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- 95‐145€/Stunde
- 60325 Frankfurt am Main
- Europa
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- 01.10.2024
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2018 – 11/2021
- Reorganization of internal processes and workflow for a Swiss based coaching and personal develop- ment provider due to the implementation of web-based trainings
- Creating strategy and implementation for/of a web-based holistic trainings tool for sales and manage- ment team (NLP-approach)
• Developing a global financing structure for a green energy provider incl. fundraising of USD 175m
- ERP system implementation and roll-out of an European-wide online-marketing and sales strategy for
an international Neurofeedback Institute. Monitoring and adjusting the workstream.
- Establishing a start-up company for carbon nanotechnology incl. team setup, research and development as well as marketing and distribution. Implementing “Industrie 4.0” standards through digitalized information transfer within the production stream.
Agile Methodologie, Lean Startup, Personalführung, Projektdurchführung, Projektfinanzierung
11/2011 – 7/2017
Holding - Corporate Development / Finance / Accounting / Audit / Capital Markets:
- Management and financing of the operative subsidiaries
- Development of an international group structure with jurisdiction specific tax and corporate features • Arranging mezzanine finance through an international specialized hedge fund (USD 280m)
- Preparation of the group listing incl. all necessary regulatory requirements
Subsidiary - Sales / operative Management / Financing:
- Change management with communication though out all hierarchy levels
- USD 300m restructuring by leading an interdisciplinary and intercultural team up to 400 members
Börseneinführungsvorbereitung, Personalführung, Projektdurchführung, Projektfinanzierung
9/2009 – 10/2011
- Leading and coordinating all real estate financing activities of the bank regarding structuring / pricing (on-balance) and syndication / arranging (off-balance) in Germany and The Netherlands
- Following a risk management focused portfolio approach
- Acquisition and sale of real estate loans and properties
- Responsible for origination of real estate financing, management of the due diligence process
- Relationship manager for various investors e.g. banks, family offices, pension funds, debt funds etc
Finanzierungskonzept, Grundbesitz, Projektfinanzierung
4/2008 – 8/2009
- Responsible for acquisition (EUR 1.8bn in 2008) and disposition of performing commercial real estate loans including underwriting and risk adjusted portfolio management
- Leading refinance activities for GE's Joint Venture structures including preparation of business plans and cash flow projections
- Asset managing of commercial real estate loans and managing the restructuring and workout process
Finanzierung, Investition / Desinvestition, Projektdurchführung
4/2006 – 4/2008
- Preparing of financial models and underwritings for residential and commercial properties located in Germany, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, France and Switzerland (EUR 2.5bn in 2006/'07)
- Managing the financing process from sizing to closing of a transaction
- Client relationship manager and origination of real estate financing
- Managing different parties like property manager, legal advisors, banks and local courts as a forced administrator for real estate portfolios in Germany
Finanzierung, Grundbesitz, Projektdurchführung
11/1996 – 3/2006
Client Interaction and Project Management
- Preparing proposals to the client
- Leading teams up to 20 consultants depending on the kind and range of the project
- Managing a project volume up to EUR 1m p.a.
Analytical Skills
- Preparing economic feasibility studies for commercial properties (up to EUR 500m)
- Designing financial models for property companies for M&A deals (up to EUR 1.5bn)
- Carrying out commercial due diligences of real estate and non-performing-loan transactions
- Valuation of single assets, portfolios and companies based on cash flows, multiples, comparable
and replacement method (up to EUR 4.5bn)
- Analysing economical risk of real estate portfolio and project development within annual financial statement audit
- Vendor and buy side assistance in residential real estate transaction
- Strategic examination to build up new services and products in the real estate industry
- Designed and performed risk-control-systems in property companies
Auditor, Corporate Finance, Grundbesitz, Projektkultur, Unternehmensbewertung
1/1994 – 10/1996
TätigkeitsbeschreibungTechnical and economical construction management, including tendering and contracting
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektdurchführung
9/1993 – 12/1994
TätigkeitsbeschreibungCompleted a trainee programme in the areas of construction preparation (logistics), bid calculation, construction management and accounting
Eingesetzte QualifikationenProjektdurchführung
Über mich
• Die Grundlage meiner Projektmanagementpraxis und methodischen Kompetenz ist durch die langjährige Tätigkeit bei KPMG geprägt. Moderne Tools haben meine strukturierte Herangehensweise an Projekte sowie die Vorgehensweise mit interdisziplinären Teams in Remote-Projekten agiler und transparenter gemacht. Meine ersten Corporate Real Estate / Facilities Management Projekte habe ich ebenfalls für KPMG durchgeführt.
• Zwischen 2012 und 2017 trat meine Leidenschaft für die Immobile in den Hintergrund, da die Herausforderung einer neuen Position meine volle Aufmerksamkeit und mein volles Engagement erforderte. In diesem Start-up schaffte ich eine Organisations- und Ablaufstruktur, verhandelte Abnahme- und Finanzierungsverträge, entwickelte eine Procurement Kompetenz und vertiefte meine interkulturelle Führungserfahrung. Auch war ich organisatorisch für die Schaffung und Einhaltung von Health, Safety & Environmental Themen verantwortlich. In diesem Unternehmen habe ich Real Estate Management Themen strategisch erarbeitet und war jeweils, bis zur Übergabe an einen On-Site-Manager, für die Standortsuche, die Anmietung und Ausstattung von Büro- und Lager- / Produktionsflächen sowie die Mitarbeiterrekrutierung in Europa und den USA, verantwortlich.
• In den letzten 4 Jahren habe ich als Unternehmensberater Geschäftsmodelle und -prozesse aufgebaut, reorganisiert und digitalisiert sowie die Steuerung und Transparenz der Projektbeteiligten sichergestellt.
Weitere Kenntnisse
• best practice orientation; doing the right thing right
• leading by example
• integrity; being honest and showing strong moral and ethical principles and values
• listening and respect; understanding people’s position
• standing-up and speaking when it matters
• question status quo with reasonable care
• curiosity and all-in engagement
• mastering complexity, resilience in challenging situations and adaptation to changing environments
• Language skills: English, German
• familiar with common office software and databases
• curious, knowledge seeker and a quick learner
• realist with visionary focus
• hands-on mentality
• analytical-methodical oriented execution approach
• passion to improve corporate actions / people's skills
• listener and advisor in personal and professional aspects
• communication skills (verbal, writing) and maintaining relationships
• seeing the benefit in other people having different perceptions
• humour and being able to laugh about myself
• Scrum Master Certification | scheduled for March 2022
• Seth Godin’s Leadership Seminar / Workshop
• Neuro-Resonanz Master | DVNLP, Society of NLP Zertifikat
• Leadership Development Program | CCL - EMEA Brussels
• EKS Advisor - Engpasskonzentrierte Strategie | EKS Akademie
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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