R&D Software Engineer
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- 8051 Zurich
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- 05.09.2018
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
8/2017 – 10/2017
Enrolled in the Viz Eclipse project: live virtual advertising replacement
Design and development of a deep-learning-based framework for training neural networks and compositing semi-synthetic training data sets
Development of machine learning and computer vision algorithms
Software development and systems integration
CPU and GPU code profiling for realtime applications
R (Programmiersprache), Maschinelles Lernen, Big Data, Data Mining, C++, Python
10/2013 – 4/2015
Research and development of new methods for document image processing and historical handwriting recognition
- 3D tracking and transcription of ancient document images Project management
- Coordination of research projects within the R&D team
R (Programmiersprache), Maschinelles Lernen, Big Data, Data Mining, Projektmanagement (IT), Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung, C++, Simulink, Python
4/2009 – 10/2013
Research and development of a novel eye-tracking technology used to conduct empirical studies on the learning process in high education
▪ 3d model-based gaze estimation in natural reading ▪ Document image processing and 3D tracking
▪ 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects using Human Drawable Fiduciary Markers Quantitative data analysis and user studies design
▪ Eye-tracking study and statistical and predictive modeling of reading comprehension based on gaze data.
▪ Longitudinal study and data analysis on the effect of a note sharing system on classroom performance.
R (Programmiersprache), Maschinelles Lernen, Data Mining, C++, Simulink, Python, User Experience (UX)
Lausanne (Switzerland)
Rome (Italy)
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Gut)
- Italienisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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