Developer, Tester, and Technical Writer
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- 86167 Augsburg
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- 02.11.2018
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
9/2014 – 9/2015
• Designed embedded software and hardware.
• Developed applications libraries for PIC microcontrollers using C.
• Defined the validation plans and unit level test cases.
• Developed re-usable firmware for post-silicon validation, reducing time-to-market and ensuring quality.
• Designed a PCB and Involved in the development of common “AutoVal” software platform for validation.
• Upheld established coding standards in all developed software designs and code.
• Edited & published multiple technical documents such as Datasheets, FRMs, Migration Guide, and programming specification for 8, 16, and 32-bit PIC microcontrollers.
Hardware-Design, Firmware, C, C++, Systemmigration, Picmicro, Filtertechnik, Embedded Software, Design (allg.)
9/2014 – 9/2015
• Developed an android app to parse superframe for depth & RGB images and publish live images into ROS network over (Wi-Fi).
• Developed a software node (C++) on ROS platform in Linux-PC to subscribe & process images.
• Realized 2D to 3D transformation algorithm.
• Developed software APIs in Java on sunrise.workbench to teach LBR iiwa robot for pick-and-place.
• Implemented algorithms - Hough Circle and Cylinder Model Segmentation using OpenCV and PCL APIs.
• Developed an android app to publish the on touch 2D pixel coordinate.
• Developed algorithms and implemented in C++ on ROS platform to locate objects and box.
• Implemented ROS nodes for estimating the pose of the fixed marker.
• Designed & developed software API in Java on sunrise.workbench to subscribe commands, define motions, control Robotiq gripper parameters, teach LBR iiwa robot for the desired task.
Hardware-Design, Linux (Kernel), Android, Mobile Application Development, C, C++, Android Entwicklung, Java (allg.), Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.), Design (allg.)
Darmstadt, Germany
Über mich
Weitere Kenntnisse
Microcontrollers & Processors: PIC18, dsPIC, PIC24, PIC32, 8051, AT89S52, STM32F103RET7, ARM Cortex-M3, MIPS, and 8085.
Microcontroller fundamentals: ADC, DAC, Timers, PWM, DMA, WDT, RTCC, IC, OC, and PTG.
Communication Buses: SPI, I2C, RS-232, and CAN.
Industrial Robots : KUKA LBR iiwa 7 R800, Adept Cobra s600 Scara Robot.
Operating Systems: Linux (Ubuntu), Windows, Android, and freeRTOS.
IDEs: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Android Studio, MPLAB 8, and MPLAB X.
Software tools: LabVIEW, Matlab, Simulink (computer vision toolbox, Raspberry Pi hardware), Borland
Together, Latex, Microsoft Office, CadSoft EAGLE, Unity 3D, Blender.
Software development models: Waterfall model, V-model and Agile model.
Open-source software libraries: ROS, OpenCV, PCL, Boost, ARToolKit, and OpenGL ES.
Sensors: Kinect, IMU, Temperature, Gas, Fire, and Ultrasonic sensor.
Embedded Development Boards: Explorer 16, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black, and STM32 Nucleo.
Wireless communication modules : Zigbee ( Maxstream XBee RF Module), and Bluetooth (RN-42 module).
Lab Equipments : Agilent &Tektronix Oscilloscope, Function generator, Digital multi-meters, DC Power supply, Thermonics , Soldering, and CAN BUS Analyzer (Microchip).
Build Automation Tools: make, gradle, and cmake.
Languages: English & Hindi(native proficiency), German (limited proficiency), and Kannada (mother tongue).
Other Skills: Project Management, Presentation, State of the art, IoT, HIL testing, Test Automation, XML, FPGA, Xilinx, Compilers - GCC, MPLAB C, HI-TECH, MPLAB XC, software test coverage (CTC++), Debugging (gdb) tools, version control system (Tortoise svn), GIT, Bug-Tracking-Tools(Jira), PCB Design, Development life cycle, Requirement analysis.
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Deutsch (Gut)
- Hindi (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
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