PI 7.3 and HL7 adapter
SAP PI know-how transfer
Support - Integration between SAP and QCare
Adapter development
Adapter module development
SAP ECC, Testen, SAP ABAP, SAP IS-H, SAP PI, Java (allg.), Enterprise Javabeans, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Systemmigration, XSLT (XSL Transformation)
2/2012 – 10/2017
Master Data Management and Integration of SAP- and nonSAP-systems with SAP PI, SAP CE, SAP PO:
Creation of development guidelines and naming conventions
Architecture consulting and coaching for setup connectivity of SAP and third-party systems to SAP ERP using SAP Process Integration and Composite Environment NetWeaver Java 7.3.
Creation of Business Blueprint (software requirements specification and development of integration architecture)
Conception and implementation of the JEE application
GoingLive support
SAP PI/PO knowledge transfer
Technical project lead (Integration and Orchestration)
Support SAP PI upgrade to 7.31
Business End-2-End Monitoring
Consulting about SAP PO 7.4
Release Management
SAP AIF - Application Interface Framework (PoC)
Technical and functional migration from PI 7.31/CE 7.3 to SAP PO 7.5
Test Management, Test Automation, SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, Idoc, SAP MDM, SAP PI, Web Dynpro, SAP XI, Enterprise Service Bus, Software Design, Enterprise Architect (EA), J2EE, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Systemmigration, Serviceorientierte Architektur, SOAP, XSLT (XSL Transformation), WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
10/2011 – 2/2012
Migration of integration scenarios from SAP XI to SAP PI:
Analysis, review and redesign of existing A2A and B2B-Interfaces
Migration of existing scenarios from SAP XI 3.0 to SAP PI 7.30
Migration of existing scenarios from SAP PI 7.11 to SAP PI 7.30
Optimization existing interfaces by PI 7.3 features
Implementation of UAT, GoLive and Third-Level-Support
Adjustments of the specification and documentation
Technical subproject lead
SAP ECC, SAP ABAP, SAP PI, SAP XI, Java (allg.), Systemmigration, XSLT (XSL Transformation)
9/2011 – 12/2015
Rollout Global SAP / Interface and performance optimization with SAP PI:
Review and redesign of interfaces / code review Java and ABAP
Error and performance analysis / tuning
Optimization of inbound and outbound processing between SAP and nonSAP systems (SAP ECC, RMCA, BI, APO; Oracle)
Consulting and coaching for setup connectivity and mappings
GoingLive analysis and preparation
GoingLive support
Interface Enhancement
Preparation of monitoring and support concept / SAP Solution Manager
Migration of Interface/Integration scenarios
Upgrade SAP PI 7.0 to 7.31, Setup SAP J2SE
SEPA (Interface) adjustments and launch
Consulting related to Success Factors
Architecture & Integration check for SAP HCI / CPI
Integration Architect
Consulting/support digital transformation and fusion/consolidation
Oracle Database, Java Database Connectivity, SAP ECC, Oracle Hyperion, Test Management, Testen, SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, SAP APO, Sap Bi, SAP BW, SAP FI, Idoc, Sap Mm, SAP PI, SAP Datenmigration, SAP Sales und Distribution, Sap Solution Manager, Sap Srm, SAP XI, SAP Cloud Platform, Enterprise Architect (EA), Java SE, Java (allg.), Enterprise Javabeans, Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), Serviceorientierte Architektur, SOAP, RFC (Remote Function Call), XSLT (XSL Transformation), WSDL (Web Services Description Language), SEPA
12/2010 – 7/2011
Integration of SAP- and nonSAP-systems, data migration:
Architecture consulting and coaching for setup connectivity of third-party systems to SAP CRM, ERP, SCM using SAP Process Integration and Web Services, ABAP Proxy, ALE/IDoc, etc.
Preparation of software requirements specification and development of integration architecture
Proof of Concept
Creation of development guidelines and naming conventions
SAP CRM, SAP ECC, SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, Idoc, SAP PI, SAP Supply Chain Management, Java (allg.), SOAP, WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
12/2008 – 11/2010
SAP PI Implementation project:
Consulting / Implementation of SAP PI scenarios
Responsibility of interfaces implementation using SAP PI and technical implementation lead
Setup connectivity SAP systems to legacy systems via SAP PI
Requirements analysis, conception, implemention of interfaces
Planning and defining integration test, start of operation
SAP CRM, SAP ECC, Test Management, SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, SAP APO, SAP FI, Idoc, Sap Mm, SAP PI, SAP Supply Chain Management, SAP Sales und Distribution, SAP XI, SAP APO-gATP, Serviceorientierte Architektur, SOAP, Java Message Service, WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
11/2008 – 11/2009
SAP WM implementation project (warehouse management system):
Consulting, design, implementation of ALE/IDoc/RFC/BAPI interfaces between SAP systems and applications
Consulting and coaching, implementation of mobile applications based on SAP WebDynpro Java Technology for picking processes
SAP ABAP, SAP ALE, Idoc, SAP NetWeaver, Web Dynpro, SAP NetWeaver Application Server, J2EE, Java (allg.), Enterprise Javabeans, RFC (Remote Function Call)
6/2007 – 8/2009
SAP warehouse management system implementation project for automatic storages:
Consulting software architecture and implementation of SAP warehouse management system
Workshops, conception and development of interfaces between SAP and nonSAP-systems and database system (Web Services, RFC, Native SQL)
SQL, SAP ABAP, SAP Extended Warehouse Management, SAP TM, SOAP, RFC (Remote Function Call)
10/2006 – 3/2018
TätigkeitsbeschreibungFurther information and projects available on request
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSAP PI
University of Applied Science, Ansbach
Weitere Kenntnisse
– SAP XI (Exchange Infrastructure) SAP PI (Process Integration) and PO (Process Orchestration)
– Landscape design
– Administration and configuration
– Adapter module
– Mapping (JAVA, ABAP, XSLT, Groovy)
– Conception and implementation of business processes based on BPMN
– Migration from ccBPM to BPM
– (de-)central AAE, AEX, J2SE
– Driver deployment
– Monitoring / XPI Inspector
– Performance
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure (NWDI)
SAP NetWeaver Web AS Administration
SAP Application Interface Framework (AIF)
SAP Solution Manager (monitoring, CR/transport/Incident/test management, project
organization, LMDB, SLD)
SAP WebDynpro for Java/ABAP
SOA Management/Web Service Runtime/Java und ABAP Proxy
Business Process Management (BPM) / Business Rules Management (BRM)
SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Platform Integration / API Management / SAP IPS
SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway
SAP Concur, SAP SuccessFactors, SAP Ariba Network & P2P, SAP Hybris - Integration
SAP Analytics Cloud / Digital Boardroom
SAP Cloud Connector / SAP Web Dispatcher / Reverse Proxy
SAP Business Suite
– IDoc/ALE/RFC/BAPI Technology
– Basic knowledge in the ERP Modules: FI, HR, SD, MM, RM-CA.
– SRM, WM/EWM, MII, APO/gATP – Integration
SAP S/4HANA OP 1511, sFin, 1610, 1709, SAP S/4HANA Cloud Edition 1705, 1711, 1802
Industry knowledge:
– Retail
– Media
– Chemical Industry
– Aviation Industry
– Telecommunication
– Insurance
– Health care
– Manufacturing Industry
– IT Security
Methodical Knowledge:
– IT service management with ITIL
– Technical project management
– Procedure model for the integration projects
– Modeling and integration of complex processes and scenarios
– Scrum / agile software development
– SAP Activate
– SAP Value Assurance Service for SAP S/4HANA
– Model Company
Additional Expertise:
Process knowledge
– Supply Chain Management
– Advanced Planning & Optimization / gATP
– Supplier Relationship Management
Development & internet technologies
– Internet protocols and –standards ((S)FTP, HTTP(S), SMTP, XML)
– Development experience in J2EE and ABAP/OO
Non-SAP product knowledge
– WebSphere - Integration Developer, - Process Server, - AS
– NetBeans
– Apache Web Server
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Russisch (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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