Englisch-Muttersprachliche Korrektorin/Lektorin | Native English proofreader/editor
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- 85055 Ingolstadt
- Umkreis (bis 200 km)
- en | de
- 14.03.2017
Professional British English proofreader/editor based in Ingolstadt. Experience with a diverse range of materials from the aeronautical industry to early year education... and everything in between!
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
Freiberufliche Korrektorin/Lektorin
Kundenname anonymisiert, Verschiedene
(11 Jahre, 3 Monate)
12/2013 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungVarious projects of differing lengths. Improvement of DE>EN translations.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenSprache (allg.), Lektorat, Sprachpädagogik
English Language
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Über mich
What do I do?
I can offer either a basic proofread , or a language editing service . If you are uncertain which you need, don't hesitate to get in touch: I will be glad to take a quick glance over your work and advise you accordingly.
Basic proofread
My proofreading method is thorough. I will work through your text line by line, checking:
- for overall consistency: in spelling, grammar, terminology;
- for readability: language choice, formatting, flow of text;
- for correspondence: references, illustrations and links are relevant and in the position they should be;
- if relevant, if references all follow the correct referencing style, and that all mentioned in the text are in the main bibliography.
As I read, I will compile a style sheet, pertaining to format (i.e., heading sizes, fonts; style of bullet points, tables, etc.), spelling and usage (e.g. US or UK, and the consistency of this throughout) as well as any specialist terms you may use. I will gladly share this with you at any stage of the work, and if any style is inconsistent or unclear, I would check with you as soon as possible.
Language Editing Service
This service contains all the elements mentioned above, plus an even more in-depth look at the language usage, particularly to see if the word choice, grammar and punctuation have been used correctly. This service is ideal for you if English is not your first language, or if the text has been translated from another language into English. I will make sure your text reads as though written by a native speaker.
I have three years' experience teaching English to German speakers, so if your text is from Germany, I know exactly what to look for!
Working time
I work full time as a freelance proofreader/editor from my home office and can be reached from Mo-Fri from 8.30am-4pm CET. If your project is very urgent I can work outside these times by arrangement.
I look forward to working with you!
I can offer either a basic proofread , or a language editing service . If you are uncertain which you need, don't hesitate to get in touch: I will be glad to take a quick glance over your work and advise you accordingly.
Basic proofread
My proofreading method is thorough. I will work through your text line by line, checking:
- for overall consistency: in spelling, grammar, terminology;
- for readability: language choice, formatting, flow of text;
- for correspondence: references, illustrations and links are relevant and in the position they should be;
- if relevant, if references all follow the correct referencing style, and that all mentioned in the text are in the main bibliography.
As I read, I will compile a style sheet, pertaining to format (i.e., heading sizes, fonts; style of bullet points, tables, etc.), spelling and usage (e.g. US or UK, and the consistency of this throughout) as well as any specialist terms you may use. I will gladly share this with you at any stage of the work, and if any style is inconsistent or unclear, I would check with you as soon as possible.
Language Editing Service
This service contains all the elements mentioned above, plus an even more in-depth look at the language usage, particularly to see if the word choice, grammar and punctuation have been used correctly. This service is ideal for you if English is not your first language, or if the text has been translated from another language into English. I will make sure your text reads as though written by a native speaker.
I have three years' experience teaching English to German speakers, so if your text is from Germany, I know exactly what to look for!
Working time
I work full time as a freelance proofreader/editor from my home office and can be reached from Mo-Fri from 8.30am-4pm CET. If your project is very urgent I can work outside these times by arrangement.
I look forward to working with you!
Weitere Kenntnisse
• Native British English speaker with working competence in German
• Masters Degree in English Language from the University of Edinburgh
• Studying Proofreading with the Publishing Training Centre, London
• Member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (UK)
• Very competent user of Microsoft Office applications and markup of PDFs
• Methodical and precise proofreader and editor
• Extensive experience in Anglicising translated material, particularly German to English
• Excellent organisational and time management skills
• Professional conduct and easy to work with
• Masters Degree in English Language from the University of Edinburgh
• Studying Proofreading with the Publishing Training Centre, London
• Member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (UK)
• Very competent user of Microsoft Office applications and markup of PDFs
• Methodical and precise proofreader and editor
• Extensive experience in Anglicising translated material, particularly German to English
• Excellent organisational and time management skills
• Professional conduct and easy to work with
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Gut)
Umkreis (bis 200 km)
- Europäische Union
9 Jahre und 1 Monat
(seit 01/2016)
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