HSE Manager
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- 29.11.2024
Baustellenkoordination: Kraftwerk, Oil& Gas, Chemie, Automotive,
HSE Docu: Gefährungsbeurteilung, Method Statement, Unfallreporting
Gefahrstoffbeauftragter, Elektrofachkraft, Log out Tag out
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
9/2022 – 11/2022
- Develop a Chrome (VI) concept for Disposal on two exhaust gas ducts
- Planning of protection and precautionary measures and disposal of hazardous substances
- Organization and provision of negative pressure maintenance for the exhaust gas duct,
personnel lock with air nozzles and extended PPE for the employees
- Training of all employees of handling with Chrome (VI):
Raising employee awareness of the hazards, discussing the risk assessments and operating
instructions, Compliance with specific protection and precautionary measures
- Presentation of the Chrome (VI) concept for to the customer with the result of approval
for implementation
- Implementation of the Chrome (VI) concept for Disposal with teams of subcontractors
(EHS employees, Scaffolders and Cleaning staff)
- Organization of the delivery of Hazardous substances to the disposal company
- Prepare final report after work has been completed on two exhaust gas ducts.
Gesundheitsmanagement, Personalführung, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Technische Beratung, Technische Dokumentation, Umwelttechnik / Umweltschutztechnik
3/2022 – 7/2022
- Supervision, developed concepts and methods
-Use of HSEQ-Qentic software for processing the topics for register of hazardous substances,
operating instructions and incident & accident reporting, etc.
- Implementation of Accident Reduction strategies
- Preparation for certification according to ISO 45001 Health Safety Management System
- Quarterly Health and Safety Committee Meeting (ASA-Sitzung)
- Editing and processing of Risk assessments according to DGUV Vorschrift 1, §5 ArbSchG
- HSE Training & instruction
- Implementation of LOTO- procedure.
Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Brandmeldeanlagen, Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit (FASi), ISO 14001 (Umweltmanagement), OHSAS 18001, Technisches Qualitätsmanagement / QS / QA
4/2021 – 9/2021
Stadtwerke München, Power plant, General Electric Gas Turbine Revision
EHS Consultant in Mission of Field Core
- Project Organisation, supervision & control the project teams
- Accident and incident prevention
- HSE Trainings: Introduction, Tool box meeting
- Developing and implementation of safety protection and precautionary
Risk Assessment, Method Statement, LOTO Procedure, Hazardous substance
- Permit to work release procedure
- Injuries & Accident prevention, Mission Zero, GenSuite documentation.
Sicherheitsmanagement, Sicherheitstechnik
9/2020 – 12/2020
HSE Manager, part time in home office (Covid19)
-Beratung und Unterstützung der Geschäftsführung in EHS Topics
- Überarbeitung der HSE documentation, Gefährdungsbeurteilung und
HSE Trainingsunterlagen,
- Leitung der ASA Sitzung mit BR und Betriebsarzt, online.
Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Sicherheitsmanagement
10/2018 – 3/2019
Before the project starts, create of HSE document
- HSE Plan
- Job Safety Analysis
- Risk Assessment
- Method Statement
- Emergency Rescue Plan
- Handling of Hazardous Substances
-Incident / Accident Reporting
- HSE Training documents
Technische Beratung
5/2018 – 6/2018
- Supervision & control of employees
- Accident and incident prevention
- HSE Trainings: Introduction, Tool box meeting
- Developing and implementation of safety protection and precautionary measures:
Risk Assessment, Method Statement, HSE plan
Technische Beratung
2/2018 – 4/2018
- Risk Assessment, Site inspection on different Locations
- The HSE Topics reported to Site Management in in the Final Meeting
- Post processing of documents
In Mission of DuPont Sustainable Solution, Schwitzerland
Technische Beratung
12/2017 – 12/2017
- Safety Culture Assessment
- Site inspection
In Mission of DuPont Sustainable Solution, Schwitzerland
Technische Beratung
10/2017 – 10/2017
Safety Culture Evaluation
- Process enhancement
- Established an Process description Lockout & Tagout
Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, Technische Beratung
5/2017 – 5/2017
- Supervision & control of employees
- Accident and incident prevention
- HSE Trainings: Introduction, Tool box meeting
- Developing and implementation of safety protection and precautionary
Risk Assessment, Method Statement, HSE plan
Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
1/2017 – 1/2017
- Supervision & control of employees
- Accident and incident prevention
- HSE Trainings: Introduction, Tool box meeting
- Developing and implementation of safety protection and precautionary measures:
Risk Assessment, Method Statement, HSE Plan
Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
5/2016 – 8/2016
SiGeKo, holiday replacement
Audi AG Neckarsulm, Germany
New construction & plant engineering - on site
Health Safety Manager, SiGeKo according to BaustellV
- Supervision & control of employees of subsection
- Accident and incident prevention
- HSE Trainings: Introduction, Tool box meeting
- Developing and implementation of protection and precautionary measures
In Mission of ThyssenKrupp –engineering Ltd.
2/2016 – 3/2016
- Supervision & control of employees
- Accident and incident prevention
- HSE Trainings: Introduction, Tool box meeting
- Developing and implementation of safety protection and precautionary
- Risk Assessment, Method Statement, HSE Plan
Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
1/2016 – 4/2016
Project Abu Dhabi V.A.E. Al Gharbia
HSE Manager, Dangerous goods safety advisor
Developed a Method process manual:
- Description of Laboratory process
- Operation instructions of hazardous substances on the workplaces
- Risk Assessments.
10/2015 – 12/2015
ESCOM, Esfahan steel company, Iran
Steel plant, Rolling Mill, Sinter plant, Coke plant, Power plant
Health Safety Manager, Lead Auditor
- HSE Site inspections, Assessment, Supervision, Best practice sharing,
- Final meeting with board of management
- supervision, developed concepts and methods
- Method risk assessment, Permit to work
- Training in planning.
Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement
12/2014 – 6/2015
Train the Trainer SITRUST Mumbai, India
Siemens - TÜV Rheinland Global Skills Center for Occupational Safety
Health Safety Manager, Train the Trainer
- Established a theoretical and practical SITRUST Training
- HIRAC: developed the Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment for the Trainings Center
- Storyboard: modify Task, Tools, Exercise, Presentation and Evaluation & Feedback.
In Mission of the TÜV Rheinland India Ltd.
Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement, Kraftwerkstechnik, Schulung / Coaching (allg.)
7/2014 – 7/2014
HSE Inspection & Assessment
Standard Profile Ltd. with 4 Locations in Manisa and Düzce, Turkey
Health Safety Manager, Lead Auditor
- Site inspections, Supervision, Best practice sharing,
- Final meeting with board of management
In Mission of the TÜV Rheinland Turkey Ltd.
Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement
2/2014 – 2/2014
HSE Inspection & Assessment
Hyundai E&C: Shin-Hanul 1&2 Nuclear Power plant, Uljin, South Korea
Health Safety Manager, Lead Auditor
- EHS Assessment, Supervision Best practice sharing,
- Final meeting with board of management.
In Mission of the TÜV Rheinland Korea Ltd.
Kraftwerksbau, Arbeitsschutzmanagement / Arbeitssicherheitsmanagement
Knight Learning London, UK
Bad Münster Eifel
Hamm Uentrop
Über mich
- Developed concepts, Trainings and skills to improve the HSE awareness from Top & Down
- Bring the HSE processes stubbornly ahead in a win to win situation
- Promote Health & Safety in a positive and constructive manner
- Co-ordinate the safety activities of all contractors and employees and to drive to continuous improvement.
- With inspections and internal Audits identify and mitigate potential risks on site
- Accident prevention: avoids and reduced accidents with earlier proactive actions.
- Best practice sharing.
Weitere Kenntnisse
• Senior Engineer /Entrepreneur
• Health & Safety Officer
• Lead HSE Auditor OSHAS 1801, DIN ISO EN 14001
• SiGeKo BaustellV
• HSE Trainer
• Shift Officer Nuclear Power plant & Radiation Protection
• Risk management & Hazardous substances
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Gut)
- Niederländisch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Europäische Union
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