Strategic Consulting + Interim Management (Digital Transformation, Marketing & Change)
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- 24.01.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
2/2023 – offen
Sparrings Partner Branding für Entwicklung Markenstrategie Premium Denim Brands, u.a.
• Re-entry Market Strategy D/A/CH, Southern Europe & APAC
• Brand Transformation & Positioning in den Märkten
• Erarbeitung von Marken-Strategien zur Erhöhung der Brand-Awareness, all Channels
• Sales, Marketing & Digitale Kampagnen
Strategische Unternehmensplanung
2/2022 – 1/2023
Leitung Funktion D/A/CH, B2B/B2C/E-Commerce, global Player Beauty Industry, + 3 Mrd. Umsatz
• Regionaler und funktionaler Aufbau Marketing & Corporate Communications sowie Influencer Marketing, alle Marken im Führungsteam D/A/CH & Commercial
• Organisatorische Umstrukturierung & strategische Neuausrichtung mit Fokus Influencer Marketing
• Implementierung neuer Marketingstrategien für alle Marken im Markt durch Integration von Influencer Marketing als erfolgsorientiertetem Marketingkanal
• Reorganisation des Agenturen Netzwerkes D/A/CH, Neuausrichtung Budgets
• Berichterstattung an globale Funktionen (Genf, New York), Teil des globalen Corporate Communications Leadteam sowie globaler F&E-Funktion
Interim Management
9/2021 – 2/2022
Director Brand ad interim, Media & Campaignmanagement, TV/RADIO, on-offline, all channels plus
Project Lead new Brand Implementation, agile Project Management, + 20 workstreams, crossfunctional, reporting into EC
Change Management, Digitale Transformation, Markenbildung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektmanagement (IT), Team Building
4/2019 – 11/2019
TätigkeitsbeschreibungInterim Marketing Communications Director, + 30 FTE, new set up Marketing Organisation plus lead agencies, KPI setting, Performance & Conversion, Digital Transformation & CX, all touchpoints, all channels
Eingesetzte QualifikationenChange Management, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Digitale Transformation, Marketing
1/2018 – 5/2018
• Reporting an Head of Group Marketing und MD Continental Europe
• Project Lead für die Entwicklung einer zentralen Marketing Struktur in Continental Europe
• Komplette Analyse zur existierenden Marketing Funktion in allen Ländern (Operating Model), Brands, Funktionen, Prozesse, Strukturen, Dienstleister u.a.
• Identifizierung von Cost Savings durch verbesserte Prozesse und Strukturen
• Synergieschaffung durch neue Organisation
• Neuausrichtung des Markenmanagements
➢ Ziel: Entwicklung einer kompletten Strategie und Implementierungsplan unter Berücksichtigung aller Stakeholder und Konzernvorgaben
1/2016 – 7/2017
Responsible for Corporate Communications and Marketing of the HCS Group
Preparation of communications strategy and concepts with CEO (Corporate Communication) and CSO (Marketing), Roll out and implementation of Communication Strategies on behalf of CEO and CSO
Interim Management, Projektmanagement, Unternehmensberatung, Marketing, Strategische Kommunikation
11/2014 – 7/2015
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDevelopment of a national and international sponsoring strategy, brand and event positioning, development of cooperation and event placement, sponsoring, partner & supplier management.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenInterim Management, Sponsoring, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Kommunikationsberatung
8/2012 – 9/2013
Business & Marketing Development of a Designhotel (European Hotel Design Award 2013), Investment < 1.0 million, strategic consultancy of the executive management
• Responsible for the strategy, business and marketing development of a hotel, creation and implementation of the brand Speicher7,
• operative implementation of an integrated marketing & PR strategy and business plan,
• lead for the hotel marketing & PR, implementation of a media, sales and merchandising strategy,
• agencies and service provider lead, responsible for all editorial, advertising and social media campaigns, print and online
• creation of a regional and national network with partners and the media, several cooperations in the lifestyle sector (AESOP, Coco-Mat, PLY, DESIGNHOTELS).
Interim Management, Unternehmensberatung, Business Development, Marketing, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
10/2011 – 7/2012
Member of the core management team, direct report to the executive board, 14 direct reports.
• strategic focus on the development of operational marketing tools and structures of the department and creation of synergies with sales, e-commerce and design,
• optimization of internal work processes in the marketing and PR department (brand management, merchandising, events, PR & social media, budget & controlling, art design, text
et al.),
• development of innovative concepts and campaigns, print and online, e.g. new social media strategy (Virtual Runway project, 360-degree presentation, winner
of the Marketing Award of the Metropolitan Area Rhine-Neckar),
• supplier and agency lead, optimization of marketing materials and publications (e.g. customer magazines, company profiles, sales material and advertising campaigns)
• realisation of three collection presentations in relation with the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Berlin and Beijing, lead of numerous press and customer events,
• management of national and international press and media inquiries
Interim Management, Projektmanagement, Unternehmensberatung, Marketing, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
9/2001 – 9/2011
Tätigkeitsbeschreibung10+ years spent working in multinational companies, strong networking in corporate environments, succesful track record working with executive level management, diverse international experience in corporate, marketing and financial communications – expert in all functional aspects of the field.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenChange Management, Management (allg.), Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Projektmanagement - Kommunikation, Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Corporate Culture, Corporate Identity, Marketing
BOCCONI Mailand/ ESSEC Paris
TUM, Columbia University
Universidad Complutense Madrid
Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Über mich
Weitere Kenntnisse
Interest in High End Products, Travel Retail & Aviation, Luxury Brands, Branding & Premium Products Development.
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Spanisch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Portugiesisch (Fließend)
- Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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