freiberufler FPGA Developer / Embedded Systems (English only) auf

FPGA Developer / Embedded Systems (English only)

  • auf Anfrage
  • 2745-382 Queluz
  • Europa
  • pt  |  en  |  es
  • 20.03.2017


I have many years experience in FPGA, electronics and C/C++ design. I am mainly looking for FPGA and C/C++ freelance work. I work from Portugal


  • Embedded Systems3 J.
  • FPGA13 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Embedded Systems Engineer
Altran Portugal, Lisbon
8/2016 – 12/2016 (5 Monate)
Software Consultancy

8/2016 – 12/2016


Responsible for new feature development for Firmware in Indesit/Ariston/Whirlpool Home Appliances. Firmware written in Embedded C and C++.
1. Lead team of 6 developers and testers
2. Guide junior developers with new features
3. Implement SCRUM Agile process with team
4. Embedded C/C++ development for RENESAS microcontrollers

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Scrum, C++, Embedded Software

Hardware and Software Developer
Meta Innovation and Consulting, Lisbon
12/2015 – 7/2016 (8 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

12/2015 – 7/2016


Worked in retail analytics project. Responsible for setting up electronics laboratory, HW development, Firmware development and C++ development. All source code managed under Github.
Used Agile Development Process
1. Setting up electronics laboratory from scratch
2. Started design of 3D Stereo Camera Unit for depth sensing. This involved Xilinx FPGA design in VHDL, SPICE simulation, schematic entry and PCB layout. Schematic and PCB layout done in Altium Designer.
3. Evaluate different beacon sensor technology. Change beacon Firmware to adapt to our needs.
4. Write Software in node.js for Raspberry Pi to be a beacon base station
5. Firmware development in C for OpenWRT to customiza Wi-Fi router to capture MAC addresses
6. Computer Vision C++ using openCV platform for people tracking.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardware-Design, Agile Methodologie, C, C++, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Firmware, Router / Gateways, Router

Various Freelancing projects
Various, Lisbon
3/2015 – 12/2015 (10 Monate)

3/2015 – 12/2015


1. FPGA based HDMI to DisplayPort display converter. Worked on stream processing and channel management blocks. Learned about HDMI and DisplayPort specifications. Done in VHDL for Xilinx Artix FPGA.
2. Power meter logger: Embedded C++ code for Arduino. Reading power usage from various sources to log and then send through web interface.
3. Contributed to development Android app for home automation control. App communicated with extra board using Bluetooth. Worked in Android Studio.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardwarebeschreibungssprache, Xilinx (allg.), FPGA, Hardware-Design, Embedded Systems, Android, Android Entwicklung, C, C++, Mobile Application Development, Rechnergestütztes Betriebsleitsystem (RBL), Management (allg.)

FPGA Developer
FamousOasis, Brussels
4/2014 – 5/2014 (2 Monate)

4/2014 – 5/2014


Temporary Assignment. Part of a company doing work for a Belgian Client in the satellite communications field. Develop VHDL modules for Altera Atrix II FPGA. Help debug modules.
Specific Projects:
1. Work on SPI and I2C customized modules to send info to memory for processor to read and vice versa
2. Frame processor for DVB frames (Digital Video Broadcasting)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardwarebeschreibungssprache, Altera (allg.), FPGA, Hardware-Design, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.)

FPGA Freelancer
Instiuto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisbon
12/2013 – 3/2014 (4 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

12/2013 – 3/2014


Worked on FPGA digital interfaces including an A/D, D/A and rotary encoders to aid in a power generation proof of concept. Also helped with the System Generator interface in Simulink to do co-simulation in a Xilinx development board. Used Chipscope for on chip debug. Also helped prototype some interfacing with Arduino board using C code.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardwarebeschreibungssprache, Xilinx (allg.), Lithografie, FPGA, Embedded Systems

Hardware Developer
Coriant Optical SA / Nokia Siemens Networks / Siem, Lisbon
8/2001 – 9/2013 (12 Jahre, 2 Monate)

8/2001 – 9/2013


Worked full-time in FPGA group using VHDL. I was responsible for a team which provides support for FPGAs and EPLDs in an optical telecommunications project. In this project has cards which support data rates up to 40 Gbps and are used in DWDM and OTN optical equipment. I’ve worked with Altera and Xilinx FPGAs in VHDL. Simulation done in Modelsim and Synthesis with Synplify Pro.Support for SW development also provided. Some C++ done for testing FPGA. Support for SW in embedded C++ for ARM processor.
Specific Projects:
1. I have also been involved in an FPGA project whose purpose is to adapt traffic to/from SPI4 to Ethernet GMII as well as some glue logic. In this project, I was responsible for various blocks. Digital workflow included backend, design, and verification
2. Responsible for an FPGA to provide major glue functions including Automatic Laser Shutdown, OTN overhead processing.
3. I have also worked in Electronic design, as part of a 2 person team responsible to develop a controller card which controls a DWDM equipment rack. Mentor Graphics Design Architect for schematic entry.
4. ASIC project for DSP. Worked on DPSK/QPSK modulator and demodulator. Also worked on the framer side of the project. Wrote an OTL4.10 TX and RX interfaces (100G). Also adapted that for a special split 50G interface.
5. Helped with the SERDES interface characterization of a Virtex 5 FPGA working at 10Gbps.
6. Some basic C++ software to be used to test FPGA in an embedded environment.
7. Various CPLD glue logic projects
8. Scripts in TCL for design creation automation

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardwarebeschreibungssprache, FPGA, Hardware-Design, Testen, ARM-Architektur, C, C++, Simulink, Softwareentwicklung (allg.), Tool Command Language, IT-Support (allg.), Ethernet, Workflows

Associate Hardware Engineer
Xerox Corporation, Webster, New York
6/1999 – 7/2001 (2 Jahre, 2 Monate)

6/1999 – 7/2001


I worked full time for a team designing Distributed Control Systems. I was responsible for de design and development of hardware board and programming in 8051 assembly language for the same boards. These controlled various functions in Xerox digital copiers, being their main function motion control for various types of electrical actuators (motors). The hardware is analog and digital in its function, requiring knowledge in both areas. I also programmed in C to perform hardware function tests. Tools used included 8051 assembly emulator, oscilloscopes, digital analyzers, Altium (for schematics).
Specific Projects:
1. Change existing PCB to include more functions including new servo motor interface and its control, A/D and D/A functionality. Also changed the firmware for changes in the velocity of the motor and other new functions. The Firmware was written in 8051. Flash ou OTP (One Time Programmable) is used as different types of microcontroller.
2. Learning of the servo motor control system. Documentation for the rest of the team about the theory of function
3. New PCB with a stepper motor controller and drivers and various digital and analogic sensors. Did Hardware and Firmware. Helped with text fixture design Testing code done in C.
4. Worked on different Windows tools written Visual Basic and C++ to help in the development and debug of boards and communication methods.
5. I helped design a new electronic architecture in a new line of copiers. It included specifying which boards are on the system and which communication protocol used in the card. Made a CAN investigation(Controller Area Network).

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardware-Design, Embedded Systems, Testen, C, C++, Visual Basic, Firmware, Schreiben von Dokumentation


Oracle Jave SE 7


Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Rochester, NY USA

Über mich

Experienced FPGA designer based out of Lisbon, Portugal seeking freelance work. Fluent in English.

Weitere Kenntnisse

VHDL, FPGA, ASIC, Modelsim, C, C+, Java, MS Office, electronics design

Persönliche Daten

  • Portugiesisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Spanisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
25 Jahre und 7 Monate (seit 06/1999)
2 Jahre


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