freiberufler Architect auf


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  • 63741 Aschaffenburg
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  • 12.11.2024


[...] [...] is an experienced architect who has an exceptional track record in delivering cost savings and improving quality at the same time. He demonstrated this on numerous occasions and is happy to supply this.


  • SAP ECC4 J.
  • Software Architecture
  • Solution Architektur1 J.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Apache Hadoop2 J.
  • Apache Spark
  • Architekturinformatik1 J.
  • Big Data
  • Business Analysis
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Integration
  • Data Mining
  • Data Warehousing
  • Daten Architekt
  • Design (allg.)7 J.
  • Enterprise Architect (EA)1 J.
  • Internationalisierung
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Kassenwesen
  • kypernetes
  • SAP Beratung (allg.)9 J.
  • SAP GTS1 J.
  • SAP MDG1 J.
  • SAP S/4HANA1 J.
  • Security Architekt
  • Statistiken
  • Transformation Management

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Solution Architekt
Tec Alliance, Remote
5/2023 – 12/2023 (8 Monate)

5/2023 – 12/2023


Erstellung einer Lösung für die Produktionsplanung. PoC on SAP eSPP. Erstellung des Designs mit Yjs CRDT Algorithmen als Darstellung von collections auf Micro Frontends. AWS mit S3, AKS, Crossplane, VPC, Route53, RDS und ECS. Kubernetes mit ArgoCD, Infrastructure-as-Code, Cloud-Security, Monitoring, Testing, API-Design, Python und Scripting.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Solution Architektur

Enterprise Architect
Labor Berlin / Charite, Berlin
3/2023 – 11/2023 (9 Monate)

3/2023 – 11/2023


Erstellung der EAM mit Capabilties, Business Architekturen, Applikation Geschäftsobjekten, Infrastruktur, Erarbeitung der Solution Architektur basierend auf GMP. Integration von Salesforce, APEX und Mulesoft, AWS mit S3, Crossplane, VPC, RDS und ECS.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Enterprise Architect (EA)

PLM Architekt
Red Bull, Remote
3/2023 – 5/2023 (3 Monate)

3/2023 – 5/2023


Hilfe bei der Auswahl einer PLM-Lösung, Integration in das bestehende ECC und das neue S/4 HANA mit ARIBA. Zusammenführung der Debitoren und Kreditoren in den Business Partner und Anpassung der Schnittstellen. Erarbeitung der Designs und Abstimmungen. Automation mit Precisely Automate, Daten Modellierung & Prozesse Embedded MDM migriert . Integration zu SCADA Systemen.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP S/4HANA, SAP Product Lifecycle Management

Enterprise Architect
Bosch Power Tools, Stuttgart
12/2022 – 5/2023 (6 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

12/2022 – 5/2023


Entwurf der Core PT Architektur für SAP S/4 HANA Bosch global Template R2R,O2C, F2F, P2P, E2O und QM und Reporting (SD.MM. FI. CO, CM, HR, QM. PO, MDM, PP & BP). Übergabe an einen internen Architekten. Zusammenführung der Debitoren und Kreditoren in den Business Partner und Anpassung der Schnittstellen. Design mit Integration in Salesforce. Auch Talend und Mulesoft zur Integration benutzt. AWS mit S3, AKS, Crossplane, VPC, Route53, RDS und ECS.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


ONS & Salesforce Architect
Francotyp, Berlin
5/2022 – 1/2023 (9 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

5/2022 – 1/2023


Aufbau eines globalen ERP-Systems auf Basis von Oracle NetSuite und Salesforce. Aufbau von der Darstellung der globalen Prozesse L2O, O2C, P2P, D2B, I2R & H2R. Erstellung des Migrationsdesign aus den bestehenden Systemen: Salesforce, Mulesoft, APEX , Exact, Lexware, Sage, APL, Redmine, Cerberus, Kupernetes mit ArgoCD, Infrastructure-as-Code, Cloud-Security, Monitoring, Testing, API-Design, Phyton und Scripting.
Erstellung des PAM (Privileged Access Management) und IAM (incl. PAM) Umsetzung auf CyberArk für die neue Lösung. Anbindung an ein Azure AD. Habe als DevSecOps fungiert.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle Erp, Salesforce.Com

SAP Solution Architekt
Leoni AG, Remote
11/2021 – 10/2022 (1 Jahr)

11/2021 – 10/2022


Architektur und Aufbau eines Konzern weiten SAP template, dass auch die verschiedenen Individualsystem bei Leoni mit einbezieht. Erstellung Integrationsarchitektur und Migrationsarchitektur für jedes Werk und alle Kundenstämme. Design der Mandanten und Umgebungen.

Die Core Lösung besteht aus S4 HANA, SAP Master Data, SAP PI, SAP GTS, Navision Payroll, MES, CAO (Cutting Assembly Optimization), SAP BI, ARIBA, Fiori, SAP BO, SAP SEM, Away, Seeburger und diversen FORS Systemen.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Architekturinformatik, SAP ECC, SAP GTS, SAP MDG, SAP S/4HANA

Solution Archtect
Grand Vision, Paris
8/2021 – 2/2022 (7 Monate)

8/2021 – 2/2022


Design und Implementierung einer für den französischen Markt entwickelten Lösung in für Benelux, Deutschland und Österreich. Entwerfen und erstellen des 2nd- und 3rd-Level-Support (incl. der Organisation in Frankreich).

Die verwendete Technologie bestand hauptsächlich aus: ITIL, Azure, Java Spring, CI/CD, SAP ECC, Service Now.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Internationalisierung, Kassenwesen, Solution Architektur

Solution Archtect
Big Dutchman, Vechta
8/2021 – 11/2021 (4 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

8/2021 – 11/2021


Anpassung einer bestehenden IOT Anwendung an den chinesischen Markt. Anpassung der CI/CD (GitLab, Terraform) und der Komponenten an die Great Firewall und die spezifischen Standards und Einschränkungen in China:

Die verwendete Technologie bestand hauptsächlich aus: .NET, Verne MQ, MQTT, Datadog, Keycloak, GitHub

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Continuous Delivery, Internet of Things (IoT), Continuous Integration, Transformation Management

Solution Archtect
WEMAG, Remote
6/2021 – 8/2021 (3 Monate)

6/2021 – 8/2021


Erarbeitung der Strategie 2022, Solution Architecture Redispatch, Gravitee &Talend

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Architektur (allg.)

Business Architekt
Bosch Siemens Haushaltsgeraete, Remote
3/2021 – 6/2021 (4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

3/2021 – 6/2021


Erstellung der Business Architektur für Production Lifecycle Management 2.0. mit Hilfe von EA

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Analysis

OLB, Remote
2/2021 – 3/2021 (2 Monate)

2/2021 – 3/2021


Erarbeitung des Sicherheitskonzepts für Telefon Banking

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Enterprise Architekt
BayWA, Remote
1/2021 – 2/2021 (2 Monate)

1/2021 – 2/2021


Review der Schnittstellenarchitektur (Strategisch, kaufmännisch und technisch). SAP PI, Suse Unix, AbInito, Mulesoft.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Solution Architekt
BSH, Remote
3/2020 – 8/2020 (6 Monate)

3/2020 – 8/2020


Erstellung von Zahlungsarchitektur und Migrationsplänen für verschiedene Märkte, basierend auf SAP ECC und S/4HANA

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP Beratung (allg.)

Solution Architekt
KI Konzept, Wiesbaden
4/2019 – 10/2019 (7 Monate)

4/2019 – 10/2019


Erstellung einer IoT Plattform für die chemische Prozess Industrie mit Künstlicher Intelligenz zur Überwachung, Simulation und vorausschauender Instandhaltung.

Entwurf und Prototying der Solution Architektur, Umsetzung der des Maschinellen Lernens mit Hilfe von MLlib und R Algorithmen vor allen Dingen im Bereich der logistischen Regressionsanalyse und des Bootstraping.
Einrichten der Sensoren mit Hilfe von ESP 8266 und ESP 32 Micro Controllern, Modbus und diversen anderen seriellen und Gateway betriebenen Sensoren. Übermittlung via Bluetooth, WLAN, USB und Ethernet. Design von MQTT Mesquito und diversen MQTT Bridges.
Aufbau eines Spark Clusters auf Mesos mit Dataframe Unterstützung auf Parquet.
Entwicklung in Python, Scala (hauptsächlich Breeze), Java und R. Umsetzung eines logistischen Regressions Model.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Statistiken, Apache Hadoop, Big Data, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Apache Spark, Internet of Things (IoT)

Security Architekt
Finanz Informatik (IT Dienstleister der Sparkassen, Frankfurt
9/2018 – 3/2022 (3 Jahre, 7 Monate)

9/2018 – 3/2022


Erstellung, bzw. Ergänzung von Sicherheitskonzeptionen

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Design (allg.)

Solution Architekt
Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH, Fulda
12/2017 – 6/2018 (7 Monate)

12/2017 – 6/2018


Verantwortlich für die Einführung einer neuen Front Office-Anwendung für das Verkaufs- und Rekrutierungsteam für eine neue Marke in der Personalbeschaffungsbranche. Auswahl und Stakeholder-Vereinbarung zu den verschiedenen Geschäfts- und Technologieoptionen, -prozessen und -integration. Entwurf und Entwicklung von Architektur, Service Design, Sicherheitsdesign, Lösungsentwurf, Netzwerk- und Infrastrukturdesign, Migrationsstrategie, Integration und Test.
Steuerung der Lösung mit Übergabe an Produktion und Dokumentation aller Komponenten. Implementierung der Security Architektur incl. des neuen BDSG basierend auf dem EU-DSGVO.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Spotfire, CRM Beratung (allg.)

Solution Architekt
Deutsche Bank, Eschborn
7/2017 – 12/2017 (6 Monate)

7/2017 – 12/2017


Erstellung und Fortentwicklung der Architektur für die digitale Robotic Investment Engine um das Investment Management und Anlage vollständig zu digitalisieren.

Erstellung der Architektur (incl. Der Sicherheitsarchitectur), basierend auf einer Lösung deren mathematische (data sience) Komponente in R designed und modelliert ist und die dann in Java WebLogic mit Oracle DBMS umgesetzt wurde. Design und Modellierung der digitalen Geschäftsprozesse auf einer Servive Framework mit API Anbindung auf Swager auf JSON Basis. Daneben Integration von legacy Schnittstellen. Die Mathematische Komponenten waren hauptsächlich Coupulas, GARCH, Portfolio Quants (Bernoulli, Poisson, Merton, KMV, Vasicek,...) und Monte Carlo with Black Scholes. Habe die technische Governance durchgeführt, sowie das Projekt gegenüber den anderen Architekten vertreten und neue Standards eingeführt. Daneben habe ich auch noch Code Reviews in den verschiedenen Sprachen und der Übersetzung von den Sprachen durchgeführt.

Die Technologien benutzt waren hauptsächlich WebLogic, HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript (React & Angulr) Oracle DB, Tomcat, Tivoli, Java, R, C, C++, Fortran, Python, RHEL, Centos, Javascript (React), WSO2, C# und diverse DevOps tools.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

R (Programmiersprache), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), ReactOS, Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition (EE), Netview, C#, C++, Fortran, Python, Wertpapiere

Data & Solution Architect
Open Banking, London
10/2016 – 7/2017 (10 Monate)

10/2016 – 7/2017


Erstellte den neuen Datenstandard für das Englische Banken Privatkundengeschäft, ATM und Fialen (seit März 2017 operational im Einsatz). Meine Rolle bei der ersten Lieferung von Open Banking war es, einen Standard ohne vorherigen Standard in knapp 2 Monaten zu erstellen und später in ISO 20022 zu übertragen. Teilnahme am Datenstandard für Zahlung, Transaktionen und Kontoinformationen unter der CMA-Order und PSD2 . Gemeinsam mit anderen Architekten Entwicklung auf der restful API mit Swagger und RAML (JSON) und eine Sicherheits- und Registry-Lösung erstellt.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Enterprise Architect (EA)

Solution & Big Data Architect
Tullett Prebon, London
2/2015 – 10/2016 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)

2/2015 – 10/2016


Created a new global digital FXO solution based on digital transformation
Build the solution architecture for MiFID II
Created Solution Architecture on a new fixed income MTF
Designed solution for surveillance across the credit, commodity, repo, FX, swap and forward market.
Designed Solution required for REMIT rules. This includes the Energy Trading , Billing and Contracts management of data including structures on physical leg information such as durations on load assignments (e.g. peak and offload in various locations). Canonical modelling of Futures, Spots, Forwards, Spreads and Spot Forwards.

Designed and implemented integration architecture and data standards for all of Tullett Prebon brokerage/exchange business across all derivatives.
• Created an extended standard pre-trade message format on the FIX protocol on all 24 trading systems
• Updated and extended the post trade messaging standard messaging, loosely based on FpML

On this assignment I worked on a mixed Windows and UNIX environment with agile development facilitated on Jira and documentation on a wiki. The tools used where Tibco, Java, C#, WebSphere, SQL Server, Big Data Scila, Solace, Tibco & MySQL, API and Hub integration (Mulesoft). The solutions were build using cloud infrastructure as a combined IaaS and PaaS on AWS. Extensively used DevOPs tooling such as Jenkins, Docker and Linux on Vagrant for development.

Worked with the Azure and AWS API Management tools (both called API Gateway) to set up initial users with and without proxies using various security such as oAuth, JWS or SAML. Build up deployment strategy both within the own cloud as well as outside via https. Created manual for API on boarding teams.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

R (Programmiersprache), Tableau, Apache Hadoop, Mysql, SQL, Hardware-Design, IT Sicherheit (allg.), UNIX, Agile Methodologie, WebSphere, C++, C#, C, Java (allg.), Router / Gateways, Iaas, Microsoft Azure, Paas

Solution & Data Architect
Chain IQ, Zuerich
2/2014 – 2/2015 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)

2/2014 – 2/2015


Build a solution for joint digital smart sourcing and procurement between many different companies to lower the procurement costs as a result of a split as to ring fencing.

The solution was build on a data centric rule based engine supported via a big data OLAP analytics based on market data that was integrated into the procurement processes on the clients ERP systems. Designed framework to deliver the solution on mobile devices.

Developed SOA solution with a mix of SAP, tamr and Oracle ERP as well as Cognos TM1 (now IBM) and bespoke development for joint sourcing and procurement for cost control at various large Enterprises. Used a customized Hadoop Cloudera solution and Teradata for standard capabilities. I also designed the AWS cloud solution. Designed Aptitude Accounting Hub for finance capability with integration via Mulesoft.

Used the Iaas Mulesoft API management as well as AWS API Gateway to mainly connect with other cloud solutions. Created on boarding design wit emphasis on SAML security, life cycle management including versioning, as well as resilience.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Online Analytical Processing, Oracle-Anwendungen, Teradata Sql, Enterprise Resource Planning, Hardware-Design, SAP Sicherheit (allg.), IT Sicherheit (allg.), SAP IS-A, SAP Beratung (allg.), IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS), Mobile Application Development, Software Version Control, Cognos (IBM), IT-Support (allg.), Router / Gateways

Data Architect
UBS, Zuerich
2/2013 – 1/2014 (1 Jahr)

2/2013 – 1/2014


Developed Solution road maps on the Strategy for Ring Fencing and Digitalisation at UBS.

Created the solution and data architecture, migration plans, infrastructure topology and managed consent with various business stakeholders (board level). Helped to structure the implementation project and cost estimation.

The technical focus was to integrate various tools and create a AWS based digital solution with one set of master data and one reporting engine using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Used various solutions such as Emptoris, MS PowerPivot, Coupa, Ariba, Buyers Quest, Teradata, SAP ECC 6 EHP 6, SRM, PI (with ESW), BW and MS developments where I performed as scrum master in the agile development.

Designed standalone PoC on Aptitude Accounting Hub solution.

Used AWS API Gateway with versioning.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Reporting, Teradata Sql, SAP ECC, Hardware-Design, Scrum, Agile Methodologie, SAP IS-A, SAP BW, Sap Srm, SAP PI, SAP Beratung (allg.), Software Version Control, Systemmigration, Router / Gateways, Serviceorientierte Architektur

Enterprise Architect
Convexity Capital Management, Boston
5/2012 – 1/2013 (9 Monate)

5/2012 – 1/2013


Creation of a large Business Intelligence Solution to combine the events from the transport management with the financial data into a single view on item level (ABC).

Creation and obtained buy in from all stakeholders on the target architecture and the roadmap towards achieving it in 5 defined releases. Conducted the architecture communication and buy in for all major deliverables.

The technical focus is on Teradata, Business Objects, MS Performance Point, INFOR, SAP ECC & BW HANA, Data Warehouse architecture (incl. Logical and Physical Enterprise Data Modelling, Sustainable Semantic Layers, Staging, Transformation, etc.), J2EE, MQ,…
Solution was designed on Aptitude Accounting Hub

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Intelligence (BI), SAP BusinessObjects (BO), Teradata Sql, SAP ECC, SAP IS-A, SAP HANA, SAP BW, SAP Beratung (allg.), J2EE, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Design (allg.), Rechnungswesen (allg.), Transport (allg.), Verkehrsplanung, Physik

Finance Solution & Data Architect
Maersk, London
10/2011 – 5/2012 (8 Monate)

10/2011 – 5/2012


Creation of a large Business Intelligence Solution to combine the events from the transport management with the financial data into a single view on item level (ABC).

Creation and obtained buy in from all stakeholders on the target architecture and the roadmap towards achieving it in 5 defined releases. Conducted the architecture communication and buy in for all major deliverables.

The technical focus is on Teradata, Business Objects, MS Performance Point, INFOR, SAP ECC & BW HANA, Data Warehouse architecture (incl. Logical and Physical Enterprise Data Modelling, Sustainable Semantic Layers, Staging, Transformation, etc.), J2EE, MQ,…
Solution was designed on Aptitude Accounting Hub

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Intelligence (BI), SAP BusinessObjects (BO), Teradata Sql, SAP ECC, SAP IS-A, SAP HANA, SAP BW, SAP Beratung (allg.), J2EE, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Design (allg.), Finanzen (allg.), Rechnungswesen (allg.), Transport (allg.), Verkehrsplanung

Finance Solution Architect
Lloyds Bank, London
7/2011 – 9/2011 (3 Monate)

7/2011 – 9/2011


Creation of the strategic ring fencing road map for the Group IT function (Finance, Risk & Treasury)

The main areas were centred on:

➢ Perform master data changes & maintain interface mappings
➢ Cost Transfer Charging (CTC), P&L daily statements, Financial project accounting & Project management, Tax advisory & management
➢ Finance functional management & change, Treasury (Liquidity Management & Reporting)
➢ Actuarial Integration in BPM
➢ Credit & Market Risk (IRB, Liquidity, risk rating processes and risk distributions)
➢ Fraud protection (Real-time and Analytical), Anti Money Laundering Detection and security.

In the assignment I mainly worked on various technologies mainly around SAP and Oracle EBS

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Reporting, Oracle-Anwendungen, SAP Sicherheit (allg.), IT Sicherheit (allg.), SAP IS-A, SAP TR, SAP Beratung (allg.), Filtertechnik, Management (allg.), Vertrieb (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Finanzen (allg.), Treasury, Rechnungswesen (allg.), OnRoad

Lead Enterprise Architect
EASA, Koeln
10/2010 – 7/2011 (10 Monate)
Innere und Äußere Sicherheit

10/2010 – 7/2011


Building up an Enterprise Architecture Design in EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)

Developed a business model on various required business processes based on SAP ECC 6 EHP 5, SRM, CRM (version 5 and 7), SCM, PI (XI), BW (BI) and APO. Involved in redefining the required solution SAP and non SAP landscape for EASA in the next 5 years and supplied a transition. Helped to define change for required organizational change within ICT.

Also used the Oracle SOA Suite for the non SAP environment and the complex event processing for web services with CEP to process business rules into SOA.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, SAP CRM, SAP ECC, Hardware-Design, SAP IS-A, SAP BW, Sap Bi, SAP APO, SAP XI, Sap Srm, SAP PI, SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Supply Chain Management, Oracle Soa, Serviceorientierte Architektur

Lead Portfolio Solution Architect
Canada Life, Dublin
5/2010 – 10/2010 (6 Monate)

5/2010 – 10/2010


Leading all strategic IS activity for the portfolio design of Canada Life Europe (CLE). Defining the enterprise architecture and the strategic plan in a transition move.

The focus at my at Canada Life was:

Explore the Business Processes in the Germany and Irish portfolio to create a joint target business & solution architecture for integration with the business partners and for Solvency II.

The main areas were centred on:

➢ Perform master data changes & maintain interface mappings
➢ Financial project accounting & Project management, Cooperate Tax advisory & management
➢ Finance functional management & change
➢ Actuarial Integration in BPM
➢ Credit & Market Risk (AIRB, Liquidity, risk rating processes and risk distributions)
➢ Fraud protection (Real-time and Analytical), Anti Money Laundering Detection and security.

In the assignment I worked on various data warehousing solutions, as well as with FINEOS, SAP and non SAP landscape (incl. ESR) and Oracle EBS (with Fusion)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, SAP Sicherheit (allg.), IT Sicherheit (allg.), SAP IS-A, SAP AC, SAP Beratung (allg.), Architektur (allg.), Management (allg.), Fusionen und Übernahmen, Vertrieb (allg.), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Design (allg.), Indesign, Finanzen (allg.), Rechnungswesen (allg.)

Lead Solution Architect
LGC, Teddington
2/2010 – 5/2010 (4 Monate)

2/2010 – 5/2010


Heading up all activities to formulate the new strategic enterprise architecture design for the LGC Group. Defining the strategic business architecture with the board for the future investments. Defining the technical architecture, creating an ERP vision, implementing a corporate Business Intelligence and implementing TOGAF.

The focus of my work at LGC was:
• Create the enterprise business architecture with Oracle Business Process Management Suite and ARIS
• Implement Laboratory Systems (LIMS) and integrate them to the ERP systems (LabWare & Bika)
• J2EE WebSphere message broker and MQ series
• Advising Board on decisions
• Material Management, Finance & HR in various ERP systems
• Define, communicate and agree solution architecture (business, application, data, integration and infrastructure) . Used the Sparx EA toolset.
• Review and agree project deliverable which may have an impact on solution architecture, analysis or design.
• DWH with Terradata
• Oracle SOA Suite with complex event processing (CEP)
• Fraud protection (Real-time and Analytical)
• Introduction of risk management (ISO 31000), governance and technical reference management
• Implemented TOGAF and integrated it to ITIL
• Conducted Business Change Management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence (BI), Oracle-Anwendungen, Enterprise Resource Planning, ITIL, WebSphere, Oracle Soa, J2EE, Serviceorientierte Architektur, Aris Software, Design (allg.), Indesign, Finanzen (allg.), Investition / Desinvestition, Materialwirtschaft

Lead Service Design Architect
Unilever, Chester
12/2009 – 1/2010 (2 Monate)

12/2009 – 1/2010


Heading up a study for the introduction of a ITIL v.3 Service Design within Unilever
(Service Level Management drawing SLA and OLA, Supplier Management in drawing up supplier negotiation techniques, Capacity Management, Security Management, ITSCM & Catalog Management)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

ITIL, IT Sicherheit (allg.), Architektur (allg.), Management (allg.), Service-Level-Management (SLA), Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Design (allg.), Indesign, Dienstleistung (allg.), Lieferantenmanagement (allg.)

SOA Enterprise architect
Gisecke & Devrient, Muenchen
6/2009 – 12/2009 (7 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

6/2009 – 12/2009


Heading up a team of Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) to integrate the banking business processes of the systems in different locations with different local business logic into a central standardized ERP (SAP and EBS 11) processes. Designed the definition of the business architecture and the service definition.

The focus of my technical work at Gisecke & Devriant was:
• Upgrade of SAP and non SAP landscape to Netweaver 7.1. (PLM ( incl. PPM) , MDM & SEM), including BW from 3.5 to 7 and with the other tools underneath for the non SAP landscape
• Definition of all applications into a service model
• Websphere message broker and MQ series
• BizTalk 2009 (.NET), Servicemix and Spring (J2EE, JMS) framework for legacy , special security integration, Hyperion and Oracle EBS 11
• Used the Sparx EA toolset.
• Oracle Business Process Management Suite for non SAP BPM (translating BPMN)
• Liferay Portal SOA Framework
• Terradata
• Scrum master for the agile development cycle
• Integration into payment Services with SWIFTNet
• Service Management with Service Design (Service Level Management drawing SLA and OLA, Supplier Management with leading supplier negotiation, Capacity Management, Security Management, ITSCM & Catalog Management)
• Technical Project Management

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, Hardware-Design, Service Management, SAP Sicherheit (allg.), IT Sicherheit (allg.), Scrum, IT Service Management (ITSM), Agile Methodologie, SAP IS-A, SAP BW, SAP MDM, SAP Product Lifecycle Management, SAP PI, SAP NetWeaver, Perl Package Manager (PPM)

Head of Architecture
City & Guilds, London
3/2008 – 6/2009 (1 Jahr, 4 Monate)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

3/2008 – 6/2009


Heading a nearly formed architectural function as part of a change management. Building up an architectural practice (5 architects) with special emphasis on SAP and non SAP landscape.

The focus of my technical work at City & Guilds was:
 Stabilization of the current SAP system, especially within the campus, MDM 7.1 and CRM modules.
 Formulation, agreement and implementation of a service strategy with change in accounting according to ITIL v 3
 Service Design (Service Level Management drawing SLA and OLA, Supplier Management with leading supplier negotiation, Capacity Management, Security Management, ITSCM & Catalog Management)
 Business Transformation
 Implemented message broker architecture to enable SOA on Websphere message broker and MQ series
 Introduction Service orientated architecture SOA with ARIS and Oracle Business Process Management Suite
 Organizational change management
 Redesign of the hardware and choosing a hosting partner
 Risk Management
 Combined WebFocus & BW implementation in various part of the organization
 Establishment of an architectural change management and formulating (with buy-in) of all the standards according to Zachman, TOGAF and ITIL
 Integrating the new architectural into Prince 2, MSP and DSDM
 Planning and upgrading the SAP solution towards Netweaver 7.1 and CRM 2007, including BW from 3.5 to 7
 Hyperion Essbase Implementation for Finance
 Used the Sparx EA toolset.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle-Anwendungen, SAP CRM, Hardware-Design, ITIL, SAP Sicherheit (allg.), IT Sicherheit (allg.), SAP IS-A, SAP BW, SAP MDM, SAP NetWeaver, SAP Beratung (allg.), WebSphere, Hosting, Serviceorientierte Architektur, Aris Software

Enterprise Architect
VW, Milton Keynes
5/2007 – 3/2008 (11 Monate)

5/2007 – 3/2008


Responsible for various tactical and strategic projects mainly in integration and back office systems and technical governance. The work also involved the implementation of a credit risk management system for the finance and banking side.

The focus of my technical work at VW was:
• Integration of legacy systems into an integration framework using message broker design on Websphere message broker and MQ series
• Implementation and roll-out of the strategic VW service application
• SAP (and other ERP packages) FI, CO, PP, MI, PLM (incl. PPM), MM, SD, MDM and SRM, SCM WITH APO and non SAP landscape
• Business architecture on new IFRS accounting reports
• Successful introduction of a technical governance within the existing IS project life cycle
• SOA and OO introduction
• Implementation of various new Web presences
• Implementation of the new Marketing data warehouse with ab initio as ETL

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP IS-A, SAP CO, SAP APO, SAP FI, SAP MDM, Sap Srm, SAP PP, SAP Product Lifecycle Management, SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Sales und Distribution, SAP Supply Chain Management, SAP Rollout, Sap Mm, WebSphere, Perl Package Manager (PPM)

Global Executive ERP Enterprise Architect
GSK, London
6/2006 – 4/2007 (11 Monate)
Life Sciences

6/2006 – 4/2007


Responsible for the global commercial ERP architecture and roll-out into over 150 markets.

I had to work vertical in several Business Units and coordinate the efforts with about 20 senior executives (VP and above).

The program delivers the new organizational commercial front & back office as well as the functions in the following areas: Finance (included M&A and credit risk management), Controlling, Warehouse management, sales, reporting (including forecasting) and procurement including the self service components. I signed responsible for all architecture and sizing, documents as well as for the reports (metrics) to the GSK board.

The main ERP suite used was SAP and Oracle EBS. Implemented BW and SCM with APO for O2C, R2R, SCM, P2P and Manufacturing, as well as master data management (MDM)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Reporting, Oracle-Anwendungen, SAP IS-A, SAP IS-M, SAP CO, SAP BW, SAP APO, SAP MDM, SAP LE-WM, SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Supply Chain Management, SAP Rollout, Rollout, Beschaffungsmanagement, Lagerlogistik

Head Technical Design Authority
HMRC, London
1/2005 – 6/2006 (1 Jahr, 6 Monate)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

1/2005 – 6/2006


Heading a group of 15 Technical Architects to produce the architecture (solution & infrastructure), design and manage implementation for the mySAP implementation to merge the Inland Revenue with HM Customs and Excise to HMRC. The project delivers the new organizational back office that enables the merger, as well as the functions in the following areas: Finance, Controlling, Human Resources and procurement including the self service components. I signed responsible for all design, sizing, and architectural documents delivered to the HMRC.

My job included interfacing with Corporate Sponsors in the Executive Committee (mainly the CIO and the CFO) as well as with all heads of the described directorates within the Business Design Authority.

Implemented mySAP 2004s with FI, CO, CRM, SRM, MDM, HR (HCM), MM and SD with integration on Websphere message broker and MQ series and non SAP landscape

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

SAP CRM, SAP IS-A, SAP HR / SAP HCM, SAP CO, SAP FI, SAP MDM, Sap Srm, SAP Beratung (allg.), SAP Berechtigung / User Verwaltung, SAP Sales und Distribution, Sap Mm, WebSphere, Design (allg.), Indesign, Beschaffungsmanagement


Lette Verein

Weitere Kenntnisse

[...] [...] is an experienced architect who has an exceptional track record in delivering cost savings and improving quality at the same time. He demonstrated this on numerous occasions and is happy to supply this.
He is also know for his track record on upward and downward communication, management, leadership and his ability to effectively communicate complex technical subjects in an easy and convincing manner and as such also direct the investment into the most business critical areas and reduce the overall IT spend.
He is a trusted adviser on all levels and has an exceptional talent for transferring his knowledge and techniques.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Dänisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
37 Jahre (seit 02/1988)
27 Jahre


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