Java Developer and Architect
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- 23.06.2021
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
11/2020 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungI take part in different projects of the company as a Java developer and a consultant. My main project is a partner system integration: a proxy service connecting 3 different SOAP and REST APIs. Also, I participate in CI/CD setup, test development, code review, and architecture discussion.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenJava (allg.), Postgresql, React (JavaScript library), Spring Framework
6/2019 – 11/2019
(Java 8, Spring Boot2, PostgreSQL, JDBC/JDBI, REST API/Spring MVC, FreeMarker/Bulma, Google Cloud, GIT, Maven, Docker)
I have joined the company to lead the whole development process, plan the architecture, take part in programming and deliver MVP and future releases. As a developer, I rewrite backend from Kotlin to Java using Spring. The goal is to build working MVP to raise money for further development.
Java Database Connectivity, Postgresql, Java (allg.), Spring Framework, Google Cloud, HTML5, JavaScript, Representational State Transfer (REST)
6/2018 – 8/2019
(Java 8, Spring Boot2, MySQL, Hibernate/JDBC, REST API/Jersey2/Spring MVC, Linux, GIT, Maven, Docker, GitLab/Jenkins)
I have joined the core team as a senior Java developer and fellow architect. I am responsible for development of new microservices and refactoring legacy code to improve performance and reduce technical debt, in a very rapidly changing business environment. Also, I take part in architecture planning.
Java Database Connectivity, Mysql, Docker, Hibernate (Java), Java (allg.), Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST)
12/2017 – 4/2019
(Java 8, Spring Boot, REST API, Linux, GIT, Maven, Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab)
I am responsible for implementing proxy (backend-for-frontend) application between several APIs and an application for the mobility industry.
Docker, Java (allg.), Spring Framework, Kubernetes, Representational State Transfer (REST)
12/2017 – offen
(Java 8, RichClient (SWT), Spring Boot, REST API, PostgreSQL, Redis, GIT, Maven, Docker, multiOS desktop application build)
My task is to design and develop Language Tutor Assistant for intermediate and advanced level learners. It has been planned as a multilanguage multiOS desktop and mobile application, connected to the central web portal.
Postgresql, Docker, Java (allg.), Rich-Client, Spring Framework, Representational State Transfer (REST)
11/2016 – 7/2018
TätigkeitsbeschreibungThe company works on a new approach to native advertisment integration into video content. I am responsible for overall system architecture, technology choice, team and process management. Personally, I work on neural networks and other artificial intelligence algorithms.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSQL, Maschinelles Lernen, Java (allg.), Web Entwicklung
11/2012 – 11/2016
TätigkeitsbeschreibungI am responsible for planning and building of overall system structure as well as for developing of backend modules. I lead the backend team, take part in company planning sessions, perform deployments. I develop client data adapters, then data processing and storing, then API to that data. Tasks are delegated to the team, then I fulfill code review, merge and deploy. Also, I do some math investigations in logistics area.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenPostgresql, SQL, Mysql, Nginx, Apache Tomcat, Java (allg.), Linux Entwicklung, Spring Framework, Web Entwicklung
6/2012 – 3/2015
TätigkeitsbeschreibungI lead site development activity. My task is to find and organize a team of developers, testers and administrators, to coordinate development process, to take part in development of backend part. I am responsible for site software and data architecture, code review, and deployment. As a technical leader, I accepted JBoss based replacement of former php based site, then planned and fulfilled migration to Tomcat and JGroups based cluster. I designed and developed cloud service concept (similar to Spring Cloud project).
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSQL, Mysql, Nginx, Apache Tomcat, Java (allg.), Web Entwicklung
Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Appl
Weitere Kenntnisse
▪ Enterprise Java: architecture design, monolithe/microservices
▪ Standard Java: multithreading, high load
▪ production high-load system tuning
▪ Spring framework (Boot, IoC, Data, MVC, …)
▪ JDBC, DB (SQL, NoSQL): MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elastic/Lucene
▪ developing of distributed systems (API design, clustering, JGroups)
▪ Web Services/SOAP, Apache CXF, Jackson
▪ GIT/SVN, Maven, Nexus
▪ RUP/UML, Mantis/Jira/Redmine, MS Project, development process setup
▪ JBoss AS, JBoss Seam, 5 years+
▪ JPA/Hibernate, JMS, 3 years+
▪ SQL, 10 years+
▪ OS: UNIX/Linux, 10 years+, MS Windows
▪ Networks (tcp/ip, Cisco, border protocols, ISP maintenance), 5+ years
Persönliche Daten
- Russisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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