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Telekom und Energie Projekt Vertrag management,Projektmanagement und Finanzierungsberatung Weltweit

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  • 29.10.2018


My special expertise is telecom and energy project sales and project management consulting, and project financing wordwide with special expertise in African markets. .

Auszug Referenzen (2)

Chief Executive Officer
Kundenname anonymisiert

11/2012 – 9/2013


Job Title:
Adelia Group Finland and Adelia sprl, Kinshasa DR Congo

Planning and implementing Adelia Group development programs in Equateur
province including Mbandaka electrification project, REDD+ pilot project for 1 million hectars in Equator province, Rural Mobile telephone project, Educational project using mobile phone network as platform.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Organisationsentwicklung, Stakeholder-Analyse, Projektmanagement - Umfeldanalyse, Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement, Entwicklungshilfe

Manager, Sales and Business Development, Africa and Western Europe
Kundenname anonymisiert

4/2002 – 9/2012



Sales and Marketing of Anite offering in Western Europe and Africa

Building up and managing the sales and marketing network for Elektrobit Group and later for Anite Group ltd in all African countries and France and Western European countries. I developed the Quality of Service measurement product market in Africa for Anite Finland Ltd since year 2000 and currently the Anite Test tools portfolio is one of the highly esteemed market leader. Main customers are Orange Group with all its affiliates in Africa. Vodacom South Africa, Orascom Group Egypt, Maroc Telecom, Etisalat Group, MTN Group with its affiliates SFR France, Aircom International, Nokia Siemens and many other African companies.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Development, Kundendienst, Vertragsmanagement, Marketing-Organisationsanalyse, Kundenanalyse


  • Business Analysis3 J.
  • Projektmanagement5 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Luxemburgischerer Firma, Oulu
6/2016 – 10/2018 (2 Jahre, 5 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2016 – 10/2018


Beratung um ein Data Center in Finnland zu bauen

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement - Risikomanagement

Chief Financial Officer
Sodefo Sarl, Kinshasa DR Congo, Kinshasa
9/2014 – 6/2016 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

9/2014 – 6/2016


Sodefo Sarl ist ein kongolesischeres Unternehmen mit einer Mission, um ein Stromnetz in der Provinzhauptstadt Mbandaka, Äquator wiederherzustellen. Diese früher wohlhabende Stadt litt unter den Kriegen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und seit 40 Jahren, keinen Strom hat.

Ich war verantwortlich für die Planung der Organisation und der Finanz- und Technologieplattform von dem Projekt.

Das Projekt ist nun auf seine konkrete Startphase, wie die anfängliche Finanzierung nun gesichert ist.

Themen und Aufgaben:

- Vorbereitende Gespräche mit provinzieller Regierung von Äquator und mit Gouverneur,
- Gespräche mit der Regierung National der Kongo Demokratische Republik und Ministerien für Energie, Finanzen und Haushalt.
- Teilnahme an eine Konferenz für die Elektrifizierung der RDC (Kinshasa) im Oktober 2015
- Diskussion mit der Weltbank, Kinshasa zur Finanzierung des Projekts von der Seite der National Regierung.
- Feldstudie besuchen in Mbadaka, Schaffung von Konzeption und Layout des neuen Netzes. Schaffung der 10 Megawatt Microgrid Lösung gemeinsam mit den Ingenieuren von SMA Solartechnik GmbH und Powerline Afrika International ltd. (November 2015)
- Organisation, Planung, und Vorsitzung von einer zweitägigen Konferenz in Mannheim bei Asea Brown Boveri Hauptsitz mit Technologiepartnern und Finanzpartnern (Februar 2016)
- Anordnung der Vereinbarung mit allen Teilnehmern für das Bid-Prozess um das Projekt zu konkretisieren.
- Vorbereitung der RFQ Dokumente, läuft das Bid- Prozess für alle Teilnehmer. (März-April 2016)
- Vorbereitung der Finanzprozess und Schaffung des PIM (Projekt Information Memorandum mit kompletten Finanziellen Analyse über 25 Jahre.) (Mai 2016)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Risikomanagement, Organisationsentwicklung, Projektfinanzierung, Business Analysis, Business Plan, Vertragsmanagement

Financing Consultant
Kundenname anonymisiert, Kinshasa
9/2013 – 9/2014 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)

9/2013 – 9/2014


Preparing a project and financing plan and seeking for financing for nation wide rural Mobile telecommunication network. Preparing the financing plan and negotiating with financing partners on behalf of end customer.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Stakeholder-Analyse, Projektfinanzierung, Enterprise project management (EPM), Unternehmensberatung

Chief Executive Officer
Adelia Group Ltd, Kinshasa
11/2012 – 9/2013 (11 Monate)

11/2012 – 9/2013


Job Title:
Adelia Group Finland and Adelia sprl, Kinshasa DR Congo

Planning and implementing Adelia Group development programs in Equateur
province including Mbandaka electrification project, REDD+ pilot project for 1 million hectars in Equator province, Rural Mobile telephone project, Educational project using mobile phone network as platform.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Organisationsentwicklung, Stakeholder-Analyse, Projektmanagement - Umfeldanalyse, Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement, Entwicklungshilfe

Manager, Sales and Business Development, Africa and Western Europe
Anite Finland ltd, Paris
4/2002 – 9/2012 (10 Jahre, 6 Monate)

4/2002 – 9/2012



Sales and Marketing of Anite offering in Western Europe and Africa

Building up and managing the sales and marketing network for Elektrobit Group and later for Anite Group ltd in all African countries and France and Western European countries. I developed the Quality of Service measurement product market in Africa for Anite Finland Ltd since year 2000 and currently the Anite Test tools portfolio is one of the highly esteemed market leader. Main customers are Orange Group with all its affiliates in Africa. Vodacom South Africa, Orascom Group Egypt, Maroc Telecom, Etisalat Group, MTN Group with its affiliates SFR France, Aircom International, Nokia Siemens and many other African companies.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Development, Kundendienst, Vertragsmanagement, Marketing-Organisationsanalyse, Kundenanalyse

Managing Director
Nemo technologies ltd, Oulu
12/1997 – 4/2002 (4 Jahre, 5 Monate)

12/1997 – 4/2002


Managing Director Co-founder and shareholder of Nemo Technologies ltd.

Nemo Technologies was established 1996. In November 2006 Nemo Technologies was acquired by Anite Group ltd, a British Telecommunication company

Strategic and operational responsibility of the company. During that period the company grew from start up to a global player having its subsidiaries in China, Singapore and United States and a distribution network on over 50 distributors. Nemo Technologies became well recognized manufacturer of Network drive testing equipment alongside LM Ericsson’s TEMS.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Telnet (Telecommunication Network), Management (allg.), Organisation (allg.), Personalwesen (allg.), Qualitätsmanagement (allg.), Finanzen (allg.), Recht (allg.)

Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Nemo technologies ltd, Paris
10/1996 – 12/1997 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)

10/1996 – 12/1997


Responsibilities included all marketing and sales activities for Nemo Technologies Ltd in Europe and Asia Pacific countries. Nemo technologies was founded 1.10 1996 and I as a co-founder I built the global market presence from scratch.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Development

Customer Support Services Manager
Nokia Networks, Paris
1/1996 – 10/1996 (10 Monate)

1/1996 – 10/1996


Responsibilities included commercial negotiation of Bouygues Telecom turnkey GSM 1800 mobile telephone network implementation project in Northern France,
and as project manager responsible for implementation of the Bouygues Telecom GSM 1800 network in France

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Telnet (Telecommunication Network), Organisationsentwicklung, Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projektorganisation, Personalwesen (allg.), Personalführung, Vertragsmanagement, Kundenanalyse, Rechnungswesen (allg.)

Country Manager, customer services
Nokia Telecommunications, Mailand
4/1994 – 12/1995 (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)

4/1994 – 12/1995


Business responsibility and commercial negotiation, implementation and deployment of Nokia Telecommunications largest project; Omnitel GSM 900 countrywide mobile telephone network.

Responsibilities included the establishment of the customer services organisation for Nokia Telecommunications in Italy and business responsibility and management of the countrywide mobile network implementation project.
During that period I ramped up the country organisation and project organisation consisting of Finnish expatriates and Italian locals which run a deployment program of over 100 BTS sites per month and covered the whole Italian peninsula with 1200 sites within a year.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Organisation (allg.), Projektmanagement, Ablauf- / Terminmanagement, Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement, Business Analysis, Personalwesen (allg.), Vertragsmanagement, Kundenanalyse, Budgetierung, Recht (allg.)

Project Manager
Nokia Telecommunications, Leiden/Haag
12/1992 – 4/1994 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

12/1992 – 4/1994


As Project Manager responsible for Dutch PTT GSM 900 mobile telephone network construction project in Holland,
Responsible of building up the customer services organisation for Nokia Networks in Holland.
During this project we ramped up a country organisation which deployed 320 BTS sites for KPN PTT.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Organisationsentwicklung, Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement - Vertragsmanagement, Motivation Projektteams, Projektmanagement - Angebotsmanagement, Projektorganisation, Verkaufsförderungskonzept, Kundenanalyse

Base Station Subsystem Project Manager
Nokia Telecommunications, Copenhague
1/1992 – 12/1992 (1 Jahr)

1/1992 – 12/1992


Responsible of BSS system planning and roll-out for the first Nokia delivered GSM 900 mobile telephone network for Sonofon, the second operator in Denmark.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektleitung / Teamleitung (IT), Netzwerktechnik, Projektmanagement, Projekt-Arbeitsvorbereitung, Projektmanagement - Umfeldanalyse

Global Manager for Base Station Subsystem projects
Nokia telecommunications, Helsinki
7/1991 – 12/1991 (6 Monate)

7/1991 – 12/1991


Responsibilities included developing methods and processes to plan and implement GSM mobile telephone network projects with Nokia BSS systems.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Technisches Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement, Projektstrukturierung, Projektteambildung / -entwicklung, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung

Radio Network Planning Manager
Nokia Cellular Systems ltd, Bangkok
8/1990 – 6/1991 (11 Monate)

8/1990 – 6/1991


Responsible for radio network planning of Nokia Cellular Systems delivered NMT network in Thailand. A radio network of 160 sites was implemented in 3 months

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Telnet (Telecommunication Network), Mobilfunknetze, Netzwerktechnik, Antennenanlage / Antennentechnik, Funknetzplanung

Radio Network Planning Manager
Nokia cellular Systems, Alger
8/1989 – 7/1990 (1 Jahr)

8/1989 – 7/1990


Responsible for radio network planning of Nokia Cellular Systems delivered NMT network in Algeria.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mobilfunknetze, Netzwerktechnik, Festnetz / Telefonanlagen / Fax, Funknetzplanung

Radion Network Planing Engineer
Nokia Cellular Systems, Paris
6/1988 – 7/1989 (1 Jahr, 2 Monate)

6/1988 – 7/1989


Responsible for quality issues of Nokia Cellular Systems delivered NMT network to SFR in Paris, France

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

QoS (Quality of Service), Netzwerktechnik, Funknetzplanung

Radio Network Commissioning Engineer
Nokia Cellular Systems, Ankara/Istanbul
4/1987 – 6/1988 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)

4/1987 – 6/1988


Commissioning of Nokia delivered NMT 450 Mobile telephone system base stations in Turkey

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mobilfunknetze, Netzwerktechnik

Research Engineer
Nokia-Mobira, Salo
4/1985 – 5/1987 (2 Jahre, 2 Monate)

4/1985 – 5/1987


Researching of the implementation of speech recognition I/O systems for mobile telephones

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Daimler Benz AG. Stuttgart, Stuttgart
7/1984 – 3/1985 (9 Monate)

7/1984 – 3/1985


Aufbau eines Spracheigabebausteins für Kfraftfahrzeugbedienung.


Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Software Design, Forschung & Entwicklung


Master of Business Administration


Business Strategies and Management
Master of Business Administration
Paris, Ecole des Ponts
Master of Sceince Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology
Dipl Ing
Tampere University of Technology

Über mich

Business Developer and Consultant for Africa and world wide

Since 2001 I have been travelling and lived in African countries first on Finnish company payrolls ( company I was co-founder in 1996) and developing business mainly in the domain of mobile telecom measurement and optimization. Already in the beginning, against all the odds, I was sure that Africa will be economically raising and thought that the future growth is there. Therefore I used my time in studying the African financing structures and mechanisms as well as developing wide contact networks in both public and private side.
Everybody knows that long term affinities of relationships and understanding the nature of African thinking is of primary importance when assessing the opportunities and risks of any business case in Africa.

Developing Africa is my ambition since 2001. I love the atmosphere of dynamism and hope the improved economic outlook creates in people, even if they start at low levels.

For those interested in my professional and educational background I am MBA Ecole des Ponts, Paris, Dipl Engineer, entrepreneur and project man experienced in marketing and sales. Fluent in 5 langauges.
I am a veteran in Telecom business particularly in big network projects with major telecommunication vendors and then specialized Network Optimization and measurement Field co-founding a company which then became leading player in the market

Freelancer since 2012 I have founded my own company and can make my experience available to any company interested in or having current ongoing project in anywhere in the world

Currently I am working on 3 projects, one of them being an sustainable energy infrastructure project in DR Congo and smaller projects in telecom measurement and optimization in some other countries.

I am available any time for further projects world wide

Feel free to contact me if you want to develop your business or run projects with me

Weitere Kenntnisse

Project management, Financing, Mobile telecommunication infrastructure, mobile phones, Sustainable energy systems Micro Grid solutions etc.

Persönliche Daten

  • Finnisch (Muttersprache)
  • Französisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Fließend)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Schwedisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
39 Jahre und 9 Monate (seit 04/1985)
11 Jahre


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