freiberufler Software Developer | DevOps | Backend | Web | Python | Databases | Microservices | Linux auf

Software Developer | DevOps | Backend | Web | Python | Databases | Microservices | Linux

zuletzt online vor 8 Tagen
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  • München
  • Weltweit
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  • 07.03.2025


I am a Software Developer/Ops professional passionate about innovation,
problem-solving, and continuous learning. My expertise spans Backend,
Microservices, Full Stack Development, Web, IoT, Big Data, Databases, and
Cloud-Native technologies.


  • Datenbankentwicklung
  • Fastapi
  • Groovy
  • Linux Entwicklung3 J.
  • Mysql
  • Nginx
  • Postgresql3 J.
  • Pyramid
  • pySpark
  • Python5 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Setup of an Online Selling Platform with Custom Integrations, Product Catalog Sharing and Image Processing, München
12/2024 – 3/2025 (4 Monate)

12/2024 – 3/2025


Integrating an e-commerce platform based on Shopify using Liquid templates. Developed and inte‐
grated product management software with real-time synchronization for the Shopify platform, en‐
abling seamless product and photo updates. Implemented customer support management fea‐
Tech Stack:
APIs, REST API, GraphQL, Python, Pandas, Google Analytics, PyArrow, SQL, Excel, csv, Linux,
Docker, Kafka, Celery, Printing

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Consultant, Python-Programmierer

SAP Automated Audit Framework
SAP SE, Walldorf
6/2024 – 12/2025 (1 Jahr, 7 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2024 – 12/2025


Feature development for compliance and auditing software, focusing
on improvements and code quality. Responsibilities included imple‐
menting new features, refactoring the Python codebase, and upgrading to newer Python and li‐
brary versions. Note: Follow-up on the project in collaboration with SAP, see job_2022__sap`
Tech stack:
FastAPI, REST API, Linux, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP),
Kubernetes, Python, Pyramid, pytest, OAuth implementation, Single Sign-On (SSO)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Datenbankentwicklung, Softwaretester, Softwareentwickler, Software Design, Python

Software Developer Automotive (Festanstellung)
Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart
1/2023 – 5/2024 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

1/2023 – 5/2024


Optimized microservices-based applications for battery test data analy‐
sis and executed cloud migration.
Tech stack:
Python, FastAPI, Multiprocessing, Pandas, Arrow, Windows, Linux,
Docker, Azure (Databrics, Blobs, VM’s, SQL, Spark, etc.), Svelte, MongoDB.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Development Consulting Engineer
SAP SE, Walldorf, München
5/2019 – 12/2022 (3 Jahre, 8 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

5/2019 – 12/2022


Design and develop a Micro-services based Software for automation of controlling (audit) process. Collection and Reporting system. Tec Stack: Python3, TCP, HTTP, PostgreSQL, RESTful API, OpenAPI, SQLITE, Pyramid, FastApi, asyncio, minio, multiprocessing, aiohttp, pytest, Docker, minio, AWS, Kubernetes

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Postgresql, Testdesign (IT)

Backend developer
Skoobe GmbH, Munchen
5/2018 – 12/2021 (3 Jahre, 8 Monate)

5/2018 – 12/2021


Migration of microservices from python2.7 to python3, and from Java to python3,development of microservices in python (async) and in java, development of API's, support by migration of monolithic applications to microservices, support by operations, documentation
Tec stack: Python2/3, FastAPI, asyncio, RESTful API, RPC API's Java, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, mysql, Docker, hashicorp stack, Nomad, Torndo, nginx, python, LXML, SQLAlchemy, Hazelcast, Hibernate (Java ORM), Ubuntu, Alpine, Consul, Service Discovery, OpenAPI, Pydantic, Microservices, LXC, Packer

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

DevOps, Linux Entwicklung, Python

Big Data Engineer Automotive
MAN Truck & Bus AG, Munchen
1/2018 – 12/2020 (3 Jahre)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2018 – 12/2020


Processing Data from Emergency Brake Assist: create a software for processing the CAN-BUS files blf, dbc and MDF 4.x for future graphical analysis.
Serialize and classify tarabytes of raw data, create alerts and triggers based data, migrate software from hardware intern servers to AWS cloud.
Tech Stack: apache spark (pyspark), Hadoop (hdfs), aws, gluejobs,spark inside glue-jobs, aws Athena, Impala Hive, Linux, Docker, pytests etc.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Apache Spark, Big Data, CAN-Bus (controller area network), Python

IoT Developer and DevOps Engineer
Mozaiq Operations GmbH, Munchen
1/2017 – 12/2018 (2 Jahre)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2017 – 12/2018


Developing asynchronous micro services oriented architecture with Vert.x as core micro-services, Grails 3.x for gui in a Scrum Team. Using languages Groovy(JVM), Java for and Python(Platform and Tests). Creating test cases and implement integration tests in Groovy (SpockTests) or Python(integration, functional). Develop connectors for different manufacturer like Bosh/Siemens (BSH), Osram, Philips, Netatmo, Regardia etc. Developing automatic tests for device clouds above. Develop platform based on Docker compose. Tracing by OpenCensus.
Tasks: Asynchronous micro-services oriented architecture, Interplay of devices independent of the manufacturer over MOZAIQ cloud, Bringing together clouds from different manufacturers (also direct gateways), Very high demands on data security, Horizontally scalable and highly available platform based micro-service Cluster (Kubernetes) for production and docker-compose for develop and testing , Market place for measures and Use Cases, Scrum team, Infrastructure as code, RESTful API
Tech Stack: jwn, Vert.X – Develop event-driven application framework that runs on the Java Virtual Machine is a core of the microservice, Grails, Docker, MongoDB Cluster (Replicas + Sharding), Hazelcast, Groovy, Java, Gradle, GORM (Java/Groovy ORM), Python, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, Nginx, Node.js, Concourse-CI, Jenkins.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Internet of Things (IoT), Java (allg.), Python, Scrum



Über mich

I live in Munich and available for new projects

Weitere Kenntnisse

IT skills

Operation systems
* Miscellaneous Linux based distribution like Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine (for docker) ...
* Windows, iOS
Programming, markup languages and tools
Favorite programming languages
* :ref:`python` (including common of libs and frameworks), Groovy/JVM
* I am also familiar with Java, JavaScript, PHP and C
* (X)HTML, CSS, Chameleon, Zope Page Templates, GSP, JSP, Jinja2, DTML, RestrucuredText(REST) / Sphinx ...
* and data exchange standards like JSON, XML, JWT, ...
Frameworks / libraries
* Pyramid, FastAPI, aiohttp, asyncio, Vert.x, Grails, Zope2, zope, Scrapy, pySpark, Bootstrap, pytest, unittests...
* also experience with Django, Plone, Flask, Tornado, AngularJS
Concepts, architectural styles and patterns
* RESTful, API, RPC, oauth
* client-server, event-driven, microservices
* monolithic application, peer-to-peer, service-oriented etc...
Ops, admin, build, CI/CD etc.
* Docker, Compose, Jenkins, Concourse-ci
* Experience Hashicorp (Terraform, Nomad, Packer, Consul), kubernetes (learning in progress).
* GIT, Mercurial (hg), SVN, Gradle, pip, setuptools
* Bitbucket, GitHub, CI /CD, redmine, Atlassian stack
Relational databases (RDBMS)
* Knowledge of SQL and many successful projects based on: PostgreSQL, MySQL
* ORM-Mappers like SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, GORM, Hibernate, HQL
NoSQL / In Mem Grids / Queues
* Knowledge of: MongoDB, Cassandra, ZODB, etc...
* RabbitMQ, Hazelcast, Kafka, Redis, Memcached
High Available, Web, Cache, Proxys and Load-balancer, Clustering, Cloud
* Successful projects with components like: Nginx, Apache, Memcached, Varnish, Pound, HAProxy, Heartbeat/Linux-HA, Squid
* Docker, Linux Containers (LXC), KVM, QEMU, virtlib, cgroups, Hashicorp Stack (Nomad, Consul, Vault), K8s(in progress)
* Experience with Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Hetzner and Container Repository
Network software, protocols, monitoring, emailing
* Network and software monitoring with: Nagios, Munin, Zabbix etc.
* Tracers/Metrics like Zipkin, Prometheus; Mailing with Exim, Spamassassin, Dovecot, Courier
* Understanding of protocols like DNS, LDAP, TCP, IP, TCP/IP, RPC, HTTP, SSL, REST, FTP, POP, SMTP, IMAP, web-sockets, SockJs, TCP Load Balancing, Routing, Samba
* Experience by using Network aggregation (Cisco/Dell + bonding on linux), BGP
* Certificate and key management with OpenSSL, GnuPG,, JWT, oauth
* Net Filters like iptables/nftables; Diverse Sniffer-tools like wireshark, netcat, tcpdump
* LDAP Authentication (against Microsoft Domain Controller or OpenLDAP)
* Experience with protocols as SSL, :ref:`ssh`, IPSec, VPN
Enterprise / E-Commerce / Ads / SEO
* Dev/Integration of ERP system in company over 250 employers
* Understanding of E-Commerce processes; Integration ERP/CRM systems. Binding E-Pay-Systems like PayPal, Credit Card providers, SEO; Experience with API's of Facebook, Twitter, Google, VK, LinkedIn, Telegram Yandex, Paypal etc; Using * API's; Microdata (; Understanding of Targeting, remarketing and programmatic concepts (adServer, SSP, DSP etc.)
* Knowledge of major software testing methods and concepts like unit, integration, functional, acceptance tests etc.
* Most experience with pytest, mocks, junit...
* Successful integration of diverse open source like Redmine, Jira, Bitbucket, Karl, Wikimedia etc
* Using of PEP8, black and other language specific recommendations and IDE’s like Kdevelop, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, VSCode
* Understanding concepts like/of UML, test automation, domain driven design, event bus, message queue etc
* software tracing with OpenCensus, Zipkin, OpenJager etc...
* Web crawlers for large Data collection with with python-scrapy, Beautiful Soup;

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
22 Jahre und 6 Monate (seit 09/2002)
10 Jahre


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