freiberufler Consultant Banking/Finance, System Implementation Support, PMO, Agile Projectmanagement (SCRUM), Programming Specifications, Testing, Documentation, Requirements Analysis auf

Consultant Banking/Finance, System Implementation Support, PMO, Agile Projectmanagement (SCRUM), Programming Specifications,...

  • auf Anfrage
  • 1124 Sofia
  • Europa
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  • 22.07.2019


Energetic, well-tried banking expert with strong hands-on mentality, distinct communication skills and BI-affinity.
High motivation, conscientiousness and absolute reliability are the assets that strongly drive my attitude to work.


  • Bankwesen (allg.)20 J.
  • Bilanzen16 J.
  • Business Analysis16 J.
  • Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT)16 J.
  • Erstellung Programmiervorgaben7 J.
  • Meldewesen (Bank)5 J.
  • Projektleitung / Teamleitung7 J.
  • Rechnungswesen (allg.)16 J.
  • Systemeinführungsunterstützung16 J.
  • Testen18 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Consultant (Market Research)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Sofia
2/2017 – 5/2017 (4 Monate)

2/2017 – 5/2017


Creating a survery (Exposé) regarding the chances and opportunities of FinTech and E-Commerce on the Balkans and Turkey, including chapters with explanations, figures/values (2010 - 2017), diagrams and comparisons as well as tables of:
- Key figures
- Population
- EU Relations
- Economic situation
- Digital Economy
- Markets
(overall 155 pages)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Datenbankrecherche - Wirtschaftsinformationen, Datenbankrecherche (allg.), Satz, Grafiksoftware (allg.), Redaktionellen Gestaltung, Redaktion (allg.), E-Commerce

Support in Different Projects (Set-up Support)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Sofia
8/2014 – 11/2016 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)

8/2014 – 11/2016


Consulting and support at set-up of the “Business-Venues” internet platform “conferento”, GSI Gesellschaft fuer Vertriebskoordination mbH, Berlin, Germany
- Contractual basis
- Business organisation
- Operational calculations
- Personnel management
- Set-up of pan-European sales and marketing
- Various marketing activities

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Ablauforganisation, Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement, Business Analysis, Internationalisierung, Potenzial-Analyse, Personalsuche / -auswahl, Personalentwicklung - Bedarfsanalysen, Vergütungssysteme, Vertragsmanagement, Marketing, Marktforschung / -analyse, Analyse der Absatzwege, Marktpotenzialanalyse, Markteintrittsstrategien, Business to Business, Preis- / Konditionengestaltung, Direkt Marketing, Print Marketing, Werbeillustration, Vertriebsgestaltung, Kommunikation (allg.)

Support in Multiple Projects (Product Placement Studies)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Sofia
5/2014 – 3/2017 (2 Jahre, 11 Monate)

5/2014 – 3/2017


Market studies for B2B product placements in Germany
- Determine of competitors on the market
- Analysing competitors' products
- Determine distribution partners
- Analysing distribution channels
- Support at product pricing

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Analysis, Business Development, Analyse der Markt- / Wettbewerbsposition, Datenbankrecherche - Wirtschaftsinformationen, Datenbankrecherche - Firmenprofile, Marktforschung / -analyse, Analyse der Absatzwege, Wettbewerbsanalyse, Business to Business

Support in Different Projects (CRM, FinTech, Various Assistance)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Sofia
1/2013 – 6/2017 (4 Jahre, 6 Monate)

1/2013 – 6/2017


Supporting JFUBS (Japan Forum for Universal Banking System), Japan;
Assistance in:
- FinTech – competition in the bank’s market
- Corporate governance
- Customer relationships

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Corporate Governance, Schreibdienste, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Lektorat, Übersetzungen

Consultant in Different Projects (Efficiency and Automation Increase)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Sofia
4/2011 – 9/2015 (4 Jahre, 6 Monate)

4/2011 – 9/2015


Supporting efficiency and automation increase
- Requirements analysis of equipment and machinery
- Selecting appropriate tools and machinery
- Presentation of tools and machinery
- Impoving of production
- Import of agricultural machinery

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Landwirtschaft, Technisches Projektmanagement, Produktionstechnik (allg.), Produktionsoptimierung, Technische Beratung, Import

Consultant (Application Development, Accountancy, Year-End Closings)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Düsseldorf
8/2007 – 6/2010 (2 Jahre, 11 Monate)

8/2007 – 6/2010


- Preparation and processing the account closings; balance sheet, income statement, notes to the balance sheet, statistical information
- Implementation of a new methodology for VAT reimbursement
- Various supporting activities

- Deputy Project Manager at agile developing of a BI-Reporting application, i. a. for processing audit ready annual accounts
- Supporting the creation of the business specification catalogue
- Supervision of market analysis according to the demands of an appropriate BI-Reporting application
- Supervising the specification and implementation of the reporting database for business data records
- Supervising the creation of database queries
- Planning and integrating an adjustment booking tool linking to the balance sheet and income statement
- Supervising the creation of test cases and test procedures
- Responsibility for testing the application including the adjustment tool

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Microstrategy, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence (BI), Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT), SQL, Datenbankentwicklung, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Testen, Testdesign (IT), Software Design, Systemmigration, Systemeinführungsunterstützung, Erstellung Programmiervorgaben, Schreiben von Dokumentation, Konzeption (IT), Workflows, Requirement Analyse, Softwareauswahl (Evaluierung), Projektassistenz, Projektmanagement, Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung, Projektteambildung / -entwicklung, Projekt-Dokumentation, Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Projektdurchführung, Prozessberatung, Governance, Bankwesen (allg.), Rechnungswesen (allg.), Kontenplan, Ergebnisrechnung, Betriebliches Rechnungswesen, Bilanzen

Interim Head of Regulatory Reporting (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt
2/2002 – 6/2002 (5 Monate)

2/2002 – 6/2002


Main activities:
Supervision, control and approval of
- Balance sheet statistics
- Principle I (German Banking Act, Solvency Regulation)
- Principle II (German Banking Act, Liquidity Adequacy Regulation)
- Reports relating to the regulation governing large loan exposures and million loans
- Managerial responsibility for staff

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Personalführung, ABACUS/DaVinci, Meldewesen (Bank), Bankwesen (allg.)

Internal Inspection Officer (Audit Officer) (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt
8/2001 – 12/2004 (3 Jahre, 5 Monate)

8/2001 – 12/2004


Coordinate and execute head office’s (HO) internal inspection instructions
Auditing (weekly, monthly, half-yearly and yearly) the observance of
- internal regulations
- operating instructions
- work flows
- account reconciliations
Generating, verifying of standardised audit reports to HO
Managerial and supervisory responsibility for staff

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Organisation (allg.), Ablauforganisation, Personalführung, Qualitätsprüfung, Qualitätsrichtlinien, Qualitätsnachweise, Auditor, Governance, Bankwesen (allg.)

Deputy Head of Accounting (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt
1/2000 – 12/2004 (5 Jahre)

1/2000 – 12/2004


Main activities:
- Preparation of financial statements for the German branches and the subsidiary according to the German Commercial Code and Japanese GAAP (Balance sheet, income statement, notes to the balance sheet)
- Preparation of status reports, business reports and press releases for the managing board
- Controlling function concerning the dependency report of the subsidiary according to the German Companies Act § 312 (AktG)
- Controlling function concerning regulatory reporting according to Japanese GAAP
- Controlling of daily balance sheet and income statement correctness
- Supervision and approval of
- expenditure payments
- balance confirmations
- account reconciliations
- Attending special audits of the Federal Financial Agency and audits of the Federal Association of German Banks, Cologne
- Contact person for external auditors and associations
- Cooperation in planning and supervision boards
- Developing and optimising internal processes
- Deputy managerial responsibility for staff
- Managing of inter-divisional projects

Projects in executive/managerial position:
- Supervision of the accounting business transfer to the Duesseldorf branch due to the closure of the branch in Frankfurt/Main
- Linking the local balance sheet and reporting software (BI-application) to the new central accounting system
- Implementation of the Bank Accounting Directive (RechKredV)
- Concept development and agile implementation of a BI-application to prepare banks` financial close, including all requested details according to Bank Audit Report Regulation and ad-hoc reports
- Optimising of processes e. g. account closing procedure
- Euro implementation

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence (BI), Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT), Reporting, SQL, Windows XP, Projektmanagement (IT), Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Projektassistenz (IT), Agile Methodologie, Test Management, Testen, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Application Development, Systemmigration, Systemeinführungsunterstützung, Erstellung Programmiervorgaben, Schreiben von Dokumentation, Projektstudie, Prozessoptimierung, Requirement Analyse, Management (allg.), Organisation (allg.), Ablauforganisation, Projektassistenz, Projektmanagement, Projektteambildung / -entwicklung, Projektleitung / Teamleitung, Business Analysis, Corporate Identity, Kostenoptimierung, Personalsuche / -auswahl, Leistungsbewertung, Stellenbeschreibung, Personalführung, Beleg- / Vordruckwesen, Aufgaben- / Tätigkeitsanalysen, Meldewesen (Bank), Bankwesen (allg.), Rechnungswesen (allg.), Kontenplan, Sachkostenmanagement, Ergebnisrechnung, Betriebliches Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung, Bilanzen

Assistant Manager, Accounting & Controlling (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt
10/1991 – 12/1999 (8 Jahre, 3 Monate)

10/1991 – 12/1999


- Cooperation in preparing annual as well as semi-annual financial statements of Bank of Tokyo (Deutschland) AG according to the German Commercial Code (HGB) in particular disclosure of securities, bond lending and repurchase agreements
- Prepare the dependency report of Bank of Tokyo (Deutschland) AG according to the German Companies Act (§312 AktG)
- Cooperation in conception and accounting treatment of bond lending and repurchase agreements
- Cooperation in revaluation reserve calculation
- Assistance in tax audits

Participation in projects:
- Implementation of the ABACUS/FIRE (BearingPoint) software for regulatory reporting
- Preparing year 2000 conversion
- Cooperation in conception and accounting treatment of bond lending and repurchase agreements

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT), Reporting, Datenbankentwicklung, Projektassistenz (IT), Agile Methodologie, Testen, Fehleranalyse, Application Development, Systemeinführungsunterstützung, Organisation (allg.), Ablauforganisation, Projektassistenz, Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung, Business Analysis, Stellenbeschreibung, Personalführung, Beleg- / Vordruckwesen, ABACUS/DaVinci, Bankwesen (allg.), Controlling, Rechnungswesen (allg.), Umstellung Währungssysteme, Konzernrechnungswesen, Kontenplan, Ergebnisrechnung, Kostenrechnung, Betriebliches Rechnungswesen, Buchhaltung, Bilanzen

Team Leader and Supervisor in Capital Markets Administration (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt
10/1989 – 9/1991 (2 Jahre)

10/1989 – 9/1991


Managerial and supervisory responsibility for about 20 staff

Securities Delivery/Actual Securities Division (Team Leader):
- Supervision customer’s securities deliveries and committals
- Supervision and approval of customer’s instructions records
- Supervision and approval of reconcilement of customer’s delivery instructions with customer’s deposit
- Supervision and approval of notifying Euroclear (Euclid) and Cedel (Cedcom) of the standardized terms of payment and delivery
- Supervision of checking whether seller’s and buyer’s delivery and payment instructions match and, if necessary,
- Settle the discrepancies with the customer
- Supervision and approval of issuing confirmation notes to the customer
- Supervision and approval of issuing securities cheques
- Supervision of monitoring securities movements using the Central Securities Depositary (CSD) list (CBF, Clearing Boerse Frankfurt)
- Disposition of cash accounts hold with the depositories
- Supervision of handling delivery and committal of actual securities

Securities Settlement Division (Supervisor):
- Supervision and approval of recording interbank and stock market orders
- Compliance check of orders on bank’s own behalf
- Supervision and approval of issuing confirmation notes to the counterparty
- Supervision of checking incoming confirmation notes regarding discrepancies, and if necessary
- Settle the discrepancies in house respectively with the counterparty
- Supervision of and approval notifying Euroclear (Euclid) and Cedel (Cedcom) of the standardized terms of payment and delivery
- Supervision and approval of matching the contract notes with the trader’s orders
- Inform the traders about discrepancies between the contract notes and their orders
- Supervision and approval of issue securities cheques
- Provide the Money Market Department with the expected cash flow
- Disposition of cash accounts hold with the depositories
- Supervision and and release securities movements using the Central Securities Depositary (CSD) list
- Handle trades with bonded loans
- Supervision of reconcilement brokerage commission account and settle the account
- Supervision of reconcilement main and suspense accounts

Interest and Dividends Division (Supervisor):
- Supervision of determination of securities holdings at cut-off date
- Monitoring late settlements
- Supervision of including custody account transactions to calculate customer’s total portfolio
- Supervision of reconcilement depository holdings with custody- and own portfolios
- Supervision and approval of preparation settlement advices for interest/dividends as well as payment confirmations and send them to the customers
- Supervision and approval of preparing both individual payment orders and postings upon customer’s instruction
- Supervision and approval of issuing cash management report of central bank account (LZB) and nostro accounts for money market and foreign exchange department
- Monitoring incoming and outgoing payments
- Supervision of handling coupon submissions including all necessary reconcilements
- Correspondence with customers and depositories
- Supervision of reconcilement of main and suspense accounts

Participation in projects:
- Support to implement software to match stock exchange contract notes with internal orders
- Organisation of administrative requirements for arbitrage transactions

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Testen, Schnittstellenentwicklung, Organisation (allg.), Ablauforganisation, Projektassistenz, Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung, Projektplanung / -vorbereitung, Projektdurchführung, Leistungsbewertung, Stellenbeschreibung, Personalorganisation, Personalführung, Governance, Aufgaben- / Tätigkeitsanalysen, Datenmanagement, Bankwesen (allg.), Wertpapiere, Aktienhandel, Corporate Finance, Kontenplan, Team Building

Authorised Signatory, Capital Markets Administration (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt
7/1987 – 9/1989 (2 Jahre, 3 Monate)

7/1987 – 9/1989


1. Interest and Dividends Division (07.1987 - 05.1988):
- Determine the securities holdings at cut-off date
- Monitor late settlements
- Include custody account transactions to calculate customer’s total portfolio
- Reconcile depository holdings with custody- and own portfolios
- Prepare settlement advices for interest/dividends as well as payment confirmations and send them to the customers
- Prepare both individual payment orders and postings upon customer’s instruction
- Issue cash management report of central bank account (LZB) and nostro accounts for money market and foreign exchange department
- Monitor incoming and outgoing payments
- Handle coupon submissions including all necessary reconcilements
- Correspondence with customers and depositories
- Reconcile main and suspense accounts

2. Securities Settlement Division (06.1988 - 03.1989):
- Record interbank and stock market orders
- Compliance check of orders on bank’s own behalf
- Issue confirmation notes to the counterparty
- Check incoming confirmation notes regarding discrepancies, and if necessary
- Settle the discrepancies in house respectively with the counterparty
- Notify Euroclear (Euclid) and Cedel (Cedcom) of the standardized terms of payment and delivery
- Match the contract notes with the trader’s orders
- Inform the traders about discrepancies between the contract notes and their orders
- Issue securities cheques
- Provide the Money Market Department with the expected cash flow
- Disposition of cash accounts hold with the depositories
- Monitor and release securities movements using the Central Securities Depositary (CSD) list
- Handle trades with bonded loans
- Reconcile brokerage commission account and settle the account
- Reconcile main and suspense accounts

3. Securities Delivery/Actual Securities Division (04.1989 - 09.1989):
- Receive and monitor customer’s securities deliveries and committals
- Record customer’s instructions
- Reconcile customer’s delivery instructions with customer’s deposit
- Notify Euroclear (Euclid) and Cedel (Cedcom) of the standardized terms of payment and delivery
- Check whether seller’s and buyer’s delivery and payment instructions match and, if necessary,
- Settle the discrepancies with the customer
- Issue confirmation notes to the customer
- Issue securities cheques
- Monitor securities movements using the Central Securities Depositary (CSD) list (CBF, Clearing Boerse Frankfurt)
- Disposition of cash accounts hold with the depositories
- Handle delivery and committal of actual securities

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Beleg- / Vordruckwesen, Governance, Datenmanagement, Auftragsverwaltung, Finanzen (allg.), Bankwesen (allg.), Wertpapiere, Aktienhandel, Kontenplan, Buchhaltung

Associate, Account Opening (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Bielefeld
1/1986 – 3/1986 (3 Monate)

1/1986 – 3/1986


Administrative Tasks in Account Opening Department
- Private Accounts
- Corporate Accounts
- Internal Accounts
- Master Data Maintenance

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Governance, Datenmanagement, Bankwesen (allg.), Kontenplan


Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPOI)
Professional Scrum Master (PSMI)
Bankcontroller vbb


Bankkaufmann (Qualified Banking Professional)

Über mich

Because of more than 20 years of managerial expertise in the international finance sector and perennial experience in consultancy, support and assistance, I am the competent reinforcement for your projects.

In all responsible functions and Projects in different divisions, high motivation and conscientiousness, absolute reliability and integrity as well as loyalty are the assets that strongly drive my attitude to work.
The varying positions in Capital Markets Administration, Accounting/Controlling, Regulatory Reporting, Internal Inspection, as Project Manager and as Consultant/Support show both the complete confidence placed in me as an entrepreneurial thinking and acting officer and my ability to manage and support different tasks and divisions successfully.

In inter-divisional projects I successfully managed to decrease the workload and costs drastically, e.g. developing and implementing a BI-Reporting application to prepare bank’s financial closing, according to Bank Audit Report Regulation.
Due to my IT-affinity I acted also as mediator and link between divisions and IT.

In day-to-day business as well as in many professional and organisational, inter-divisional projects my capacity for teamwork, efficiency and natural diplomatic authority have been proven. My relationship management competences and intensive customer orientation are focused on customer satisfaction and strongly formed by both international business environment and mentality as well as my consultancy practice.

With the view for the total context and an eye for detail, I am used to coordinate, operate, control and optimise workflows efficiently. My analytical-conceptual skills and the sense for the essential and achievable are benefits to analyse and solve problems and implement solutions.
I am well-organised, able to work independently and offer several years of managerial experience, characterised by professional competence, standing and strong communication skills.
Besides flexibility and operational readiness, I would like to stress my self-starter mentality and a strong ability to set up and run efficient teams.

My deliberate and purposeful personnel management is essentially based upon high and intrinsic motivation, mentoring and imparting corporate identity to achieve timely, mutual results of the greatest possible quality.

Due to the intercultural experience in international companies in Germany and with Bulgarian enterprises I am very familiar with respectful handling of different ethical and working cultures and consider the advantages.

On request, I am pleased to submit my CV and several further recommendations, references and work samples for a more conclusive and comprehensive picture of my skills, expertise and professional experiences.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Qualified Banking Professional (CCI), Bank Controller vbb, Professional Scrum Master (PSMI)

Expertise in Banking/Finance
- Bank Balance Sheet (HGB, RechKredV, IAS)
- Income Statement
- Notes to the Balance Sheet
- Business Report
- Dependency Report
- General Ledger
- Master Data Maintenance
- Expenditure Control
- Balance Confirmations
- Account Reconciliations
- Communication with Audit Companies and Associations

Internal Inspection (Audit):
- Internal Regulation Checks
- Operating Instruction Checks
- Work-Process Checks
- Account Reconciliation Checks
- Audit Reports

Regulatory Reporting:
- Balance Sheet Statistics
- External Status
- Borrowers Statistics
- Large and Million Loan Exposure
- Solvability Regulation
- Liquidity Ordinance

Capital Markets Administration:
- Securities Settlement
- Interests and Dividends
- Custody/Securities Delivery/Actual Securities

Expertise in IT-Relation:
- Feasibility Studies
- Requirements Analysis
- Business Intelligence Reporting
- Data Warehouse
- SQL Database queries
- Programming Specifications
- Interface Development
- System Installation Support
- System/Data Migration
- Testing
- System/Module Documentation

Other Expertises
- Project Assistance
- Project Scheduling
- Workflow/Process Optimisation
- Workflow/Process Organisation
- Team Building
- Job Descriptions
- Business Analysis
- Data Bank Research
- Editorial Tasks and Design
- Market Analysis
- Country Analysis
- Mentoring

Soft Skills:
highly motivated, conscientiousness, reliable, integrity, hands-on, friendly, confident and determined appearance, customer oriented, team player, cooperative, analytical-conceptual, sense for the essential and achievable, well-organised, result-orientated, able to work independently, persistent, strong and clear communication skills, flexibility, self-starter, multicultural sensitivity, ability to work under pressure.
Entrepreneurial thinking, diplomatically, natural authority, sound character, set up and run efficient teams, capability to motivate, persuasiveness, ability to moderate.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
39 Jahre und 2 Monate (seit 01/1986)
8 Jahre


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