Data Engineer and Data Warehouse Consultant
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- 63457 Hanau
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- 20.03.2025
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
12/2018 – offen
• Good understanding of data governance practices such as metadata management, data
lineage, and data catalogs.
• Good understanding of DevOps key concepts and Agile methodologies.
• Interacted with End user community to understand the business requirements and in
identifying data sources.
• Involved in all phases of SDLC from requirement gathering, design, development, testing,
production, user training and support for production environment
• Designed and developed ETL processes using DataStage designer to load data from Oracle,
Flat Files (Fixed Width) to staging database and from staging to the target Data Warehouse
• Created DataStage parallel tasks with components such as Funnel, Transformer, Sort, Join,
Lookup, Merge, Filter, Change Capture, Aggregator, Copy, Pivot, Remove Duplicates,
Surrogate Key, and Sequential File for faster data processing.
• Experience in Mapping parallel Jobs in DataStage to populate tables in Data warehouse and
Data marts.
• Ensured XFB-transmitted files were processed exclusively as full loads, optimizing data
• Excessively used DS Director for monitoring Job logs to resolve issues.
• Involved in Unit Testing and Resolution of various bottlenecks that came across.
• Excellent with PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Database Triggers and SQL Loader.
• Optimized ETL workflows using DataStage seamlessly integrating data from databases and
various structured and unstructured sources.
• Designed, optimized, and automated ETL processes with DataStage to improve efficiency,
scalability, and operational effectiveness.
• Expert knowledge of data modelling techniques involving high-volume data eventually
converting into an efficient ETL/ELT design. Experienced in using ETL tools like DataStage.
• Configured job scheduling, established CI/CD deployment pipelines, and automated data
synchronization to ensure continuous availability and efficiency.
• Developed and enforced migration test strategies, conducted extensive unit and integration
testing, and implemented data validation frameworks to uphold accuracy.
• Identified and mitigated performance bottlenecks in Snowflake, troubleshooting connectivity,
query inefficiencies, and security challenges for optimized system reliability.
• Provided strategic mentorship to junior developers, enforced best practices in Snowflake
architecture, and drove initiatives to enhance cloud-based data solutions.
• Drive client meetings and status presentations.
• Support extensively for production deployments.
• Training and ramp ups of resources for new opportunities.
• Responsible for project level dependency, risk management and mitigation actions.
Data Warehousing, Spezialist Technischer Support
Über mich
I would like to introduce myself in your company. I am K. K. D. eagerly write to you with regards
to the possibility of working as a Data Engineer and Data Warehouse Specialist.
I am eager to express my interest in joining your company. With 15+ years of experience in IT, I have
developed extensive exper se in Data Warehousing, ETL Development, cloud data engineering, and
analy cs. My specializa on in IBM DataStage, Informa ca Powercenter, UC4 Atomic, Oracle, Unix shell
scrip ng, Python, Azure Data factory, Snowflake, Talend has enabled me to design and implement scalable
data solu ons across the Banking, Insurance, Retail, and Finance industries. I am passionate about opmizing
data workflows, streamlining ETL processes, and enhancing system performance to drive business
intelligence and data-driven decision-making.
I am confident that I will be in your team, an ac ve, open-minded and helpful member will be ready to make
a substan al contribu on to the con nued success of your Company. That is why I am very excited to be a
part of your company and pursue my desire to work on projects in an interna onal Environment. I appreciate
your a en on to this applica on and look forward to a posi ve response from your side. I included here, my
resume for your reference, based on my experiences and abili es all addi onal informa on.
I take pride in my problem-solving abili es, leadership skills, and deep understanding of data architecture,
which have allowed me to deliver high-quality, scalable, and secure data solu ons. I am a fast and willing
learner and adapt easily to new environments and new people. Whether it’s implemen ng data governance
best prac ces, improving performance tuning strategies, or managing large-scale data pipelines, I thrive on
delivering solu ons that empower businesses to leverage data effec vely for decision-making and growth.
Thank you for your me and considera on. I am confident that my skills align with your organiza on’s needs.
I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my experience can add value to your team.
Best Regards,
K. K. D.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Gut)
- Hindi (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
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