Senior Software Developer
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- 80798 München
- Europa
- en | de
- 31.10.2018
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
6/2016 – 9/2018
GoStudent is an education platform that lets grade-school students ask questions and receive tutor sessions on their studies.
I am the lead developer for their mobile app, writing the original code and bringing it through 7 major versions. I'm also a primary architect on their backend, focusing on performance and scaling it to now handle thousands of concurrent users. I helped grow the development team from 3 to 12 developers. I set guidance for development, ran developer consortiums, and interviewed and onboarded new members. I introduced Scrum to team and provided training to managers and developers.
GoStudent now has over 100,000 users and a database of nearly 500,000 asked questions.
Android, iOS, Agile Methodologie, Scrum, Software Design, Backend, Front End, Node.Js, React (JavaScript library), React Native, Führungstraining
1/2014 – offen
TätigkeitsbeschreibungTurnOn Tracker is a social CRM written in Ruby on Rails. It's the first public facing software product that's built by the principles of the Industry of Orgasm. It helps small companies track their events and leads by making connection as important of a bottom line as income. I produced the entire project from inception to design to development to public release. I led a team of two developers, two designers/UX, and one tester, procured investment, and managed financing.
Eingesetzte QualifikationenRuby on Rails, JavaScript
Rochester, NY, USA
Über mich
I'm looking for a full-time or freelance project where I can work with other brilliant engineers and designers who value collaboration, passion, and trust. I moved to Munich in 2015 and prefer to be based here. I’m willing to travel in Europe or work remote.
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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