Interim CFO & Consultant Finance, Business Operations, Administration
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 5 Referenzen
- 1‐260€/Stunde
- 85625 Glonn, Kreis Ebersberg, Oberbayern
- Weltweit
- de | en | es
- 22.04.2023
Auszug Referenzen (4)
"Herr B. ist ein absolut zuverlässiger und vertrauensvoller CFO der jedem CEO und Management-Team den Rücken stärkt und frei hält !"
4/2020 – 5/2022
In the first year I supported ACM in an advisory capacity (externally) and in the implementation for more complex special projects.
• Business planning and separate project calculations in the billion-euro range along the development and production phase up to the operation of the eVehicle "ACM CITY ONE"
• Managing of a capital increase in the 7-digit euro range
• Strategic planning, preparation of a change of legal form and an IPO/ SPAC deal
• Support in global investor acquisition through an investment bank in Singapore
• Coordination with the operational units and service providers for the development and implementation of the ACM-project with the eVehicle and whole Eco-System
• Preparation of the annual financial statements HGB including transition to IFRS
• Preparation of the virtual data room and due diligence for the entry of an international investor (transitional financing / pipe deal) and finally for the sale of assets (insolvency proceedings)
• Responsibility for the finance, accounting, controlling and tax matters
Bilanzen, Börseneinführungsvorbereitung, Finanzanalyse, Finanzierung, Finanzielle Planung, International Financial Reporting Standards, Investitionsrechnungen, Projektkalkulation
"Herr B., in seiner Funktion als CFO, war ein sehr wichtiges Teammitglied für uns. Finanzen, Prozesse und neue Strukturen sind sein Steckenpferd."
3/2015 – 5/2021
Establishment of two funds with prospectus creation and set up of all finance & controlling processes for the group from the beginning between Canada, Luxem-bourg and Germany.
• Preparation of the year-end closings under Local GAAP and HGB, audits, quarterly, half-yearly and year-end financial statements, including IFRS, CF-statement
• Ad hoc analysis
• Cash Management & Cash Forecasts
• Preparation of the Prospectus for two funds, SCS SICAV-RAIF in Luxembourg
• Project management concerning investments, preparation of the prospectus and the offering
• Establishment of all financial topics, calculations and coordination with partners in Luxembourg, Canada and the USA
• Preparation of the Due Diligences for the step in of investors
• Calculation of all fund components
• Investor acquisition
• Securitization for investors such as insurers and foundations
• Tax analysis with economists in Canada and Luxembourg
• Calculation of SPVs in the field of renewable energies in Canada and USA for facilities in operation and development
• Risk management with regard to the financial stability and strategy of the company
• Responsibility for all finance, accounting, controlling and tax matters
Asset-Management, Betriebliches Rechnungswesen, Börseneinführungsvorbereitung, Finanzierung, Investmentberatung, Analyse der Kennzahlen, Konzernrechnungswesen, Liquidität, Planung / Kontrolle Auslandsaktivitäten, Planung von Finanzierung / Absicherung im Ausland, Risikomanagement (Finan.), Unternehmensbewertung, Vorbereitung Auslandsinvestitionen, Wertpapiere, Audits
"Herr [...] [...] war ein ausgezeichneter CFO und hatte komplexeste Sachverhalte in den Bereichen Finance, und Legal in seiner Verantwortung. Extrem belastbar, genauester Überblick über Duzende von Firmen, Detailwissen in höchstem Maße"
11/2008 – 2/2015
• departmental responsibility for finance, accounting and controlling
• audits, quarterly, half-yearly and year-end financial state-ments, including IFRS and the consolidation
• corporate planning and forecasting (both holding and subsidiaries)
• mergers & acquisitions in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Turkey
• project management concerning investments, preparation of the prospectus and the initial public offering (IPO) in FY2013
• Investor Acquisition (Enterprise Investors, Poland)
• legal, financial, tax and IT due diligence
• departmental responsibility for IR & PR
• departmental responsibility for Human Resources
• responsibility for the Legal Department
Risikomanagement, Organisation (allg.), Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Finanzen (allg.), Controlling, Konzernrechnungswesen, Bilanzen, Finanzbuchhaltung, Audits
"Herr [...] hat die oben beschriebenen Tätigkeiten zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit ausgeführt."
3/2007 – 10/2008
• departmental responsibility for finance, accounting and controlling
• corporate planning and forecasting (holding and subsidiar-ies)
• auditing & risk management (IKS – internal control system)
• audits, quarterly, half-yearly and year-end financial state-ments, including IFRS and the consolidation
• merger & acquisition in Spain, Russia, Poland, Czech Re-public, Bulgaria and Romania
• Initial Public Offering of “EMI AG” on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange/Entry Standard (Sub-Group of ARBO Media AG)
• project management & finance/legal due diligence for the takeover by Goldbach Media AG
• responsibility for the departmental and corporate objectives
• preparing the Group’s annual reports of ARBOmedia AG (Stock Exchange Frankfurt at the Prime Standard)
• departmental responsibility for IR & PR
• departmental responsibility for Human Resources
• responsibility for the Legal Department
Risikomanagement, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Finanzen (allg.), Controlling, Konzernrechnungswesen, Bilanzen, Finanzbuchhaltung, Audits
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
4/2020 – 5/2022
In the first year I supported ACM in an advisory capacity (externally) and in the implementation for more complex special projects.
• Business planning and separate project calculations in the billion-euro range along the development and production phase up to the operation of the eVehicle "ACM CITY ONE"
• Managing of a capital increase in the 7-digit euro range
• Strategic planning, preparation of a change of legal form and an IPO/ SPAC deal
• Support in global investor acquisition through an investment bank in Singapore
• Coordination with the operational units and service providers for the development and implementation of the ACM-project with the eVehicle and whole Eco-System
• Preparation of the annual financial statements HGB including transition to IFRS
• Preparation of the virtual data room and due diligence for the entry of an international investor (transitional financing / pipe deal) and finally for the sale of assets (insolvency proceedings)
• Responsibility for the finance, accounting, controlling and tax matters
Bilanzen, Börseneinführungsvorbereitung, Finanzanalyse, Finanzierung, Finanzielle Planung, International Financial Reporting Standards, Investitionsrechnungen, Projektkalkulation
9/2015 – 2/2016
• consolidation of the Group companies in Munich, Frankfurt/M. and Offenburg for the Swiss Holding
• year-end closing under IFRS
• preparation of the financial statements
• organization of the cash management
Finanzen (allg.), Bilanzen, Controlling, Finanzbuchhaltung, Konzernrechnungswesen, Audits, Organisation (allg.), Risikomanagement, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling)
7/2015 – 11/2015
• consolidation of the Group companies in Berlin, San Francisco, Seoul, Bangalore, Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore
• year-end closing under IFRS of the worldwide acting Group
DATEV, Finanzen (allg.), Risikomanagement (Finan.), Controlling, Konzernrechnungswesen, Bilanzen, Finanzbuchhaltung, Audits
3/2015 – 5/2021
Establishment of two funds with prospectus creation and set up of all finance & controlling processes for the group from the beginning between Canada, Luxem-bourg and Germany.
• Preparation of the year-end closings under Local GAAP and HGB, audits, quarterly, half-yearly and year-end financial statements, including IFRS, CF-statement
• Ad hoc analysis
• Cash Management & Cash Forecasts
• Preparation of the Prospectus for two funds, SCS SICAV-RAIF in Luxembourg
• Project management concerning investments, preparation of the prospectus and the offering
• Establishment of all financial topics, calculations and coordination with partners in Luxembourg, Canada and the USA
• Preparation of the Due Diligences for the step in of investors
• Calculation of all fund components
• Investor acquisition
• Securitization for investors such as insurers and foundations
• Tax analysis with economists in Canada and Luxembourg
• Calculation of SPVs in the field of renewable energies in Canada and USA for facilities in operation and development
• Risk management with regard to the financial stability and strategy of the company
• Responsibility for all finance, accounting, controlling and tax matters
Asset-Management, Betriebliches Rechnungswesen, Börseneinführungsvorbereitung, Finanzierung, Investmentberatung, Analyse der Kennzahlen, Konzernrechnungswesen, Liquidität, Planung / Kontrolle Auslandsaktivitäten, Planung von Finanzierung / Absicherung im Ausland, Risikomanagement (Finan.), Unternehmensbewertung, Vorbereitung Auslandsinvestitionen, Wertpapiere, Audits
12/2008 – 10/2012
- budgeting and planning the project implementation
- setting up the limited commercial partnership (GmbH & Co KG) by taking into account all applicable national and international regulations for operating one or several aircrafts
- worldwide market analysis for the acquisition of the jet
- operationalization of the aircraft acquisition, registration and integration in the aircraft operations
- location: Munich airport (MUC) for chartering
- operating the aircraft
Organisation (allg.), Organisationsentwicklung, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Finanzen (allg.), Controlling, Bilanzen, Externes Controlling, Audits
11/2008 – 2/2015
• departmental responsibility for finance, accounting and controlling
• audits, quarterly, half-yearly and year-end financial state-ments, including IFRS and the consolidation
• corporate planning and forecasting (both holding and subsidiaries)
• mergers & acquisitions in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Turkey
• project management concerning investments, preparation of the prospectus and the initial public offering (IPO) in FY2013
• Investor Acquisition (Enterprise Investors, Poland)
• legal, financial, tax and IT due diligence
• departmental responsibility for IR & PR
• departmental responsibility for Human Resources
• responsibility for the Legal Department
Risikomanagement, Organisation (allg.), Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Finanzen (allg.), Controlling, Konzernrechnungswesen, Bilanzen, Finanzbuchhaltung, Audits
3/2007 – 10/2008
• departmental responsibility for finance, accounting and controlling
• corporate planning and forecasting (holding and subsidiar-ies)
• auditing & risk management (IKS – internal control system)
• audits, quarterly, half-yearly and year-end financial state-ments, including IFRS and the consolidation
• merger & acquisition in Spain, Russia, Poland, Czech Re-public, Bulgaria and Romania
• Initial Public Offering of “EMI AG” on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange/Entry Standard (Sub-Group of ARBO Media AG)
• project management & finance/legal due diligence for the takeover by Goldbach Media AG
• responsibility for the departmental and corporate objectives
• preparing the Group’s annual reports of ARBOmedia AG (Stock Exchange Frankfurt at the Prime Standard)
• departmental responsibility for IR & PR
• departmental responsibility for Human Resources
• responsibility for the Legal Department
Risikomanagement, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Finanzen (allg.), Controlling, Konzernrechnungswesen, Bilanzen, Finanzbuchhaltung, Audits
1/2006 – 3/2007
• strategic alignment and process management of the subsid-iaries and investments (participations) in the publishing and printing industries as well as in the TV and online business
• setting up companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, Ro-mania and Russia
• mergers & acquisitions for the Group’s future-oriented alignment
• introducing the Group’s trade name of „EMI - European Media Investment AG“ (390 employees, 8 publishing houses and 2 printing shops at Munich, Germany) and listing it at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
• preparing and implementing capital measures for ARBO-media AG and EMI AG
• providing flanking support during the consolidation and for preparing the Group’s and the sub-groups’ financial state-ments
• conducting the internal auditing and risk management
• structuring and standardization in accordance with the IFRS rules
• preparing the group planning for all companies
• providing support for the General Assemblies and taking care of the investors at home and abroad
• clarification of legal matters
• corporate planning and forecasting
• responsibility for departmental and corporate objectives
Risikomanagement, Organisation (allg.), Ablauforganisation, Projektmanagement - Risikomanagement, Projektsteuerung (Projektcontrolling), Projektorganisation, Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Konzernrechnungswesen, Audits
Über mich
- Aufbau eines Konzerns mit 250 Mitarbeitern, 15 Unternehmen in 9 Ländern.
- Aufbau und Strukturierung eines kleinen Luftfahrtunternehmens.
- Konzernstrukturierung u.a. eines Energieversorgungsunternehmens mit 5 Gesellschaften.
- Aufbau und Strukturierung u.a. eines eCommerce Business aus der Fashion-Industrie.
- Erstellung von Investment Teaser zur Investoren-Suche.
- Durchführung von M&A Projekten und den Verkauf zweier Konzerne
- Ca. 30 Unternehmen übernommen und ca. 60 verkauft
- Re-Strukturierung und Sanierung von Unternehmen
- Finanzierung von Unternehmen & Projekten (PE / VC / IPO / SPAC Deal)
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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