![freelance.de - Finance and Risk| SAP(ABAP-HANA[xsa+cap]-BW-BPC-SAC), Python | ML Text Analytics freiberufler Finance and Risk| SAP(ABAP-HANA[xsa+cap]-BW-BPC-SAC), Python | ML Text Analytics auf freelance.de](/user-images/profiles/thumbnails/131522_176_94683d36d147.jpg?6d47b2bef6613d752889fdbf2d68a900)
Finance and Risk| SAP(ABAP-HANA[xsa+cap]-BW-BPC-SAC), Python | ML Text Analytics
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- 65779 Kelkheim (Taunus)
- Europa
- en | de
- 02.08.2024
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
8/2020 – 7/2023
• Native HANA XSA basierte Warehousedesign- und Implementierung
• Geo-Spatial, Text, Graph/Netzwerk, PAL auf HANA
• HANA-Entwicklung CI/CD
• R-Shiny/Python-Dash Dashboards
• Webscraper auf Scrapy Framework
• Textanalyse in Python (NER, Übersetzungen, Zusammenfassungen, Topic Modelling)
• Python-basierte öffentliche Datenextraktionspipelines, Airflow DAGs auf Kubernetes-Infrastruktur
Kubernetes, Python, SAP HANA
5/2018 – offen
Teilprojektleitung für die Implementierung der Kostendetailaggregation basierend auf Standard-SAP CO Extraktoren für Kostenstellen, Innenaufträge und Projekte. Umkehrung der Kostenarten Bewertungen um das COPA-Reporting für ursprünglich gebuchte Kostenarten zu ermöglichen.
Teilprojektleitung für Stammdaten und Governance zur Sicherstellung der konsistenten Modellierung und Verwendung aller Stammdaten Objekte und deren Beschaffung von Text, Attributen und Hierarchien. Design und Implementierung eines wiederverwendbaren ABAP-Frameworks für die Generierung großer Max-Hierarchien, welche eine einheitliche Sicht auf Kosten- und PNL-Objekte in neun verschiedenen SAP ERP Systemen ermöglichen. Die Generierung beinhaltete Summieren, Zusammenführen und Beibehalten von Teilhierarchien oder einzelner Elemente nach Ablauf ihrer Gültigkeit, um eine einheitliche Basis für die Berichterstellung in den neun SAP ERP Systemen zu gewährleisten. Implementierung einer Benutzeroberfläche für die Zuordnung und Pflege neuer Elemente sowie Integration eines mehrstufigen Workflow Prozesses.
Design und Implementierung einer Wachstumsanalyse Applikation, das organische Wachstum und weitere Kontierung nach Preis und Volum Effekts zu rechnen. Die Implementierung ist im größtenteils durch HANA Kalkulation Views virtualisiert.
Design und Implementierung der Intercompany Profit elimination in Sales und Inventory. Kalkulation der COGS für management reporting.
Value chain konstruhieren und Group COGS (prices) Kalkulation, basiert auf CDS View Virtualized Data Model und Value Chain Analytics mit HANA Graph Engine.
Die Setups werden mit process workflows in BPC 10.1 unterstützt. Dafür sind Prozess Templates, Validation controls (Standard und Custom), data upload / download interfaces und BADIs implementiert.
Technologien: BPC 10.1, ABAP, ABAP-CDS-Views, AMDP, Open ODS-Views, Analytic Views, Other BW Objects.
8/2017 – 3/2018
As a member of a strategic transformation project setup to close key audit findings from ECB pointing to potential inconsistencies between various regulatory reports (FINREP, COREP, LCR/NSFR, MREL). The bank is redefining the data aggregation process to eliminate any room for inconsistencies between FINREP and other regulatory reports.
I play the role of an SAP BCS / BW consultant and responsible for enhancing BCS to enable the desired consistency requirements and establishing the reconciliation setup between SAP BCS and ABACUS. In my role I am closely involved with extension of the chart of accounts, additional custom attributes, validations, input methods, inter unit eliminations, reporting in SAP BCS along with all required SAP BW enhancements. In addition, I also deliver a key reconciliation tool between ABACUS and BCS setup on Excel and VBA.
SAP SEM-BCS, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), Meldewesen (Bank)
6/2008 – 6/2017
As member of Strategic risk and accounting integration program and later as member of regulatory programs delivery team, my role has been as a key hands-on project member taking up roles of architect, business analyst, tester and project manager. Key areas of involvement in this duration have been the following:
• Conceptual design and analysis for modelling an integrated general ledger and group risk data for Group Financial Data Warehouse (FDW).
• Authored/Co-Authored/Reviewed functional specifications for all accounting engines to be setup on strategic FDW for Multi-Currency Accounting, Intra/inter Unit Elimination, Swinging and Derivatives Netting, Residual Funding, Own Debt Extinguishment.
• Modelling of reporting setups for Financial Statement Items on 20-F, BASTA, BoE reports.
• Envisioned and wrote the first version of the DBP (daily balance position) mechanics paper describing the end to end life of DBP data in FDW. This forms the most important pillar of the strategic unified group risk and accounting platform called the FDW (Financial data warehouse).
• Delivery interfaces to group financial consolidation systems.
Regulatory Reporting:
• Design and implementation of the Revised Securitization framework under Basel 4.(In Progress )
• Remodel and redesign of group securitization setup to facilitate tactical and strategic securitizations reporting setup as per CRD IV in COREP and IFRS 12. Reporting covers CR-RWA for banking book, MRSA and CRM for trading book securitizations.
• Solution design, Specification, Build steering and testing for COREP FSE (Exposure to Financial Sector Entity Capital Instruments) capital charge calculation.
• Solution design for FINREP. Designed and steered Implementation of generic CRD IV forms reporting framework, OCC (Outbound Control Centre) and XBRL engine which is now used for a large number of regulatory reporting requirements in the bank.
• Solution design tactical group level capital reporting setup.
• Group wide Liability coverage analysis in FDW and data sourcing execution for FSB & Basel 3 Liquidity reporting (LCR/NSFR)
• Functional design Volcker Covered Funds Reporting on FDW.
• Specification for forbearance reporting requirements under CRD IV.
• Setup of integrated and reusable form based reporting, adjustments, approval workflow and XBRL delivery for FINREP & COREP. Extended framework to allow FINA_V (XML) and FSB(SDXML).
• Design for integration of IBM JRules Business Rules engine to Financial Data warehouse.
• Integration of SAP-BCS to Financial data warehouse.
As an architect for the group consolidation and planning system implemented on SAP SEM BCS , Key projects implemented under my design and supervision were:
• Designed and Co-Developed regional consolidation system for Americas with custom built Consolidation functions for Consolidation of Investments. Designed & Co-Developed flexible/scalable/reusable rule engine for mapping consolidated financials to regulatory report positions.
• Designed & Co-Developed Static high performance unified reporting area for complete consolidated financials along with plan and flash. Enabled high performance internal and external reporting.
• Envisioned, designed & co-developed Group Analytical Reporting Frontend capable of highly flexible end user definable query capability. Tool capable of end user definable tabular reports, formatted reports, alternative nodes, complex formulas & simulations without IT support. Reporting solution is basis for majority of internal and external financial and management reporting. Also formed basis for institutionalizing of performance management reporting based on value based management.
SAP ABAP, SAP SEM-BCS, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), Meldewesen (Bank), Konzernrechnungswesen
5/2005 – 6/2008
TätigkeitsbeschreibungABAP entwicklung auf SAP BCS / BW platform.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSAP ABAP, SAP SEM-BCS, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), Konzernrechnungswesen
Über mich
Im Verlauf meiner Karriere habe ich bedeutende Zeit investiert, um ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis für Rechnungswesen, Controlling und Risikomanagement zu entwickeln. Dies hat mich befähigt, die Komplexitäten des Technologiebetriebs und der Transformation in Finanzlandschaften zu meistern. Ich habe diese Erfahrung sowohl im Bankenwesen als auch in Unternehmen gesammelt.
Des Weiteren habe ich mich dem Bereich Datenmanagement, Datenlagerung und Analysen gewidmet und dabei modernste SAP-Technologien wie ABAP, BW, HANA Native (XSA, CAP),SAC und Python eingesetzt. Diese Kompetenz ermöglicht es mir, wertvolle Erkenntnisse aus komplexen Datensätzen zu gewinnen und datengetriebene Strategien zu formulieren, die das Wachstum und den Erfolg des Unternehmens vorantreiben.
Darüber hinaus hatte ich schon vor der Entwicklung von Generative AI-Technologien Interesse an Textanalyse im Bereich des maschinellen Lernens. Diese Faszination treibt mich an, die neuesten Technologien zu erkunden und anspruchsvolle maschinelle Lernalgorithmen einzusetzen, um verborgene Muster und Stimmungen in Textdaten aufzudecken. Ich habe Erfahrung in den folgenden Bereichen gesammelt: Web Scraping (Scrapy), Datenbereinigung, Named Entity Recognition/Part-of-Speech-Tagging, Language Model for Translation, Kategorisierung, Zusammenfassungen und Topic Modelling (LDA, BERT, NMF, Top2Vec), wobei Python die Hauptsprache für die Anwendungen ist. Zudem habe ich Erfahrungen mit Open-Source-Technologien wie S3, Airflow, Docker und Kubernetes im Rahmen meiner Arbeit in diesem Bereich gesammelt.
I have honed my strengths in three key areas that have become the pillars of the expertise I offer to my clients.
Throughout my career, I have invested significant time to develop a profound understanding of Accounting, Controlling, and Risk Management. This has equipped me with the ability to navigate the complexities of technology operation and transformation in financial landscapes. I have gained this experience both Banking and Corporates.
Secondly, I have dedicated myself to the realm of Data Management, Warehousing, and Analytics, utilizing cutting-edge SAP Technologies like ABAP, BW, HANA Native (XSA, CAP), and Python. This proficiency empowers me to derive valuable insights from intricate datasets, enabling me to formulate data-driven strategies that drive business growth and success.
Beyond that, even before the advent of Generative AI technologies, I have had interest in Text Analytics within the realm of Machine Learning. This fascination propels me to explore the forefront of technology and utilize sophisticated machine learning algorithms to unravel hidden patterns and sentiments within textual data. I have gained experience in following areas: Web Scraping(Scrapy), Data Cleansing, NER/PoS, LLM for Translation, Categorization, Summarisations and Topic Modelling (LDA, BERT, NMF, Top2Vec), whilst Python being the primary language for the applications. I have also gained experience in open-source technologies like S3, Airflow, Docker and Kubernetes whilst pursuing this domain.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Masters in Finance ( Fokus Risk )
ABACUS360 für Anacredit
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Gut)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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